Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki

登場作品:Hamlet iconHamlet

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Warbucks talking

A resplendent specimen.

I say! This is quite fascinating!


このページはプレイヤーがアイテムや物を調べた時(Altキーを押しながらクリック)にWarbucks が発する言葉(Quotes)をまとめたものです。

Warbucks PortraitWarbucks[]

Icon Tools Tools[]

Base Game[]

  • AxeAxe- "A tool favoured by many ancient societies."
  • Luxury AxeLuxury Axe- "A rather elegant tool for chopping."
  • ShovelShovel- "An instrument well suited for digging."
  • Regal ShovelRegal Shovel- "A rather elegant tool for digging things."
  • PickaxePickaxe- "An instrument to hunt for fossils."
  • Opulent PickaxeOpulent Pickaxe- "A rather elegant tool for fracturing rocks."
  • RazorRazor- "One must keep oneself presentable."
  • HammerHammer- "Rather blunt."
  • PitchforkPitchfork- "A tool for ground work."
  • Feather PencilFeather Pencil- "A fine writing implement."
  • BrushBrush- "I do wish I had one of these for my mustache."
  • SaddleSaddle- "A fine saddle for a beast of burden."
  • War SaddleWar Saddle- "This will take a beating."
  • Glossamer SaddleGlossamer Saddle- "Rather more aerodynamic than the others."
  • SaddlehornSaddlehorn- "For those stubborn saddles."
  • Salt LickSalt Lick- "Keeps the livestock docile."


  • MacheteMachete- "An instrument for slashing one's way through the brush."
  • Luxury MacheteLuxury Machete- "A rather elegant tool for slashing."


  • ShearsShears- "Some sort instrument for shearing."

Icon Light Lights[]

Base Game[]

  • CampfireCampfire (upon being built)- "Quite cozy."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (upon being built)- "A cozy convenience."
  • CampfireCampfire (high)- "A roaring fire!"
  • Fire PitFire Pit (high)- "A rather roaring fire!"
  • CampfireCampfire (normal)- "Keeps the beasts at bay."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (normal)- "A fine cozy fire to gather 'round."
  • CampfireFire PitCampfire & Fire Pit (low)- "It could do with another log."
  • CampfireCampfire (embers)- "Rather low."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (embers)- "Quite in need of fuel."
  • CampfireFire PitCampfire & Fire Pit (out)- "Dash it all! It's gone out."
  • TorchTorch- "Now I can stalk my prey in the dark."
  • Miner HatMiner Hat- "Quite useful in the dark."
  • Pumpkin LanternPumpkin Lantern- "Quite cheery."
  • LanternLantern- "Finally, a civilized way to carry light."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire- "A rather remarkable fire."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit- "Fascinating bit of science."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (high)- "That's a roaring fire."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (high)- "It's rather exuberant."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (normal)- "Rather pleasant cool fire."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (normal)- "Ah...A nice brisk, breezy fire."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (low)- "It would behoove me to add some fuel."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (low)- "It could do with some stoking."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (embers)- "I say, it needs some stoking."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (embers)- "I really should attend to that."
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire (out)- "Blast! It's gone out."
  • Endothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire Pit (out)- "Aha! A place for a cold fire."
  • MogglesMoggles- "Huzzah! Rather makes it easier to explore ruins in the dark!"


  • ChimineaChiminea (all stages)- "Fire is rather more protected in there."
  • Bottle LanternBottle Lantern- "Bioluminating!"
  • Boat TorchBoat Torch- "I say! I can see at sea."
  • Boat LanternBoat Lantern- "Haw! A portable lighthouse."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit- "It's quite sturdy."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (high)- "Quite a roaring fire."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (normal)- "Rather resilient!"
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (low)- "It could do with some more fuel."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (embers)- "Rather pathetic at the moment."
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (out)- "I could do with a fire."
  • Tar LampTar Lamp- "Ah! Now one can see in the darkness."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea- "I say! A seaside hearth."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (high)- "Quite a roaring fire!"
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (normal)- "Rather cozy."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (low)- "It could do with a log or two."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (embers)- "I'm afraid its only embers at the moment."
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (out)- "Not burning at the moment, I'm afraid."


  • Cork Candle HatCork Candle Hat- "I say! This will come in handy exploring ruins."
  • CowlCowl- "I say! That's rather clever!"

Icon Survival Survival[]

Base Game[]

  • BackpackBackpack- "A satchel to put one's treasures in."
  • PiggybackPiggyback- "A satchel for keeping ones treasures."
  • Bird TrapBird Trap- "Rather efficient."
  • Bug NetBug Net- "Advantageous. But only if I don't want to hurt the bugs."
  • Fishing RodFishing Rod- "Ah fishing. The cornerstone to many societies."
  • Straw RollStraw Roll- "A far cry from my usual sleeping arrangements."
  • Fur RollFur Roll- "Huzzah! The means to a good night's sleep!"
  • TentTent- "Rather crude, but it'll have to do."
  • TrapTrap- "Handy for acquiring meat!"
  • Honey PoulticeHoney Poultice- "For dressing ones wounds."
  • Healing SalveHealing Salve- "Ahhh. Quite soothing."
  • UmbrellaUmbrella- "A fragile parasol, but it shall have to do."
  • CompassCompass-
    • N- "North."
    • S- "South."
    • E- "East."
    • W- "West."
    • NE- "Northeast."
    • SE- "Southeast."
    • NW- "Northwest."
    • SW- "Southwest."
  • CompassCompass (generic)- "I cannot read it just yet."
  • CompassCompass (broken)- "A bit of shoddy workmanship there."
  • Bundling WrapBundling Wrap- "Rather clever wrap for my supplies."
  • Bundled Supplies 1 SlotBundled Supplies 2-3 SlotBundled Supplies 4 SlotBundled Supplies- "Quite a bit more condensed like this."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Insulated PackInsulated Pack- "This will come in handy."
  • Luxury FanLuxury Fan- "Ah... this will keep out the heat."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to- "A bit of respite from the heat."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (can't sleep)- "Not the time for it."
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (monsters)- "Danger is afoot, this is no time to doze off!"
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (hungry)- "I'll rest after a good meal.'"
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (in cave)- "I demand better accommodations than this!"
  • Siesta Lean-to BurntSiesta Lean-to (burnt)- "Rather ruins my naptime."
  • Tent BurntTent (burnt)- "I say! Where shall I sleep now?"
  • Thermal Stone Stage 3Thermal Stone- "It's a simple rock."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 1Thermal Stone (frozen)- "Quite frozen."
  • Thermal StoneThermal Stone (cold)- "Rather cool."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4Thermal Stone (warm)- "Tepid."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5Thermal Stone (hot)- "I say, it's burning up!"
  • Pretty ParasolPretty Parasol- "A tasteful way to keep out the elements."


  • Thatch PackThatch Pack- "Of primitive construction, but I shall use it nontheless."
  • Booty BagBooty Bag- "Wearing this rather lifts ones spirits."
  • Sea SackSea Sack- "Quite a clever way to keep ones food fresh."
  • Tropical FanTropical Fan- "Ah... this will keep out the heat."
  • Silly Monkey BallSilly Monkey Ball- "Something to distract those simple fecal throwers."
  • Tropical ParasolTropical Parasol- "I say, this makes for a bit of cover."
  • Anti VenomAnti Venom- "One should always keep some at hand."
  • Palm Leaf HutPalm Leaf Hut BurntPalm Leaf Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Bah! Primative construction."


  • Bug B'GoneBug B'Gone- "Imperative for exploring these parts."
  • Bird WhistleBird Whistle- "I say! Rather clever."

Icon FoodFood[]

Base Game[]

  • Crock PotCrock Pot (empty)- "I could do a bit of cooking with this."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "Patience is a virtue."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "I shall be enjoying a fine meal promptly."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (finished)- "I say! That was well worth the effort."
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (failed to add item)- "It's not the proper place for that."
  • Bee BoxBee Box- "Ah, the elixir of life."
  • Bee Box Level 0Bee Box (no honey)- "I'm afraid it's not ready yet."
  • Bee Box Level 1Bee Box (some honey)- "It's best to leave it a touch longer."
  • Bee Box Level 3Bee Box (full of honey)- "I say, the honey is ready to harvest!"
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm- "One can learn a lot by studying agriculture."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "Cultivating rather nicely."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm (finished)- "Ripe for harvesting."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm (needs fertilizer)- "It could do with a bit of manure."
  • Ice BoxIce Box- "Every civilized person should have one."
  • Drying Rack BuildDrying Rack- "One can get some decent food with that."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (drying)- "It's drying nicely."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (finished)- "At last, some civilized food."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Crock Pot BurntCrock Pot (burnt)- "Oh bother."
  • Bee Box BurntBee Box (burnt)- "Rather too good a job of smoking those bees out!"
  • Farmplot BurntBasic and Improved Farm (burnt)- "A shame, really."
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (drying in rain)- "This rain rather complicates the drying process."
  • Drying Rack BurntDrying Rack (burnt)- "A pity..."
  • Bucket-o-poopBucket-o-poop- "Harrumph. Odious bit of business..."


  • Mussel StickMussel Stick- "I say! I could just leave this to do its job!"
  • Mussel BedMussel Bed- "I say! There are creatures down there."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (empty)- "Now how does one make this not empty?"
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (growing)- "Rather dull watching eggs hatch."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (one fish)- "Huzzah! A fish!"
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (two fish)- "I say! That's an improvement."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (three fish)- "Rather like having a Koi Pond."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (four fish)- "An entire school of fish to snare!"


  • SprinklerSprinkler- "Rather makes horticulture a breeze."

Icon ScienceScience[]

Base Game[]

  • Science Machine Science Machine- "It's prudent to broaden one's horizons."
  • Alchemy Engine Alchemy Engine- "I've dabbled in a bit of alchemy from time to time."
  • Thermal MeasurerThermal Measurer- "Quite a clever way to tell the climate."
  • RainometerRainometer- "A barometer of sorts."
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod- "A bit of protection in a storm."
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod (charged)- "I say, it's quite vivacious."
  • GunpowderGunpowder- "Explosive!"

Reign of Giants[]

  • Science Machine BurntScience Machine (burnt)- "A setback, to be sure."
  • Alchemy Engine BurntAlchemy Engine (burnt)- "Atrocious!"
  • Thermal Measurer BurntThermal Measurer (burnt)- "A shame."
  • Rainometer BurntRainometer (burnt)- "I'm afraid it's malfunctioned."
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (off)- "It appears it has been turned off."
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (on)- "I say, it's an automated fire brigade!"
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (low fuel)- "I believe it is running low on fuel."
  • Electrical DoodadElectrical Doodad- "A curious contraption."


  • Sea LabSea Lab- "A waterbound purveyor of wisdom."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (empty and medium)- "A fine example of what civilization can do."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (high)- "Quite sufficiently fueled."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (low)- "Rather in need of a top up."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (very low)- "I'd best refuel it, promptly."
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (out)- "Bother! It's out of fuel."
  • Quacken DrillQuacken Drill- "The artifact from a leviathan."


  • SmelterSmelter- "I say, that's rather clever!"
  • Oscillating FanOscillating Fan- "Ah. A nice cooling breeze."

Exclusive to PS4[]

  • AccomploshrineAccomploshrine- "I say, that was hardly worth the effort."

Icon FightFight[]

Base Game[]

  • SpearSpear- "A primitive hunting weapon."
  • Ham BatHam Bat- "A peculiar weapon."
  • BoomerangBoomerang- "The artifact of a hunting civilization, no doubt."
  • BoomerangBoomerang (hit self)- "Egad! It's a boomerang."
  • Blow DartBlow Dart- "Used in ancient warfare."
  • Sleep DartSleep Dart- "Rather tiresome!"
  • Fire DartFire Dart- "Ignites a bit of excitement!"
  • Football HelmetFootball Helmet- "A wonderful hat made of pig bottom."
  • Grass SuitGrass Suit- "Barely adequate protection but it will have to do."
  • Log SuitLog Suit- "A commendable attempt at protection."
  • Marble SuitMarble Suit- "Rather burdensome but quite dependable."
  • Bee MineBee Mine- "Warfare which adopts to the materials at one's disposal."
  • Tooth TrapTooth Trap- "I say! Rather more effective this way."

Reign of Giants[]

  • ScalemailScalemail- "I say! What ancient societies used this?"
  • Morning StarMorning Star- "Rather intriguing technology!"
  • Weather PainWeather Pain- "I say, this has a bit of bluster!"


  • Poison SpearPoison Spear- "Rather speeds up the dying process."
  • Poison DartPoison Dart- "A rather uncivilized instrument of hunting."
  • CoconadeCoconade- "Haw! I should like to see this explode."
  • CoconadeCoconade (lit)- "I say! Best get out of range!"
  • Spear GunSpear Gun SpearSpear Gun PoisonSpear Gun ObsidianSpear Gun (empty), Spear Gun, Poison Spear Gun, Obsidian Spear Gun- "A bit of protection on the water."
  • Cutlass SupremeCutlass Supreme- "A gentleman's weapon."
  • Horned HelmetHorned Helmet- "Made from the artifact of those watery beasts."
  • Seashell SuitSeashell Suit- "Rather clever use of detritus."
  • Limestone SuitLimestone Suit- "It's a bit...burdensome."
  • Cactus ArmorCactus Armor- "Offensive defence. How ingenious!"


  • HalberdHalberd- "Bah! No match for a good blunderbuss in one's hand!"
  • Cork BatCork Bat- "For when one must restort to savagery."
  • Weevole MantleWeevole Mantle- "I feel rather morbid wearing this."
  • Mant MaskMant Mask- "Rather deep depths I've sunk to."
  • Mant SuitMant Suit- "When in Rome..."
  • Fancy HelmetFancy Helmet- "Has a rather Spanish flair to it."
  • Tin SuitTin Suit- "I do enjoy this design."
  • BlunderbussBlunderbuss- "One mustn't venture into the wilds unarmed."

Icon Structures Structures[]

Base Game[]

  • Birdcage BuildBirdcage- "Rather ornate cage."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied)- "Domestication has its uses."
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "I say, he's a lackadaisical fellow!"
  • Pig House BuildPig House- "Crude, but rather functional."
  • Pig House Light OnPig House (occupied, lights on)- "I say! These pigs are quite civilized!"
  • Pig House BuildPig House (occupied, lights off)- "They've turned in for the night."
  • Rabbit Hutch BuildRabbit Hutch- "I say! What fantastic society built that!"
  • Hay WallHay Wall (held)- "Rather unstable but it has its uses."
  • Hay Wall BuildHay Wall- "Rather crude, but it'll have to do I'm afraid."
  • Wood WallStone WallWood & Stone Wall (held)- "Presumably one could place this somewhere."
  • Wood Wall BuildWood Wall- "A wall of reasonable strength."
  • Stone Wall BuildStone Wall- "A wall with some stability."
  • ChestChest- "A place for all my accumulated wealth."
  • SignSign- "Ah! Civilization."
  • Potted FernPotted Fern- "A fine decoration."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (held)- "I should think it's better off in the ground."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (empty)- "Let's see if my drawing skills are up to snuff."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (drawn on)- "A signpost of sorts."
  • Wood FenceWood Fence (held)- "I suppose I will have to build this myself."
  • Wood Fence BuildWood Fence- "I do admire its construction."
  • Wood GateWood Gate (held)- "I suppose I'll have to get my hands dirty."
  • Wood Gate BuildWood Gate- "Should keep this closed if I want to retain my herd."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Pig House BurntPig House (burnt)- "A pity it can't be studied now."
  • Rabbit Hutch BurntRabbit Hutch (burnt)- "Pity. I should've liked to study that more."
  • Hay Wall BuildHay Wall (burnt)- "That came as little surprise."
  • Wood Wall BuildWood Wall (burnt)- "I suppose wood does burn."
  • Chest BurntChest (burnt)- "Rather poorly made."
  • Scaled ChestScaled Chest- "I say, that should protect the treasures from flames."
  • Sign BurntSign (burnt)- "Met a bit of bad luck, it seems."


  • Sand CastleSand Castle- "Modest in its construction."
  • Sand Castle SandSand Castle (sand)- "I've seen better."
  • Wildbore House BuildWildbore House BurntWildbore House (normal, burning, and burnt)- "I say! Those creatures appear to have a civilization of sorts."
  • Prime Ape Hut BuildPrime Ape Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "The sanctuary of those monkey creatures."
  • Limestone WallLimestone Wall (held)- "Presumably one could place this somewhere."
  • LimestoneWallStructureLimestone Wall- "Quite sophisticated construction."
  • Dragoon DenDragoon Den- "Fascinating! The sanctuary of those fiery beasts!"
  • Sand BagSandbag (held)- "One needs a bit of grit to carry this around."
  • Sand Bag StructureSandbag- "Flood deterrent."
  • SeaworthySeaworthy (Vanilla or ROG world)- "I say! Where to you suppose that will lead?"
  • SeaworthySeaworthy (SW world)- "One wonders where this may lead."
  • BuoyBuoy- "A lighthouse upon the water."
  • Sea ChestSea Chest- "Rather boyant bit of business."
  • Ballphin Palace BuildBallphin Palace- "Aha! The den of sea quarry."
  • Sea WallSea Wall (held)- "Presumably one could place this in the water."
  • Sea Wall BuildSea Wall- "One can make a sea pen with this."


  • Cork BarrelCork Barrel- "Rather handy."

Icon RefineRefine[]

Base Game[]

  • RopeRope- "Rather handy!"
  • BoardsBoards- "Rather more civilized!"
  • Cut StoneCut Stone- "One may build many civilized things with this."
  • PapyrusPapyrus- "I say, one could make paper with this!"
  • Purple GemPurple Gem- "A gruesome beauty!"
  • Nightmare FuelNightmare Fuel- "Rather aberrant."
  • BeeswaxBeeswax- "Pity I can't use it for mustache wax."
  • Wax PaperWax Paper- "A fine wrapping material."


  • ClothCloth- "Quite an amazing textile."
  • LimestoneLimestone- "A stone frequently seen in temples."
  • Empty BottleEmpty Bottle- "A rather bland bottle."
  • Coral NubbinCoral Nubbin- "A rather sorry looking sea artifact."


  • Claw Palm SaplingClaw Palm Sapling- "It should grow quickly, provided it's well kept."

Icon MagicMagic[]

Base Game[]

  • Meat EffigyMeat Effigy- "Rather reassuring that."
  • PrestihatitatorPrestihatitator- "I'm not above learning some of the dark arts."
  • Shadow ManipulatorShadow Manipulator- "I say, this seems rather macabre."
  • Pan FlutePan Flute- "I suppose I could carry a tune if the necessity arises."
  • Night LightNight Light- "Quite uncanny!"
  • Night ArmorNight Armor- "Rather durable, yet there's something unsound about it."
  • Dark SwordDark Sword- "I say! It's a rather ghastly sword."
  • One-man BandOne-man Band- "Reminds me of my regimental band."
  • Bat BatBat Bat- "A rather macabre hunting weapon."
  • Belt of HungerBelt of Hunger- "Wearing hunted animals makes one feel quite viril!"
  • Chilled AmuletChilled Amulet- "Quite the chilling find!"
  • Nightmare AmuletNightmare Amulet- "I'm quite mad about this gem!"
  • Life Giving AmuletLife Giving Amulet- "Huzzah! Looks rather invulnerable!"
  • Fire StaffFire Staff- "Quite an incendiary instrument."
  • Ice StaffIce Staff- "A rather chilling weapon. Haw haw!"
  • Telelocator StaffTelelocator Staff- "Rather adventuresome tool."
  • TelebaseTelelocator Focus (full)- "Riveting."
  • TelebaseTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "It's missing something..."
  • Telelocator FocusTelolocator Socket (full)- "Quite a clever device."
  • Telelocator FocusTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "Empty, I'm afraid."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Meat Effigy BurntMeat Effigy (burnt)- "Oh bother."
  • Prestihatitator BurntPrestihatitator (burnt)- "A shame, really."
  • Shadow Manipulator BurntShadow Manipulator (burnt)- "Pity..."
  • Old BellOld Bell- "Ah, the ringing of the bells."


  • PiratihatitatorPiratihatitator- "I have serious doubts regarding its scientfic value."
  • Prestihatitator BurntPiratihatitator (burnt)- "Rather expected."
  • Dripple PipesDripple Pipes- "Music can bring tears to any eyes."


  • Hogus PorkusatorHogus Porkusator- "Haw haw, a flying pig!"
  • Pugalisk WandPugalisk Wand- "It's staring me in the face."
  • SkyworthySkyworthy (non-Hamlet world)- "A world to explore."
  • SkyworthySkyworthy (Hamlet world)- "Off to adventure."
  • Living ArtifactLiving Artifact- "That does look interesting. Perhaps I shall try it on."
  • Root TrunkRoot Trunk- "Rather clever way to transport goods."
  • Vortex CloakVortex Cloak- "Rather useful in the field."

Icon DressDress[]

Base Game[]

  • Sewing KitSewing Kit- "One must make one's own repairs whilst on adventure."
  • Rabbit EarmuffsRabbit Earmuffs- "I say, these would be all the fashion back home."
  • Straw HatStraw Hat- "Rather bucolic fashion."
  • Beefalo HatBeefalo Hat- "One feels rather ungulate in this."
  • Beekeeper HatBeekeeper Hat- "Beekeeping is a fine hobby to invest ones time in."
  • Feather HatFeather Hat- "Rather garish."
  • Winter HatWinter Hat- "Rather sobering head gear."
  • Top HatTop Hat- "I say! I'm ready for a night on the town!"
  • Dapper VestDapper Vest- "Distinguished!"
  • Breezy VestBreezy Vest- "Cozy, and quite the fashion."
  • Puffy VestPuffy Vest- "Rather snuggly."
  • Bush HatBush Hat- "I say! Rather clever camoflauge!"
  • GarlandGarland- "I should hope no one sees me in such a state."
  • Walking CaneWalking Cane- "Nothing more genteel than good walking cane."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Cat CapCat Cap- "I say! It's a capital cat cap!"
  • Fashion MelonFashion Melon- "Rather makes for a fetching hat."
  • Ice CubeIce Cube- "Quite useful for the heat."
  • Rain CoatRain Coat- "Ah, a nice Mackintosh for the rain."
  • Rain HatRain Hat- "A necessary accessory."
  • Summer FrestSummer Frest- "Keeps the heat away rather nicely."
  • Floral ShirtFloral Shirt- "Not my usual fashion, but the fabric is quite breathable."
  • EyebrellaEyebrella- "This is certainly high fashion."
  • Hibearnation VestHibearnation Vest- "Quite snug in this!"


  • Brain of ThoughtBrain of Thought- "Quite ridiculous!"
  • Snakeskin HatSnakeskin Hat- "A rather clever way to keep oneself dry."
  • Snakeskin JacketSnakeskin Jacket- "A solid mackintosh for the elements."
  • Blubber SuitBlubber Suit- "Rather disturbing to find this in one's possession."
  • WindbreakerWindbreaker- "Can't say I approve of the color."
  • Tar SuitTar Suit- "Really! Have I sunk so far?"
  • Particulate PurifierParticulate Purifier- "Quite adept at keeping out odours."
  • Sleek HatSleek Hat- "A brisk walk invigorates the humours."
  • Shark Tooth CrownShark Tooth Crown- "A hat which strikes fear into one's enemies."
  • DumbrellaDumbrella- "One assumes a third tier would be even better."


  • Gas MaskGas Mask- "Improves one's ability to breathe."
  • Pith HatPith Hat- "I do believe it fits."
  • ThunderhatThunderhat- "A headpiece made from avian artifacts."

Icon AncientAncient[]

Base Game[]

  • ThuleciteThulecite- "Quite magnificent! A capital find!"
  • Thulecite WallThulecite Wall (held)- "One may be able to salvage these."
  • Thulecite Wall BuildThulecite Wall- "Rather feeble now."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (min)- "All is well."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "It seems something is afoot."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "I'm afraid there's been an upsurge in ghastliness."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (max)- "I believe we've hit the apex."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "Thank goodness the horrors are waning."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "My word that was onerous."
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "It seems there is a problem."
  • The Lazy ForagerThe Lazy Forager- "Gathers items without the bothersome act of bending down."
  • MagiluminescenceMagiluminescence- "I feel invigorated!"
  • Construction AmuletConstruction Amulet- "I say! This is rather economical."
  • The Lazy ExplorerThe Lazy Explorer- "This certainly saves on traveling time."
  • Star Caller's StaffStar Caller's Staff- "Illuminating!"
  • Deconstruction StaffDeconstruction Staff- "I say! This makes dismantling objects quite a bit easier."
  • PickSlashAxePick/Axe- "Rather clever!"
  • Thulecite CrownThulecite Crown- "Huzzah! A head piece made of artifacts."
  • Thulecite SuitThulecite Suit- "I say! This armor is quite dapper."
  • Thulecite ClubThulecite Club- "I'm quite fond of this weapon!"
  • Houndius ShootiusHoundius Shootius (held)- "I should like to study this while it's working."
  • Houndius Shootius BuildHoundius Shootius- "I say! It's rather ancient technology."

Icon Nautical Nautical[]


  • Log RaftLog Raft- "Rather brutish construction, but it will have to do."
  • RaftRaft- "A crude structure. But I've no choice."
  • Row BoatRow Boat- "I should think I'm above rowing myself."
  • Cargo BoatCargo Boat- "A ship worthy of my captainship."
  • Armored BoatArmored Boat- "A ship sturdy enough to sail around the horn."
  • Encrusted BoatEncrusted Boat- "Seems sturdy enough, but its aesthetics leave something to be desired."
  • SurfboardSurfboard- "
  • The 'Sea Legs'The 'Sea Legs'- "Rather seaworthy."
  • Boat Repair KitBoat Repair Kit- "Rather practical when taking on water."
  • Thatch SailThatch Sail- "This should speed things along."
  • Cloth SailCloth Sail- "A strapping good sail."
  • Snakeskin SailSnakeskin Sail- "A rugged sail, fit for a gentleman sailor."
  • Feather Lite SailFeather Lite Sail- "I'm sure to catch the wind with this."
  • Iron WindIron Wind- "Puts a spin on things."
  • Boat CannonBoat Cannon- "Quite invaluable at sea."
  • Quackering RamQuackering Ram- "A smashing good tool. Haw haw!"
  • Sea TrapSea Trap (held and placed)- "For trapping game in the sea."
  • Sea YardSea Yard (off)- "Rather impractical without fuel, wouldn't you say."
  • Sea YardSea Yard (on)- "That's rather clever."
  • Sea YardSea Yard (out of fuel)- "Quite low on fuel at the moment."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (off)- "Not working at the moment, I'm afraid."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (on)- "An automaton for an unpleasant task."
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (out of fuel)- "I say! Needs a bit of a top-up."
  • Trawl NetTrawl Net- "Quite effective in collecting sea rubbish."
  • Trawl Net DetachedTrawl Net (detached)- "Quite a passive activity."
  • Trawl Net SinkingTrawl Net (sinking)- "One must be patient about such things."
  • Trawl Net SinkingTrawl Net (sinking soon)- "The time is nigh!"
  • SpyglassSpyglass- "A sophisticated instrument for a sophisticated man."
  • Super SpyglassSuper Spyglass- "I say! A way to search for lands to explore."
  • Captain HatCaptain Hat- "I say! I'm a proper Captain now."
  • Pirate HatPirate Hat- "Rather barbary-ous."
  • Lucky HatLucky Hat- "I'll not be seen dead in that."
  • Life JacketLife Jacket- "Hmm. Looks buoyant enough."


  • Cork Bowl CanoeCork Bowl Canoe- "Rather poor quality, but it'll do in a pinch."

Icon VolcanicVolcanic[]


  • Obsidian MacheteObsidian Machete- "An incendiary tool!"
  • Obsidian AxeObsidian Axe- "Rather efficient."
  • Obsidian SpearObsidian Spear- "Explosive!"
  • Obsidian ArmorObsidian Armor- "Armor that attacks as well."
  • Obsidian CoconadeObsidian Coconade- "I say! It rather inflammatory."
  • Howling ConchHowling Conch- "Well, I have been called a blowhard! Haw!"
  • Sail StickSail Stick- "I say! I've turned out to be quite the sailor!"
  • Volcano StaffVolcano Staff- "I say! It's quite destructive, isn't it?"

Icon Treasure Hunting​Treasure Hunting[]


  • Disarming ToolsDisarming Tools- "Quite useful when exploring ruins."
  • Ball Pein HammerBall Pein Hammer- "A subtle instrument for more delicate excavations."
  • Gold PanGold Pan- "Rather handy for prospecting."
  • Magnifying GlassMagnifying Glass- "Huzzah! A fine tool for exploring."

Icon City Planning​City Planning[]


  • Lamp PostLamp Post (off)- "No need for light in the daytime, I suppose."
  • Lamp PostLamp Post (on)- "What an intriguing civilization!"
  • Town HouseTown House- "How quaint!"
  • Town HouseTown House (burning)- "A shame."
  • The Sterling Trough Deli BuildThe Sterling Trough Deli- "Ah. An eating establishment."
  • The Sterling Trough Deli BuildThe Sterling Trough Deli (burning)- "Bother. They've burnt the food."
  • Pigg and Pigglet's General Store BuildPigg and Pigglet's General Store- "Rather well stocked for these parts."
  • Pigg and Pigglet's General Store BuildPigg and Pigglet's General Store (burning)- "Where does one get one's supplies now?"
  • Curly Tails Mud Spa BuildCurly Tails Mud Spa- "I could do with some medical supplies."
  • Curly Tails Mud Spa BuildCurly Tails Mud Spa (burning)- "A shame."
  • Swinesbury Fine Grocer's BuildSwinesbury Fine Grocer's- "Ah! Contains foodstuffs."
  • Swinesbury Fine Grocer's BuildSwinesbury Fine Grocer's (burning)- "Bah! Back to eating rough."
  • Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements BuildMiss Sow's Floral Arrangements- "A place of horticultural."
  • Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements BuildMiss Sow's Floral Arrangements (burning)- "A rather fragrant bouquet."
  • 'The Sty' Oddities Emporium Build'The Sty' Oddities Emporium- "
  • 'The Sty' Oddities Emporium Build'The Sty' Oddities Emporium (burning)- "
  • The Flying Pig Arcane Shop BuildThe Flying Pig Arcane Shop- "Ah! A place of occultish wares."
  • The Flying Pig Arcane Shop BuildThe Flying Pig Arcane Shop (burning)- "One would think someone would put that out."
  • The Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop BuildThe Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop- "I suppose one should arm oneself for the jungle."
  • The Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop BuildThe Boar's Tusk Weapon Shop (burning)- "What barbarian would do such a thing?!"
  • The Sow's Ear Hat Shop BuildThe Sow's Ear Hat Shop- "I wonder if they have any gentlemanly hats."
  • The Sow's Ear Hat Shop BuildThe Sow's Ear Hat Shop (burning)- "A waste of good lumber."
  • Swinesbury AcademySwinesbury Academy- "Ah! Just what I was looking for!"
  • Swinesbury AcademySwinesbury Academy (burning)- "What a waste!"
  • Swinesbury Mineral Exchange BuildSwinesbury Mineral Exchange- "Rather like being around this establishment."
  • Swinesbury Mineral Exchange BuildSwinesbury Mineral Exchange (burning)- "Who would do such a thing?!"
  • The Tinkerer's Tower BuildThe Tinkerer's Tower- "I say! Proper construction blueprints!"
  • The Tinkerer's Tower BuildThe Tinkerer's Tower (burning)- "A tad hot at the moment."
  • Swinesbury City Hall BuildSwinesbury City Hall- "I say, this is a rather sophisticated town."
  • Swinesbury City Hall BuildSwinesbury City Hall (burning)- "I do hope the rebuild." [sic]
  • My City Hall BuildMy City Hall- "Where one runs the city."
  • My City Hall BuildMy City Hall (burning)- "What sort of vagabonds did that?"
  • Security ContractSecurity Contract- "One may hire a hunting party with this."
  • Slanty Shanty BuildSlanty Shanty- "A fine purchase."
  • Slanty Shanty BuildSlanty Shanty (locked)- "One can't go wrong with some real estate."
  • Slanty Shanty BurntSlanty Shanty (burnt)- "Bah! Such savagery."
  • Watch TowerWatch Tower- "One certainly has the high ground up there."
  • Watch TowerWatch Tower (burning)- "A pity."

Icon Renovate​Renovate[]


  • House Expansion PermitHouse Expansion Permit- "Expands my home to a living standard I'm more accustomed to."
  • Demolition PermitDemolition Permit- "A license for some home improvements."
  • Wood FlooringWood Flooring- "A touch crude."
  • Marble FlooringMarble Flooring- "A highly cultured floor."
  • Checkered FlooringCheckered Flooring- "One might play chess upon this."
  • Slate FlooringSlate Flooring- "Rather ornate design."
  • Sheet Metal FlooringSheet Metal Flooring- "Metal flooring."
  • Garden Stone FlooringGarden Stone Flooring- "Rather rough flooring."
  • Geometric Tiles FlooringOctagon FlooringGeometric Tiles Flooring and Octagon Flooring- "Rather cold on the feet."
  • Shag CarpetShag Carpet- "Rather cozy on the feet."
  • Transitional FlooringTransitional Flooring- "I say! It's unfinished!"
  • Wood Panel FlooringWood Panel Flooring- "Adequate flooring."
  • Herringbone FlooringHerringbone Flooring- "Rather interesting pattern."
  • Hexagon FlooringHexagon Flooring- "One supposes this will do."
  • Curvy Hoof FlooringCurcy Hoof Flooring- "An excellent example of Porcine engineering."
  • Carved BookshelfBasic BookshelfMarble ShelfGlass ShelfHutch ShelfIndustrial ShelfAdjustable ShelfWindowed CabinetWall Mounted ShelfA-Frame ShelfFloating ShelfHat TreeCarved Bookshelf, Basic Bookshelf, Marble Shelf, Glass Shelf, Hutch Shelf, Industrial Shelf, Adjustable Shelf, Windowed Cabinet, Wall Mounted Shelf, A-Frame Shelf, Floating Shelf, and Hat Tree- "A place to put one's things."
  • Cinderblock BookshelfCrates ShelfFridgePallet ShelfCinderblock Bookshelf, Crates Shelf, Fridge, and Pallet Shelf- "Just what is one supposed to do with that?"
  • Ladder ShelfLadder Shelf- "I say! Is that a ladder?"
  • Pipe ShelfPipe Shelf- "Rather unrefined."
  • Basic PlantholderBasic Plantholder- "A little verdure decor."
  • WIP PlantholderWIP Plantholder- "A little foliage."
  • Fancy PlantholderFancy Plantholder- "An exquisite variety."
  • Bonsai PlantholderBonsai Plantholder- "Rather exotic."
  • Dishgarden PlantholderDishgarden Plantholder- "Some plants for one's decoration."
  • Philodendron PlantholderPhilodendron Plantholder- "A modest plant."
  • Orchid PlantholderOrchid Plantholder- "Quite an exquisite specimen."
  • Draceana PlantholderDraceana Plantholder- "An alluring variety."
  • Xerographica PlantholderXerographica Plantholder- "An exemplary hanging plant."
  • Birdcage PlantholderBirdcage Plantholder- "An exemplary hanging plant."
  • Palm PlantholderPalm Plantholder- "An exquisite variety."
  • ZZ PlantholderZZ Plantholder- "Slender decor."
  • Fernstand PlantholderFernstand Plantholder- "A fine variety."
  • Fern PlantholderFern Plantholder- "A fine hanging fern."
  • Terrarium PlantholderTerrarium Plantholder- "Fascinating! A miniature greenhouse."
  • Plantpet PlantholderPlantpet Plantholder- "Haw haw!"
  • Traps PlantholderTraps Plantholder- "Fascinating specimen."
  • Pitcher PlantholderPitcher Plantholder- "Fine hanging plants."
  • Marble PlantholderMarble Plantholder- "An exquisite arrangement."
  • "Character" Tree"Character" Tree- "I say! It's rather pathetic specimen." [sic]
  • Festive Tree (Hamlet)Festive Tree- "How jolly!"
  • Planed Wood ColumnMillinery ColumnRound ColumnLit Marble ColumnPlaned Wood Column, Millinery Column, Round Column, and Lit Marble Column- "Sturdy."
Wall PapersWall Papers[]
  • Wood PanelingWood Paneling- "A crude wall."
  • Checkered Wall PaperCheckered Wall Paper- "A chess board wall."
  • Floral Wall PaperSunflower Wall PaperFloral Wall Paper and Sunflower Wall Paper- "Rather floral design."
  • Harlequin Wall PaperHarlequin Wall Paper- "A patterned wall."
  • Peagawk Wall PaperPeagawk Wall Paper- "Rather beautiful."
  • Orange Wall PaperPurple Wall PaperOrange Wall Paper and Purple Wall Paper- "Rather plain looking if you ask me."
  • Rope Wall PannelingRope Wall Panneling- "I say! What exquisite knot tying!"
  • Circle Wall TilingCircle Wall Tiling- "Quite an interesting pattern to it."
  • Marble Wall TilingUpholstered WallMarble Wall Tiling and Upholstered Wall- "Rather posh."
  • Fine Wall TilingFine Wall Tiling- "Has an official air to it."
  • Full Wall MouldingFull Wall Moulding- "Yes, it will do quite nicely."
Ceiling LightsCeiling Lights[]
  • Wired BulbWired Bulb- "Rather basic."
  • Metal Shade LampMetal Shade Lamp- "Rather boring."
  • ChandelierChandelier- "Rather ornate light."
  • Rope LightDual Rope LightRope Light and Dual Rope Light- "I say! It's rather ugly."
  • Blown Glass BulbBlown Glass Bulb- "Quite exquisite."
  • Cherry Lamp ShadeCherry Lamp Shade- "Rather cheery cherry light!"
  • Hanging Blooming LampHanging Blooming Lamp- "Rather ornate light."
  • Hanging Floral LampHanging Floral Lamp- "Rather pretty."
  • Tophat LightTophat Light- "I say! A top hat!"
  • Derby LightDerby Light- "I say! A derby hat!"
Wall DecorationsWall Decorations[]
  • PhotoPhoto- "He'll make a fine gentleman one day."
  • Full Length MirrorFull Length Mirror- "I can make myself presentable."
  • Embroidery HoopEmbroidery Hoop- "A fine specimen of embroidery."
  • MosaicMosaic- "Rather decorative."
  • WreathWreath- "A bit of decoration."
  • Axe (Wall Decoration)Axe- "A fine specimen."
  • HuntHunt- "Fine hunting instruments."
  • Periodic TablePeriodic Table- "Something for The Polymathic Society."
  • Gears ArtGears Art- "Interesting clockwork."
  • CapeCape- "Rather fetching."
  • No SmokingNo Smoking- "What interesting art!"
  • Black CatBlack Cat- "Can't say that I've heard of the place."
  • Tasteful Fish MountingBeefalo MountingTasteful Fish Mounting and Beefalo Mounting- "Mounted game."
  • Classic ChairClassic Chair- "A place to sit a spell."
  • Corner ChairRocking ChairCorner Chair and Rocking Chair- "A place to rest one's tired bones."
  • BenchBench- "Possibly room for two."
  • Horned ChairHorned Chair- "Rather ornate design."
  • FootrestOttoman ChairFootrest and Ottoman Chair- "A place to rest one's feet."
  • Lounge ChairLounge Chair- "Furniture for lounging."
  • Classic ChairMassager Chair- "I say! Rather ghastly!"
  • Stuffed ChairStuffed Chair- "I say! That looks comfy."
  • Fancy ChaiseFancy Chaise- "A luxurious chaise lounge."
House UpgradesHouse Upgrades[]
  • Cottage Kit (Item)Cottage Kit- "Rather diminutive, but it shall have to do."
  • Tudor Home Kit (Item)Tudor Home Kit- "Normally I'd have help to build this."
  • Gothic Home Kit (Item)Gothic Home Kit- "Rather elaborate bit of building."
  • Brick Home Kit (Item)Brick Home Kit- "Should be quite sturdy."
  • Turreted Home Kit (Item)Turreted Home Kit- "This does have a quaint charm."
  • Villa Kit (Item)Villa Kit- "I say! This one's rather fit for someone of my standing."
  • Manor Kit (Item)Manor Kit- "Rather like the Manor I left at home."
  • Hardwood DoorStone ArchwayWrought Iron DoorCurtained DoorRound DoorwayHardwood Door, Stone Archway, Wrought Iron Door, Curtained Door, and Round Doorway- "I do hope it leads somewhere interesting."
  • Forest DoorForest Door- "Rather remarkable woodworking on that."
  • Industrial DoorIndustrial Door- "Rather industrial looking."
  • Gothic DoorGothic Door- "A touch gothic."
  • Peaked Curtain WindowLarge Square Curtain WindowTall Curtain WindowPeaked Curtain Window, Large Square Curtain Window, and Tall Curtain Window- "A fine way to let in some sun."
  • Round Burlap WindowRound Burlap Window- "A bit coarse."
  • Peaked WindowPeaked Window- "One may look out there."
  • Square WindowTall WindowSquare Window and Tall Window- "Lets the sunshine in."
  • Greenhouse WallGreenhouse Wall- "Rather ideal for a greenhouse."
  • Eye RugEye Rug- "One feels like one is being watched!"
  • Square Throw RugOctagon RugSwirl RugSquare Throw Rug, Octagon Rug, and Swirl Rug- "A comfy rug."
  • Oval RugLarge RugOval Rug and Large Rug- "An ornate rug."
  • Fur Throw RugFur Throw Rug- "A touch unrefined."
  • Hedgehog RugBraid RugHedgehog Rug and Braid Rug- "Charming."
  • Porcupus RugPorcupus Rug- "A fine animal artifact."
  • Hoofprint RugHoofprint Rug- "I believe those are pig hooves."
  • Catcoon RugCatcoon Rug- "A fine specimen."
  • Rubbermat RugRubbermat Rug- "Rather basic."
  • Web RugWeb Rug- "I say! This one's sticky."
  • Metal RugNailbed RugMetal Rug and Nailbed Rug- "Not very comforting."
  • Wormhole RugWormhole Rug- "I say! Is that working?"
  • Beard RugBeard Rug- "Rather unrefined."
  • Crime RugCrime Rug- "I should like to examine this further."
  • Soccer RugSoccer Rug- "A fine example of a geometry at work."
  • Fringe LampFringe Lamp- "A resplendent lamp."
  • Stainglass LampStainglass Lamp- "An illuminating lamp."
  • Downbridge LampGothic LampDownbridge Lamp and Gothic Lamp- "An elegant lamp."
  • Dual Embroidered LampDual Embroidered Lamp- "Dual lights!"
  • Ceramic LampCeramic Lamp- "A beautiful lamp."
  • Glass LampBellshade LampGlass Lamp and Bellshade Lamp- "A magnificent lamp."
  • Dual Fringes LampDual Fringes Lamp- "Duplicate lamps."
  • Candelabra LampCandelabra Lamp- "An opulent lamp."
  • Elizabethan LampOrb LampElizabethan Lamp and Orb Lamp- "A lavish lamp."
  • Crystals LampCrystals Lamp- "A sparkling lamp."
  • Upturn LampUpturn Lamp- "A sumptuous lamp."
  • Dual Upturn LampDual Upturn Lamp- "A twinned lamp."
  • Spool LampSpool Lamp- "Rather basic."
  • Edison LampEdison Lamp- "Rather pared down."
  • Adjustable LampAdjustable Lamp- "An adaptable lamp."
  • Right Angle LampRight Angle Lamp- "A plumb lamp."
  • Fancy LampFancy Lamp- "An ornate lamp."
  • Round TableHard Wood DeskRound Table and Hard Wood Desk- "An adequate table."
  • DIY TableDIY Table- "I say! Rather boorish."
  • College TableCollege Table- "I say! Rather quaint."
  • Crate TableCrate Table- "I say! Rather coarse."
  • Chess TableChess Table- "Ah! Now to find someone to play."

EyeplantNature - Plants[]

Base Game[]

  • EvergreenEvergreen- "A fine pine."
  • A Lumpy EvergreenLumpy Evergreen- "Rather pathetic looking."
  • Spiky TreeSpiky Tree- "Rather prickly fellow."
  • Evergreen StumpEvergreen & Lumpy Evergreen (stump)- "It's been razed."
  • Spiky Tree StumpSpiky Tree (stump)- "Not as fertile as its brethren."
  • EvergreenA Lumpy EvergreenEvergreen & Lumpy Evergreen (burning)- "Alarming!"
  • Spiky TreeSpiky Tree (burning)- "I can't say that was unexpected."
  • Burnt EvergreenEvergreen & Lumpy Evergreen (burnt)- "Well that's done."
  • Spiky Tree BurntSpiky Tree (burnt)- "Ashen."
  • Evergreen SaplingEvergreen (sapling)- "It should grow into a fine tree."
  • LogLog- "A log fit for a fire."
  • LogLog (burning)- "Ahh. Nice and cozy."
  • CharcoalCharcoal- "Rather useful bit of ash."
  • Pine ConePine Cone- "I should plant this."
  • Marble TreeMarble Tree- "I require something stronger than an axe for that!"
  • Totally Normal TreeTotally Normal Tree (normal and stump)- "I say! One might think that tree had a mouth."
  • Living LogLiving Log- "This dead tree is alarmingly alive."
  • SaplingSapling- "Those twigs could be good for something."
  • Sapling PickedSapling (picked)- "Nothing left here for me."
  • SaplingSapling (burning)- "Inevitable."
  • Sapling DugSapling (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • TwigsTwigs- "I'm sure I can find a use for these."
  • Grass TuftGrass Tuft- "A rather mundane tuft of grass."
  • Grass Tuft PickedGrass Tuft (picked)- "It's been picked through, I'm afraid."
  • Grass Tuft WitheredGrass Tuft (barren)- "In desperate need of fertilizer."
  • Grass TuftGrass Tuft (burning)- "Quite a blaze!"
  • Grass Tuft DugGrass Tuft (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • Cut GrassCut Grass- "Quaint, but quite useful."
  • Berry BushBerry Bush2Berry Bush (normal & burning)- "A common berry bush."
  • Berry Bush PickedBerry Bush (picked)- "It's been relieved of its fruit."
  • Berry Bush WitheredBarren Berry Bush 2Berry Bush (barren)- "Quite fruitless at the moment."
  • Berry Bush ItemBerry Bush 2Berry Bush (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • ReedsReeds- "I could use those."
  • ReedsReeds (burning)- "Rather fervent flames."
  • Reeds PickedReeds (picked)- "One must give it time to grow back."
  • Cut ReedsCut Reeds- "Crude, but quite useful."
  • PlantPlant- "A rather ordinary plant."
  • PlantPlant (growing)- "It's germinating."
  • PlantPlant (ready to be picked)- "Ripe for harvesting."
  • Marsh Plant1Marsh Plant- "Full of leafage."
  • Spiky BushSpiky Bush- "Quite thorny."
  • Spiky Bush PickedSpiky Bush (picked)- "Prickly."
  • Spiky BushSpiky Bush (burning)- "Engulfed in flames."
  • Spiky Bush DugSpiky Bush (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • FlowerFlower- "Quite delicate."
  • PetalsPetals- "Rather ornate."
  • Evil FlowerEvil Flower- "Rather hideous."
  • Dark PetalsDark Petals- "There's something bizarre about these."
  • Carrot PlantedCarrot (planted)- "Growing quite nicely."
  • Red MushroomRed Mushroom- "Local fauna."
  • Mushroom SleepingRed Mushroom (sleeping)- "Quite unreachable."
  • Mushroom PickedRed Mushroom (picked)- "It's been harvested already."
  • Green MushroomGreen Mushroom- "A strange irrational fungus."
  • Mushroom SleepingGreen Mushroom (sleeping)- "It needs to be plucked out of its hole."
  • Mushroom PickedGreen Mushroom (picked)- "It's been harvested already."
  • Blue MushroomBlue Mushroom- "Experimenting with fungus is rather audacious."
  • Mushroom SleepingBlue Mushroom (sleeping)- "Rather inaccessible like that."
  • Mushroom PickedBlue Mushroom (picked)- "Already plucked from the earth."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Birchnut TreeBirchnut Tree- "I do believe that's a tree."
  • Birchnut Tree StumpBirchnut Tree (stump)- "One can learn alot from that by studying the rings."
  • Birchnut TreeBirchnut Tree (burning)- "It's ablaze!"
  • Birchnut Tree BurntBirchnut Tree (burnt)- "Well. That's a bit of business."
  • Birchnut SaplingBirchnut Tree (sapling)- "It should grow into a fine tree."
  • Sapling WitheredSapling (withered)- "Rather unsuited for the weather."
  • Grass Tuft WitheredGrass Tuft (withered)- "Rather too hot for it, I'm afraid."
  • Berry Bush WitheredBarren Berry Bush 2Berry Bush (withered)- "Rather unfit for the weather, I'm afraid."
  • Withered PlantPlant (withered)- "I'm afraid this weather got the best of it."
  • BirchnutBirchnut- "Rather useless as is."
  • CactusCactus- "I say, it's a bit prickly."
  • Cactus PickedCactus (picked)- "Put up a bit of a fight, by golly."
  • TumbleweedTumbleweed- "One never knows what one may find searching diaspore."


  • Jungle TreeJungle Tree- "A fine specimen for The Arborist Society."
  • Jungle TreeJungle Tree (burning)- "Those bananas are cooked!"
  • Jungle Tree BurntJungle Tree (burnt)- "A shame."
  • Jungle Tree StumpJungle Tree (stump)- "It took a bit of work to do that."
  • Jungle Tree SaplingJungle Tree (sapling)- "A future tree."
  • Jungle Tree SeedJungle Tree Seed- "A bit trite."
  • Palm TreePalm Tree- "A rather equtorial tree."
  • Palm TreePalm Tree (burning)- "I've always enjoyed a roaring fire."
  • Palm Tree BurntPalm Tree (burnt)- "I say, is there no one around to clean this mess?"
  • Palm Tree StumpPalm Tree (stump)- "That tree has been hunted already."
  • Palm Tree SaplingPalm Tree (sapling)- "A good start."
  • Palm LeafPalm Leaf- "Perhaps this may be fashioned into something useful."
  • Regular Jungle TreeRegular Jungle Tree (normal and stump)- "Huzzah! Huntable flora!"
  • Bamboo PatchBamboo Patch (normal & burning)- "A sizable source of bamboo."
  • Bamboo Patch BurntBamboo Patch (burnt)- "Quite useless like this."
  • Bamboo Patch StumpWithered Bamboo PatchBamboo Patch (stump & withered)- "Presumably it will grow back."
  • Bamboo Patch DugBamboo Root- "This would do better in the ground."
  • BambooBamboo- "A plant with many uses."
  • Viney BushViney Bush (normal & burning)- "Makes fine materials for construction."
  • Viney BushSnake Den (normal & burning)- "The sanctuary of those reptiles."
  • Viney Bush BurntViney Bush (burnt)- "Rather a shame."
  • Viney Bush BurntSnake Den (burnt)- "Haw! That's one way to smoke them out!"
  • Viney Bush StumpViney Bush (stump)- "I trust the vines will grow again."
  • Viney Bush StumpSnake Den (stump)- "They'll not be hiding in there again!"
  • Viney Bush RootViney Bush Root- "This would do better in the ground."
  • VineVine- "Vegetation with a multitude of uses."
  • Mangrove TreeMangrove (normal, burning, and stump)- "It's quite water-logged. Haw haw!"
  • Mangrove Tree BurntMangrove (burnt)- "Rather curious how it could have burnt on the water."
  • Water GrassGrass (water)- "Rather sodden."
  • Brainy SproutBrainy Sprout PickedBrainy Sprout (normal and picked)- "That tree looks quite bright."
  • Seaweed PlantedPicked Seaweed PlantSeaweed (planted and picked)- "It should germinate soon."
  • PlantPlantTidal Plant- "Rather ordinary."


  • Claw Palm TreeClaw Palm Tree BurntClaw Palm Tree StumpClaw Palm Tree (normal, burning, burnt, & stump)- "It rather looks like a hand."
  • CorkCork- "It's quite light."
  • Claw Palm Sapling (planted)- "
  • Rainforest TreeRainforest Tree- "A lovely tree, to be sure."
  • Rainforest TreeRainforest Tree (burning)- "I say! That's a bit of danger."
  • Rainforest Tree BurntRainforest Tree (burnt)- "Well, there's nothing for it now."
  • Rainforest Tree StumpRainforest Tree (stump)- "Chops up quite nicely."
  • Cocooned TreeCocooned Tree- "Curious bit of foliage!"
  • Jungle BurrJungle Burr- "Rather stubborn seed."
  • Rainforest Tree Sapling- "
  • Tea TreeTea Tree BurntTea Tree StumpTea Tree (normal, burning, burnt, stump)- "Perhaps one may cultivate tea leaves."
  • Seed PodSeed Pod- "Rather good for the hay fever."
  • Tea Tree SaplingTea Tree Sapling- "Still in its juvenile state."
  • Tuber TreeBlooming Tuber TreeTuber Tree & Blooming Tuber Tree- "Requires something other than an axe to chop that."
  • Tall GrassTall Grass- "Rather tenacious grass."
  • Exotic FlowerExotic Flower- "Ah! A bit of beauty is most welcome."
  • Aloe plantedAloe (planted)- "Ah... An ancient medicinal plant."
  • Asparagus plantedAsparagus (planted)- "Wild asparagus! What a find!"
  • Radish plantedRadish (planted)- "I do believe that's a radish!"
  • Nettle VineNettle Vine- "Rather like snuff, I should think."
  • Nettle Vine (picked)- "It's been picked through, I'm afraid."
  • Nettle Plant (withered)- "
  • Nettle Plant (moist)- "
  • Nettle PlantNettle Plant (held)- "I shall endeavor to find a place to plant this."
  • BrambleBramble- "I say! Watch those thorns!"
  • Bramble BloomBramble Bloom- "How charming!"
  • Hanging Vine- "Quite common in the jungle."
  • Great Leafy Stalk- "A rather grandiose bit of flora."
  • Lotus PlantLotus Plant- "Quite ornate plant."
  • Lotus Plant (picked)- "Quite ornate plant."
  • Lily PadLily Pad- "A water lily. How lovely."
  • Reeds Water HamletReeds (water)- "I say, those may come in handy."
  • Hedge- "One is reminded of the hedge mazes of one's youth."
  • Hedge (untrimmed)- "
  • Hedge (burning)- "
  • Hedge (burnt)- "
  • Intricate Topiary- "Quite nice to see a bit of civility."
  • Magic FlowerMagic Flower- "A quite beautiful flower."
  • Weathered BranchWeathered Branch- "What could have moved that here?"
  • Weathered ShrubWeathered Shrub- "There's a funny sight."
  • Weathered StickWeathered Stick- "Rather ordinary stick."
  • Weathered TreeWeathered Tree- "I say, that's unusual."
  • Weathered TrunkWeathered Trunk- "The result of some sort of accident."

Harp StatueNature - Objects[]

Base Game[]

  • BeehiveBeehive- "Rather bustling."
  • Killer Bee HiveKiller Bee Hive- "Pesky creatures!"
  • HoneycombHoneycomb- "Rather sweet."
  • Hound MoundHound Mound- "You never know what one may find in a midden."
  • BonesBones- "Clearly the work of a predator."
  • Touch StoneTouch Stone- "A restorative stone."
  • ObeliskObelisk (sane, up)- "Sobering."
  • Lowered ObeliskObelisk (sane, down)- "It has disappeared into the ground."
  • ObeliskObelisk (insane, up)- "I feel quite unsound."
  • Lowered ObeliskObelisk (insane, down)- "Rather ominous looking but it's just a stone."
  • Harp StatueHarp Statue- "I say! That's a rather ornate monument!"
  • Marble PillarMarble Pillar- "I say, it's quite sturdy."
  • MarbleMarble- "Rather opulent!"
  • Rundown HouseRundown House- "I should like to study this society."
  • Merm HeadMerm Head- "Bah! Signs of a savage society."
  • Pig HeadPig Head- "It appears there are warring societies here."
  • Pig TorchPig Torch- "Rather crude construction."
  • Basalt1Basalt- "Rather impervious, I'm afraid."
  • BoulderBoulder- "Ah! Nothing like a bit of geology to soothe the soul."
  • RocksRocks- "They could contain fossils!"
  • FlintFlint- "A useful bit of rock."
  • NitreNitre- "I say! This can be made into gunpowder!"
  • Gold NuggetGold Nugget- "I say, this brings a shine to my eye!"
  • GraveGrave- "Rather morose."
  • Grave DugGrave (dug)- "Ghoulish."
  • Suspicious Dirt PileSuspicious Dirt Pile- "Worth a closer examination."
  • Animal TrackAnimal Track- "Aha! I've got the trail."
  • Animal TrackAnimal Track (lost its trail)- "Zounds! I've lost the trail."
  • Animal TrackAnimal Track (found)- "Egads! Rather large beasts are lurking."
  • Wooden ThingWooden Thing Adventure ModeWooden Thing- "Quite an arcane device."
  • Wooden Thing (partially assembled)- "It's lacking something..."
  • Wooden Thing (locked)- "I shall discover the key."
  • Wooden Thing (fully assembled)- "I say! It appears to be doing...something!"
  • Ring ThingRing Thing Adventure ModeRing Thing- "I say! That looks valuable."
  • Crank ThingCrank Thing Adventure ModeCrank Thing- "A gadget of some sort."
  • Box ThingBox Thing Adventure ModeBox Thing- "What sort of apparatus is this?"
  • Metal Potato ThingMetal Potato Thing Adventure ModeMetal Potato Thing- "A contraption of some sort."
  • Worm HoleWorm Hole- "I wonder what treasures lay within."
  • WormholeWorm Hole (open)- "Bah! It's fetid."
  • Worm Hole EatingWorm Hole (exited)- "A bit of unpleasantness."
  • PondPond- "One wonders what lies within its depths."
  • SkeletonSkeleton- "One never knows what secrets a skeleton keeps."
  • Spider DenSpider Den- "Rather dank in there."
  • Spider EggsSpider Eggs- "Repulsive."
  • Rabbit HoleRabbit Hole- "Rather dark in there."
  • Walrus Camp WinterWalrus Camp- "The camp of marine mammals."
  • Walrus Camp EmptyWalrus Camp (empty)- "An abandoned camp."
  • Wolly-2Sunken Boat- "I say! Are there survivors, I wonder?"
  • Sunken Boat AbandonedSunken Boat (empty)- "Quite abandoned, I'm afraid."
  • Flotsam BuildFlotsam- "How does one go about getting that...?"

Reign of Giants[]

  • IceIce- "Should come in handy in the summer months."
  • Mini GlacierMini Glacier- "A piece of frozen water."
  • Mini Glacier MeltedMini Glacier (melted)- "Just water now."
  • Animal TrackAnimal Track (spring, lost trail)- "Blimey, the trail is lost."
  • BurrowBurrow- "Aha! I've found its home."
  • Rabbit Hole CollapsedRabbit Hole (collapsed)- "Blast! It's not rabbiting season."
  • Rundown House BurntRundown House (burnt)- "A pity. Now I cannot study it."
  • Pig Head BurntMerm Head (burnt)- "I can't say I'm bothered by that."
  • Pig Head BurntPig Head (burnt)- "Bah! Completely unneccessary carnage!"
  • Hollow StumpHollow Stump- "Fascinating! It's the home of those cat fellows."
  • Dead Hollow StumpHollow Stump (empty)- "It's empty. Pity."
  • Glommer's StatueGlommer's Statue- "A fascinating shrine to a flying beast."
  • Glommer's Statue MinedGlommer's Statue (mined)- "Oh phooey, it's been cleaned out."
  • SkeletonSkeleton (self)- "I feel a chill."
  • Sunken Boat BurntSunken Boat (burnt)- "Quite worthless in this state."


  • Rabbit HoleCrabbit Den- "Rather damp within."
  • Rabbit Hole CollapsedCrabbit Den (collapsed)- "
  • Mermhouse FisherFishermerm's Hut- "The den of those curious fish creatures."
  • Merm House ShipwreckedMerm Hut- "
  • Merm Hut BurntMerm Hut (burnt)- "
  • ShoalShoal- "Quite an aquatic motley below!"
  • Wobster DenWobster Den- "Rather damp within."
  • Coral ReefCoral Reef- "Charming!"
  • CoralCoral- "A rather handsome plant."
  • Coral LarvaCoral Larva- "Hardly worth the effort."
  • Limpet RockLimpet Rock- "It's rather overrun by mollusks."
  • Withered Limpet RockLimpet Rock (withered)- "
  • Limpet Rock PickedLimpet Rock (picked)- "Cleared of its parasites."
  • Magma PileMagma Pile- "Quite the geological formation!"
  • Gold Magma PileMagma Pile (gold)- "I do believe I spy some gold within."
  • KrissureKrissure- "Quite unstable!"
  • Steamer TrunkSteamer Trunk- "Proper travelling luggage."
  • Sandy PileSandy Pile- "Not terribly exciting."
  • SandSand- "Of a good grain."
  • Sharkitten den activeSharkitten Den- "The sanctuary of those adorable predators."
  • Sharkitten den dormantSharkitten Den (inactive)- "I can't help but think I'm missing something."
  • VolcanoVolcano- "Magnificent!"
  • Dragoon EggDragoon Egg- "Not unlike an egg."
  • Suspicious Bubbles- "The artifact of a sea creature's passing."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost its trail)- "Bah! I've lost the trail!"
  • Suspicious Bubbles (found)- "A leviathan lurks nearby."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost trail, Monsoon Season)- "Blasted waves! The trail is lost!"
  • Tar SlickTar Slick- "A good source of fuel, I should think."
  • TarTar- "I used to have domestics for dealing with this."
  • Tar TrapTar Trap- "Quite a sticky situation. Haw haw!"
  • Tidal PoolTidal Pool- "There are plenty of fish in that pool!"
  • Lava PoolLava Pool- "Quite balmy."
  • Mussel Farm4-1Mussels- "I say! There are creatures down there."
  • Mussel Farm4-1Mussel StickMussels (with stick)- "Rather tedious waiting for the harvest."
  • SlotmachineSlot Machine- "Shall I try my luck?"
  • Electric IsoscelesElectric Isosceles- "Bewildering!"
  • Octopus Chest BuildOcto Chest- "I do believe there are treasures within."
  • DebrisDebris- "Is there no one here to tidy up?!"
  • CrateCrate- "There could be something of value in there."
  • Wildbore HeadPig Head BurntWildbore Head (normal and burnt)- "Artifacts of a barbaric culture."
  • SeashellSeashell (normal & beached)- "A common seashell."
  • Poison HolePoisonous Hole- "I should like to avoid that."
  • Gunpowder BarrelGunpowder Barrel- "That would make quite an ebullient hunting instrument."
  • X Marks The SpotX Marks the Spot- "Huzzah! There are treasures within!"
  • RawlingRawling- "I say, old chap. You're quite vocal."
  • Watery GraveWatery Grave- "Seems a shame to leave that out there."
  • Wreck MidshipWreck- "A shame."
  • Wooden Thing ShipwreckedWooden Platform Thing (all states)- "This is only part of a whole."
  • Grassy ThingGrassy Thing- "One assumes this connects to something."
  • Screw ThingScrew Thing- "Quite unusual!"
  • Wooden Potato ThingWooden Potato Thing- "I say! It's a transcendental tuber!"
  • Ring Thing ShipwreckedRing Thing- "Used for something, I should think."


  • Stone SlabStone Slab FlippedStone Slab (normal & flipped)- "One never knows what one may find underneath."
  • Dung PileDung Pile- "One finds the oddest things!"
  • Dung BallDung Ball- "Ra-ther!"
  • ThundernestThundernest- "A fine avian artifact."
  • Iron Hulk HeadIron Hulk (head)- "Huzzah! The head of an ancient automaton!"
  • ファイル:Iron Hulk Hand.pngIron Hulk (hand)- "It appears to be part of an ancient civilization!"
  • Iron Hulk RibsIron Hulk (ribs)- "Huzzah! A metal artifact!"
  • ファイル:Iron Hulk Foot.pngIron Hulk (foot)- "Glorious! Proof of ancient technology!"
  • Iron OreIron Ore- "A fine mineral specimen."
  • Sparkling PoolSparkling Pool- "Full of twinkling artifacts."
  • Gold DustGold Dust- "A fine dusting of gold."
  • Gnat MoundGnat Mound- "An abode for those bothersome insects."
  • Farm HouseFamr House- "Charming."
  • Quarry LodgingsQuarry Lodgings- "
  • Lawn Decoration- "Well that's progress."
  • Secret Bandit CampSecret Bandit Camp- "I say, that looks like treasure."
  • Cave CleftCave Cleft- "It seems I've found the bat's sanctuary."
  • Ruinous Entrance- "
  • Mant Hill- "I say! They have their own form of colonizing."
  • Crumbling Brazier- "Convenient."
  • Crumbling Visage- "
  • Ancient Wall- "
  • Fountain of YouthFountain of Youth- "Huzzah! The legendary Fountain of Youth!"
  • Fountain of Youth (dry)- "
  • Ominous Carving- "One must always be careful in ruins of this kind."
  • Teetering Pillar- "
  • Petrified Egg 1Petrified Egg (1)- "
  • Petrified Egg 2Petrified Egg (2)- "
  • Petrified Egg 3Petrified Egg (3)- "
  • Petrified Egg 4Petrified Egg (4)- "
  • Rusty LampRusty Lamp- "Unusual artifact."
  • Weathered HouseWeathered House- "I say, someone is missing their house!"

CaveEntrance1Nature - Caves[]

Base Game[]

  • SinkholePlugged Sinkhole- "I say, that must lead somewhere."
  • SinkholeSinkhole (generic)- "Huzzah! It leads somewhere!"
  • Unplugged Sinkhole DSSinkhole (open)- "Plenty of discoveries in there, I should think."
  • Exit to Surface (generic)- "It appears to be a way out."
  • Exit to Surface (open)- "Shall I?"
  • MushtreeRedRed Mushtree- "A flourishing fungus."
  • MushtreeGreenGreen Mushtree- "A tiny tree of toxin."
  • MushtreeBlue Mushtree- "A towering fungal atrocity."
  • Light FlowerLight Flower- "A rather luminous flower."
  • Light BulbLight Bulb- "Rather enlightening, but I shant eat that raw."
  • StalagmiteStalagmiteTallStalagmite (normal & pointy)- "No doubt the Geological Society would find that interesting."
  • SpilagmiteSpilagmite- "Aha! I have discovered a spider den."
  • Slurtle MoundSlurtle Mound- "Rather dingy in there."
  • Monkey TotemSplumonkey Pod- "It smells rather like those barbaric creatures."
  • FernFern- "A bit of decoration."
  • FoliageFoliage- "Rather bland bit of leafage."
  • Cave Banana TreeCave Banana Tree- "Curious how these can grow down here..."
  • Cave Banana TreeCave Banana Tree (burnt)- "I say, that's rather gauche!"


  • Spooky HoleSpooky Hole- "Looks like a den of some sort."
  • Stone PlugStone Plug- "
  • Unimportant Rock Pillar- "Rather sturdy beam."

Thulecite FragmentsNature - Ruins[]

Base Game[]

  • Ruins Entrance Plugged Ruins Sinkhole- "I say, that must lead somewhere."
  • Ruins EntranceRuins Sinkhole- "Plenty of discoveries in there, I should think."
  • AncientAncient FaceAncient Statue- "A pity it doesn't put up much of a fight."
  • Broken AltarAncient Pseudoscience Station (broken)- "Only half formed. I should like to see it whole."
  • Ancient Pseudoscience StationAncient Pseudoscience Station- "A superb monument from a savage civilization."
  • AlgaeAlgae- "Rather useless plant matter."
  • Broken Clockworks1Broken Clockworks (type 1)- "I'm afraid it's reached its endgame."
  • Broken clockworksBroken Clockworks (type 2)- "It's been fianchettoed!"
  • Broken clockworksBroken Clockworks (type 3)- "No doubt sacrificed to protect the king."
  • Relic ChairRelic TableRelic VaseRelic PlateRelic BowlRelic ChipbowlRelic- "I say! This is quite fascinating!"
  • Relic Chair RubbleRelic Table RubbleRelic Vase RubbleRelic (broken)- "Bah! One can't study it like this!"
  • Thulecite FragmentsThulecite Fragments- "Huzzah! These look quite intriguing!"
  • Cave LichenCave Lichen- "Rather prefer these cooked."
  • Ornate ChestOrnate Chest- "A gilded chest. How lavish!"
  • Ornate ChestLarge Ornate Chest- "One hopes the treasure within is as ornate."
  • Nightmare LightNightmare Light- "Vibrantly unsettling."

Obsidian BoulderNature - Volcano[]


  • Obsidian WorkbenchObsidian Workbench- "I say! That will come in handy."
  • Coffee PlantCoffee Plant- "I prefer tea."
  • Coffee Plant PickedCoffee Plant (picked)- "I'm afraid it's been picked over."
  • Coffee Plant WitheredCoffee Plant (barren)- "Rather outlived its usefulness."
  • Coffee Plant WitheredCoffee Plant (withered)- "Could do with a touch of fertilizer."
  • Coffee Plant DugCoffee Plant (held)- "This would do better in the ground."
  • Elephant CactusElephant Cactus- "Not the most welcoming plant."
  • Withered Elephant CactusElephant Cactus (withered)- "
  • Elephant Cactus Stump 2Elephant Cactus Stump- "Not as bristly in this state."
  • Elephant Cactus DugElephant Cactus (held)- "A rare plant, to be sure."
  • Cactus SpikeCactus Spike- "The barbed projectiles of those prickly cacti."
  • Obsidian BoulderObsidian Boulder- "I say! It is rather durable."
  • ObsidianObsidian- "Rather inflammatory."
  • Charcoal BoulderCharcoal Boulder- "Quite resilient as a source of fuel."
  • Ash TreeBurnt Ash Tree- "I say! That is a hardy bit of foliage."
  • Dragoon SalivaDragoon Saliva- "Fiery sputum!"
  • Woodlegs' CageWoodlegs' Cage- "A buccaneer, if I'm not mistaken."
  • Woodlegs' CageWoodlegs (free)- "
  • Volcano AltarVolcano Altar of Snackrifice- "Huzzah! An ancient artifact to examine!"
  • Volcano AltarVolcano Altar of Snackrifice (active)- "Fascinating! It still functions!"
  • Volcano (exit)- "An egress from this balmy neighborhood."

Lost IdolNature - Ruinous Caves[]


  • A Smashing PotA Smashing Pot- "A rather smashing pot! Haw haw!"
  • Dart Trap- "
  • Nasty Spear TrapNasty Spear Trap- "I'll certainly avoid those."
  • ファイル:Busted Spear Trap.pngBusted Spear Trap- "
  • Tempting Idol- "
  • Unimportant Pillar- "Rather sturdy beam."
  • Vines- "
  • Wall Brazier- "
  • Wishing WellWishing Well- "A bit of a gamble, isn't it?"
  • End's WellEnd's Well- "
  • Aporkalypse CalendarAporkalypse Calendar- "Huzzah! Ancient technology!"

Mant HillNature - Mant Hill[]


  • Antcomb HomeAntcomb Home- "Aha! I've found its home!"
  • Honey ChestHoney Chest- "
  • LampLamp- "What a curious light!"
  • Mant Warrior EggMant Warrior Egg- "
  • Stalacmite ThroneStalacmite Throne- "

Queen MalfalfaNature - Palace[]


  • PalacePalace- "A place of nobility!"
  • Royal Gallery ExhibitRoyal Gallery Exhibit- "A fine way to preserve one's artifacts."

Grass TurfTurfs[]

Base Game[]

  • Wooden FlooringWooden Flooring- "Has a tad of sophistication."
  • Carpeted FlooringCarpeted Flooring- "Quite refined."
  • Checkerboard FlooringCheckerboard Flooring- "With enough of these I could play a round of chess."
  • CobblestonesCobblestones- "I applaud the attempt at sophistication."
  • Forest TurfForest Turf- "Luxuriant, but overrun."
  • Grass TurfGrass Turf- "Rustic."
  • Marsh TurfMarsh Turf- "Bah! It's unsophisticated."
  • Rocky TurfRocky Turf- "Rather rough around the edges."
  • Savanna TurfSavanna Turf- "A touch dry."
  • Mud TurfMud Turf- "Quite unsophisticated."
  • Guano TurfGuano Turf- "Rather unsophisticated."
  • Slimy TurfSlimy Turf- "A touch of mildew in this."
  • Fungal Turf BlueFungal Turf RedFungal Turf GreenFungal Turf (blue, red, green)- "A bit of fungus, I believe."
  • Cave Rock TurfCave Rock Turf- "Rather dank."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Deciduous TurfDeciduous Turf- "A bit of evergreen, I believe."
  • Sandy TurfSandy Turf- "A bit of sand, I believe."


  • Snakeskin RugSnakeskin Rug- "I do enjoy a fine snakeskin rug!"
  • Jungle TurfJungle Turf- "A touch of jungle floor."
  • Meadow TurfMeadow Turf- "Ground from the meadows, I believe."
  • Magma TurfMagma Turf- "Rather volatile turf."
  • Tidal Marsh TurfTidal Marsh Turf- "Ground steeped in mud."
  • Ashy TurfAshy Turf- "Some ashen ground, I believe."
  • Volcano TurfVolcano Turf- "Rather temperamental ground."


  • Lawn TurfLawn Turf- "A bit of grassy turf."
  • Cultivated TurfRainforest TurfPainted Sand TurfMossy TurfCultivated Turf, Rainforest Turf, Painted Sand Turf, and Mossy Turf- "A bit of turf, I believe."
  • Flat Stone TurfFlat Stone Turf- "A solid bit of turf."
  • Stone Road TurfStone Road Turf- "A bit of cobbled road, I believe."
  • Beard Hair RugBeard Hair Rug- "I say, what's this made of?"
  • Dense TurfDense Turf- "
  • Wild Plains TurfWild Plains Turf- "Rather nice bit of sod."

Spider Mobs - Monsters[]

Base Game[]

  • Clockwork KnightClockwork Knight- "You'll not fork me, knight!"
  • Clockwork BishopClockwork Bishop- "I say, a chess match does sound like jolly good fun."
  • Clockwork RookClockwork Rook- "A roaming turret!"
  • Damaged KnightDamaged Knight- "Quite a knightmare!"
  • Damaged bishopDamaged Bishop- "A ghoulish game piece!"
  • Damaged ClockworkDamaged Rook- "A ghastly turret!"
  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "Hummph? What's that?"
  • Charlie (attacked by)- "Huzzah! Show yourself!"
  • HoundHound- "I say! That's a monstrous mongrel!"
  • Red HoundRed Hound- "I say! Infernal creature!"
  • Blue HoundBlue Hound- "I say! That's a chilling quadruped!"
  • Hound's ToothHound's Tooth- "The artifact of a rather intimidating creature."
  • SpiderSpider- "Rather aggressive!"
  • Spider WarriorSpider Warrior- "He seems guarded."
  • Spider SleepingSpider (sleeping)- "I've caught it napping."
  • Spider Warrior SleepingSpider Warrior (sleeping)- "Rather useless as a guard just now."
  • Dead SpiderSpider (dead)- "Conquered."
  • Dead Spider WarriorSpider Warrior (dead)- "It has been bested!"
  • Spider GlandSpider Gland- "Vile!"
  • SilkSilk- "It's quite a fine cloth!"
  • KrampusKrampus- "Bah! Humbug!"
  • Krampus SackKrampus Sack- "A rather festive satchel."
  • MermMerm- "I say! I wonder what a piscine civilization looks like."
  • FrogFrog- "Rather skittery!"
  • Frog SleepingFrog (sleeping)- "I'll not disturb it."
  • Dead FrogFrog (dead)- "Ah. Reminds me of my dissecting days."
  • TentacleTentacle- "I say! A monster from the depths!"
  • Tentacle SpikeTentacle Spike- "A boorish animal artifact."
  • Tentacle SpotsTentacle Spots- "A rather eccentric animal artifact."
  • TentapillarBig Tentacle- "Presumably it's attached to something?"
  • Baby TentacleBaby Tentacle- "Rather unwieldy!"
  • Guardian PigGuardian Pig- "I say, old chap! What are you guarding?"
  • WerepigWerepig- "I say! He's rather hirsute."
  • Ghost BuildGhost- "Bah! Ghastly!"
  • MacTuskMacTusk- "I say! He looks jaunty!"
  • WeeTuskWee MacTusk- "I say! He looks like a jaunty fellow!"
  • Walrus TuskWalrus Tusk- "Ancient societies often find uses for tusks."
  • Tam o' ShanterTam o' Shanter- "I feel at the top o' my game!"
  • MosquitoMosquito- "Blasted bugs! Away with you!"
  • MosquitoMosquito (held)- "Rather less annoying when captured."
  • Mosquito SackMosquito Sack- "Makes things a touch more sanguine."
  • MosquitoNearby Mosquitoes- "Bah! There are mosquitos about."
  • Cave SpiderCave Spider- "Shy little fellow."
  • SpitterSpitter- "I say! That's rather rude!"
  • BatiliskBatilisk- "I say! They'll drive one batty!"
  • LureplantMeat Bulb- "Alluring!"
  • Fleshy BulbFleshy Bulb- "I say! I could plant it!"
  • EyeplantEyeplant- "Ra-ther! It's quite ghoulish!"
  • SlurperSlurper- "Rather parasitic."
  • Slurper PeltSlurper Pelt- "I say! A pelt could be quite useful!"
  • Dangling Depth DwellerDangling Depth Dweller- "An abseiling arachnid!"
  • Depths WormDepths Worm (emerged)- "That was rather unexpected!"
  • Depths Worm LureDepths Worm (lure)- "I believe it's just a plant."
  • Depths Worm BurrowedDepths Worm (burrowed)- "Rather odd..."
  • EwecusEwecus- "I say, that's an ugly creature."
  • Steel WoolSteel Wool- "It's quite durable."

Reign of Giants[]

  • VargVarg- "I say! A wild dog!"
  • Poison Birchnut TreePoison Birchnut Tree (normal & stump)- "I say! That tree has acquired an eyeball!"
  • BirchnutterBirchnutter- "I say! That vegetation is mobile!"


  • CrocodogCrocodog- "Horrifying cur!"
  • Yellow CrocodogYellow Crocodog- "I say, old chap, you can keep your poison!"
  • Blue CrocodogBlue Crocodog- "A cur from the depths."
  • Floaty Boaty KnightFloaty Boaty Knight- "I say! A sea horse!"
  • FlupFlup (in ground)Flup (normal and in ground)- "Eye say!"
  • EyeshotEyeshot- "Eye say!"
  • Pirate GhostPirate Ghost- "I say, old chap! Don't hurt me."
  • Poison MosquitoPoison Mosquito (normal & held)- "Bah! Diseased creatures!"
  • Yellow Mosquito SackYellow Mosquito Sack- "Has medicinal uses, if I'm not mistaken."
  • SnakeSnake- "I say! A snake!"
  • Poison SnakePoison Snake- "I'd rather not be poisoned, thank you!"
  • SnakeskinSnakeskin- "A serpentine artifact."
  • Spider Warrior (Venomous)Spider Warrior (venomous)- "
  • Poison Spider SleepingSpider Warrior (venomous, sleeping)- "
  • Dead Spider Warrior (Venomous)Spider Warrior (venomous, dead)- "
  • Sea HoundSea Hound- "I say! That's an ominous looking dorsal fin."
  • Stink RayStink Ray- "I say! That's a rather putrid predator!"
  • SwordfishSwordfish- "You'll not run me through!"
  • White WhaleWhite Whale- "From hell's heart I stab at thee!"
  • White Whale CarcassWhite Whale Carcass- "Bah! It's rather rank!"
  • DragoonDragoon- "Quite fiery, that one."


  • Ancient SpiritAncient Spirit- "A phantasmic porker!"
  • Giant GrubGiant Grub- "
  • Gnat SwarmGnat Swarm- "I do hope they don't bite."
  • Hanging Vine (mob)Hanging Vine- "Quite common in the jungle, I'm afraid."
  • Warrior MantMant Warrior- "I should like to study that chap more."
  • Masked pig idleMasked Pig- "I say! He's after my money!"
  • Swashy HatSwashy Hat- "Certainly a way to hide oneself."
  • Bandit Stash MapBandit Stash Map- "Ah. I do enjoy a good treasure hunt."
  • Poison DartfrogPoison Dartfrog- "A poisonous pollywog!"
  • Rabid BeetleRabid Beetle- "Virulent vermin!"
  • Rabid Beetle SleepingRabid Beetle- "A rather noisy slumber."
  • Rabid Beetle DeadRabid Beetle- "It's done for."
  • ScorpionScorpion- "I say! A stinging seditionist!"
  • Scorpion SleepingScorpion (sleeping)- "Rather careless."
  • Scorpion DeadScorpion (dead)- "It's been exterminated."
  • Level 1 Snaptooth SeedlingLevel 2 Snaptooth SeedlingLevel 3 Snaptooth SeedlingSnaptooth Seedling- "There's no need for such behaviour!"
  • Sleeping Level 1 Snaptooth SeedlingSleeping Level 2 Snaptooth SeedlingSleeping Level 3 Snaptooth SeedlingSnaptooth Seedling (sleeping)- "Advantageous."
  • Snaptooth Seedling Level 1 DeadSnaptooth Seedling Level 2 DeadSnaptooth Seedling Level 3 DeadSnaptooth Seedling (dead)- "It's been cut down."
  • Snaptooth FlytrapSnaptooth Flytrap- "Rather ornery fellow!"
  • Snaptooth Flytrap SleepingSnaptooth Flytrap (sleeping)- "Bah! Not so lively now!"
  • Snaptooth Flytrap DeadSnaptooth Flytrap (dead)- "I say! That's a relief!"
  • Spider MonkeySpider Monkey- "I say! An atrocious hybrid!"
  • Spider MonkeySpider Monkey (sleeping)- "Rather bothersome still."
  • Spider MonkeySpider Monkey (dead)- "Bad breeding has been snuffed out!"
  • Vampire BatVampire Bat- "Entirely too sanguine for my tastes!"
  • Vampire Bat SleepingVampire Bat (sleeping)- "I shall endeavor to sneak by."
  • Vampire Bat DeadVampire Bat (dead)- "It quite deserved that."
  • Pig Skin?Pig Skin?- "Rather odd mishmash of bat and pig hide."
  • WeevoleWeevole- "Blasted bugs!"
  • Weevole CarapaceWeevole Carapace- "Artifact from those blasted bugs."

PigMobs - Neutral Animals[]

Base Game[]

  • BeefaloBeefalo- "I say, that is quite the hide!"
  • BeefaloBeefalo (follower)- "I seem to have picked up a straggler."
  • Beefalo SleepingBeefalo (sleeping)- "Lethargic."
  • Beefalo NakedBeefalo (naked)- "Haw haw! It's quite amusing shaved like that."
  • DefaultDomesticatedBeefaloBeefalo (domesticated)- "
  • PudgyDomesticatedBeefaloBeefalo (domesticated, pudgy)- "
  • RiderDomesticatedBeefaloBeefalo (domesticated, docile)- "
  • OrneryDomesticatedBeefaloBeefalo (domesticated, ornery)- "
  • Beefalo WoolBeefalo Wool- "A souvenir."
  • Beefalo HornBeefalo Horn- "A rather useful trophy."
  • Baby BeefaloBaby Beefalo- "Rather captivating."
  • BeeNearby Bees- "The bees are stirring."
  • BeeBee- "They're rather busy!"
  • Killer BeeKiller Bee- "Rather pokey insects."
  • BeeBee (held)- "Its humming is rather tedious."
  • Killer BeeKiller Bee (held)- "Captured for future use."
  • StingerStinger- "The artifact from a bee."
  • PigPig (normal and sleeping)- "Rather curious porcine humanoid."
  • PigPig (follower)- "I have acquired a party."
  • Dead PigPig (dead)- "I say!"
  • Pig SkinPig Skin- "Rather useful in many civilizations."
  • Bunnyman2BeardlordBunnyman and Beardlord- "I say! It's an upright cuniculus!"
  • Bunny PuffBunny Puff- "A gluteal artifact."
  • KoalefantKoalefant- "I say! That's a rare beast!"
  • Winter KoalefantWinter Koalefant- "I say! That trunk would make a cozy vest."
  • PengullPengull- "They appear quite organized."
  • Rock LobsterRock Lobster- "I say! He seems craggy!"
  • SlurtleSlurtle- "Curious, it's shell is an ancient helm!"
  • SnurtleSnurtle- "A well armoured source of slime."
  • Slurtle SlimeSlurtle Slime- "Glutinous and illuminating."
  • Broken ShellBroken Shell- "Bother! It shattered."
  • ShelmetShelmet- "I feel rather Grecian."
  • Snurtle Shell ArmorSnurtle Shell Armor- "Quite durable!"
  • SplumonkeySplumonkey- "I say, throwing poop is rather uncivilized!"

Reign of Giants[]

  • BuzzardBuzzard- "Ah! A carrion bird!"
  • CatcoonCatcoon- "I'm rather wary of those creatures."
  • Cat TailCat Tail- "A fine memento of the hunt."
  • Volt GoatVolt Goat- "I say! I do like those horns."
  • Charged Volt GoatVolt Goat (charged)- "Huzzah! A buzzing young buck!"
  • Volt Goat HornVolt Goat Horn- "Rather electrifying!"


  • Blue WhaleBlue Whale- "Thar she blows!"
  • Blue Whale CarcassBlue Whale Carcass (all stages)- "Bah! It's rather rank!"
  • Bottlenosed BallphinBottlenose Ballphin- "I wonder if it's friendly."
  • Dorsal FinDorsal Fin- "An admirable aquatic artifact."
  • JellyfishJellyfish (normal & held)- "One hopes they aren't poisonous."
  • Water BeefaloWater Beefalo (normal, sleeping and follower)- "I say! A producer of sodden manure."
  • HornHorn- "An ivory artifact!"
  • Prime ApePrime Ape- "Ah! The leader of the homin society."
  • WildboreWildbore- "I say! This one takes a hirsute form!"


  • Elder MandrakeElder Mandrake- "Rather noisy fellow."
  • HippopotamooseHippopotamoose- "A herculean hippo!"
  • Hippopotamoose AntlerHippopotamoose Antler- "Rather grandiose artifact."
  • MantMant- "I should like to study that chap more."
  • Mant SleepingMant (sleeping)- "Completely defenseless."
  • Mant DeadMant (dead)- "Not a surprise."
  • PlatapinePlatapine- "Rather prickly fellow."
  • Platapine SleepingPlatapine (sleeping)- "I'd rather not wake it."
  • Platapine DeadPlatapine (dead)- "Rather dead at the moment."
  • Platapine QuillPlatapine Quill- "An artifact from those prickly fellows."
  • PogPog- "Rather happy little creature."
  • Royal GuardRoyal Guard- "I shall endeavor to behave."
  • Royal GuardRoyal Guard (sleeping)- "Not a very good sentinel, is he?"
  • Royal GuardRoyal Guard (palace variant)- "Keeps the peace."
  • Royal GuardRoyal Guard (palace variant, sleeping)- "Rather unsettling sight."

RabbitMobs - Passive Animals[]

Base Game[]

  • ButterflyButterfly- "A first rate addition to a butterfly collection."
  • ButterflyButterfly (held)- "One wishes one had a killing jar..."
  • CrowCrow- "Ah! A corvus!"
  • RedbirdRedbird- "Rather paltry."
  • SnowbirdSnowbird- "Handsome."
  • CrowRedbirdSnowbirdCrow, Redbird, & Snowbird (held)- "A bird in the hand..."
  • Jet FeatherCrimson FeatherJet & Crimson Feather- "A feathered artifact."
  • Azure FeatherAzure Feather- "A handsome feathered artifact."
  • GobblerGobbler- "Rather noisy bird."
  • Eye BoneEye Bone- "Quite an amalgamation."
  • Eye BoneEye Bone (Chester dead)- "I say, is it...sleeping?"
  • AshesEye Bone (ashes)- "The artifact of a captivating bone."
  • ChesterChester- "I seem to have picked up a pet."
  • RabbitWinter RabbitBeardlingRabbit and Beardling- "I say! Is it rabbiting season?"
  • RabbitWinter RabbitBeardlingRabbit and Beardling (held)- "Captured!"
  • FirefliesFireflies- "I should like to capture those."
  • FirefliesFireflies (held)- "Rather useful, these."
  • Planted MandrakeMandrake (planted)- "Quite a cacophony!"
  • Mandrake MobMandrake (follower)- "Infernal caterwauling!"
  • MandrakeMandrake (dead)- "More pleasant to be around like this."
  • Cooked MandrakeMandrake (cooked)- "Simple yet satisfying."
  • Cooked MandrakeMandrake (knocked out by)- "I say, I finally have a bit of peace and quiet."

Reign of Giants[]

  • GlommerGlommer (normal & sleeping)- "I say, old chap, what do you want?"
  • Glommer's FlowerGlommer's Flower- "The smell has a bit of an after taste to it."
  • Dead Glommer's FlowerGlommer's Flower (Glommer dead)- "The smell isn't nearly as unpleasant now."
  • AshesGlommer's Flower (ashes)- "A pity. I should've liked to study that."
  • Glommer's WingsGlommer's Wings- "I rather miss that beast."
  • Glommer's GoopGlommer's Goop- "A bit of messy business."
  • Depths Worm BurrowedRaised Dirt (underground Moleworm)- "I believe a beast is hiding under there."
  • MolewormsMoleworm (aboveground)- "You little rascal..."
  • MolewormMoleworm (held)- "Huzzah! I've caught it."


  • BioluminescenceBioluminescence- "A rather curious bug!"
  • CrabbitCrab (insanity)Crabbit and Beardling (normal & held)- "A crustaceous curiousity!"
  • Shifting SandsShifting Sands- "Show yourself!"
  • DogfishDogfish- "A water cur!"
  • SharkittenSharkitten- "I'll not fall victim to your endearing eyes!"
  • FishboneFishbone- "A rather odd acquisition."
  • FishboneFishbone (Packim dead)- "
  • AshesFishbone (ashes)- "
  • Packim BaggimsPackim Baggims- "I seem to have picked up a flying pet."
  • Rainbow JellyfishRainbow Jellyfish- "I say! This one's variegated!"
  • Rainbow JellyfishRainbow Jellyfish (held)- "I say! That's a fine catch!"
  • ParrotParrot (normal & held)- "Beatiful plummage."
  • Parrot PirateParrot Pirate (normal & held)- "I say! A piratical parrot!"
  • CormorantCormorant (normal & held)- "A watery fowl."
  • SeagullSeagull (normal & held)- "I say! A sea bird."
  • SeagullSeagull (in water & held)- "I say! A sea bird! On the sea!."
  • ToucanToucan (normal & held)- "That beak is quite fascinating."
  • DoydoyDoydoy (normal & held)- "I say! I thought these were hunted to extinction."
  • Doydoy NestDoydoy Nest- "Where have its occupants run off to?"
  • Doydoy FeatherDoydoy Feather- "A feathered artifact."
  • Doydoy EggDoydoy Egg- "I should cook this up with a rasher of bacon."
  • Doydoy EggHatching Doydoy Egg- "Cracking!"
  • Fried Doydoy EggFried Doydoy Egg- "A simple meal."
  • Baby DoydoyBaby Doydoy (normal & held)- "Quite naive!"
  • Teen DoydoyTeen Doydoy- "
  • Teen DoydoyTeen Doydoy (held)- "
  • WobsterWobster- "Ah! A mid-Atlantic variation if I'm not mistaken."
  • FishermermFishermerm- "I say! The member of an amphibious society!"


  • Pig BankerBanker- "I say, old chap, do you deal in coin?"
  • Pig BeauticianBeautician- "You may leave my mustache alone, thank you!"
  • Pig CollectorCollector- "I say, old chap, I should like to see your wares."
  • Pig EruditeErudite- "I could do with some more esoteric items."
  • Pig FarmerFarmer- "A pig farmer! Haw haw! That's rich!"
  • Pig FloristFlorist- "Flowers do offer a bit of refinement to ones life."
  • Pig HatmakerHatmaker- "I say! You're a rather blithesome creature!"
  • Pig HunterHunter- "Have you any antique weapons perhaps?"
  • Pig MayorMayor Truffleston- "The leader of this pig society."
  • Pig MinerMiner- "Ah! A purveyor of minerals."
  • Pig ProfessorProfessor- "I say, old chap, what's your secret to long life?"
  • Pig QueenPig Queen- "I should hope no one expects me to bow."
  • Pig ShopkeepShopkeep- "What wares have you today?"
  • Pig UsherUsher- "
  • Pig WorkerWorker- "A pig mechanic! Will wonders never cease?"
  • KingfisherKingfisher (normal & held)- "A long-beaked lout!
  • Kingfisher SleepingKingfisher (sleeping)- "One wonders how it stays upright."
  • Kingfisher DeadKingfisher (dead)- "Quite defeated."
  • Parrot (Hamlet)Parrot (normal & held)- "Hello Mister Polly Parrot!"
  • Parrot (Hamlet) SleepingParrot (sleeping)- "He's quite easily stunned."
  • Parrot (Hamlet) DeadParrot (dead)- "That is what one calls a dead parrot."
  • Pigeon HamletPigeon (normal & held)- "Blasted pests!"
  • Pigeon (Hamlet) SleepingPigeon (sleeping)- "Bothersome."
  • Pigeon (Hamlet) DeadPigeon (dead)- "Rather dead."
  • Dung Beetle on BallDung Beetle- "Too repugnant!"
  • Dung BeetleDung Beetle (without Dung Ball)- "It's lost its dung."
  • Dung Beetle Sleeping 1Dung Beetle Sleeping 2Dung Beetle (sleeping)- "I say! It can sleep anywhere!"
  • Dung Beetle DeadDung Beetle (dead)- "Good riddance to bad rubbish!"
  • GlowflyGlowfly- "A phosphorescent fool!"
  • Glowfly SleepingGlowfly (sleeping)- "Perhaps I can catch it."
  • Glowfly DeadGlowfly (dead)- "It's been extinguished. Haw haw!"
  • Glowfly CocoonGlowfly (cocoon)- "I say! It's undergoing a metamorphosis."
  • PangoldenPangolden- "A respendent specimen."
  • PeagawkPeagawk- "I say! Eyes!"
  • Peagawk HiddenPeagawk (hiding)- "A bush, nothing more."
  • Peagawk SleepingPeagawk Hidden SleepingPeagawk (sleeping)- "Sleeping with its eyes open. Clever."
  • Peagawk DeadPeagawk (dead)- "Eye say! It's quite dead. Haw haw!"
  • Peagawk PlumePeagawk Plume- "I say, this is a pleasant artifact."
  • PikoPiko- "I say! A rabid rodent!"
  • Piko SleepingPiko (sleeping)- "Ah! Not so squirrelly now."
  • Piko DeadPiko (dead)- "Is it tea time yet?"
  • Orange PikoOrange Piko- "I'm suddenly striken with a urge for tea."
  • ThunderbirdThunderbird- "I say! Rather interesting specimen."
  • Thunder FeatherThunder Feather- "A rather decorative artifact."

SmallbirdMobs - Tallbird family[]

Base Game[]

  • TallbirdTallbird- "A fantastic feathered monstrosity!"
  • Tallbird Nest FullTallbird Nest (with egg)- "I say! That egg would make a fine breakfast."
  • Tallbird NestTallbird Nest (empty)- "It appears all its eggs have hatched."
  • Tallbird EggTallbird Egg- "The egg of those marvelous birds."
  • Fried Tallbird EggFried Tallbird Egg- "Rather edible."
  • Hatching Tallbird EggHatching Tallbird Egg- "I say! It appears to be hatching!"
  • Hatching Tallbird EggHatching Tallbird Egg (dead, eating the egg)- "
  • Tallbird Egg Too HotHatching Tallbird Egg (too hot)- "It's rather overheated."
  • Tallbird Egg Too ColdHatching Tallbird Egg (too cold)- "Quite chilly just now."
  • Hatching Tallbird EggHatching Tallbird Egg (long time left)- "It's certainly taking its time."
  • Hatching Tallbird EggHatching Tallbird Egg (short time left)- "Patience is a virtue."
  • SmallbirdSmallbird- "Quite dimunitive."
  • SmallbirdSmallbird (hungry)- "Rather thin."
  • SmallbirdSmallbird (starving)- "I say! It looks famished!"
  • TeenbirdSmallish Tallbird- "A rather youthful fellow."
  • TeenbirdSmallish Tallbird (hungry)- "A bit peckish."
  • TeenbirdSmallish Tallbird (starving, attacking)- "Quite underfed."
  • TeenbirdPecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "I say, old chap, you insult me!

Spider QueenMobs - Bosses[]

Base Game[]

  • TreeguardTreeguard- "I say! He's rather combatative for a conifer!"
  • Lumpy TreeguardTreeguard (lumpy)- "A rather pitiful pine."
  • Spider QueenSpider Queen- "I say! She seems annoyed."
  • SpiderhatSpiderhat- "A horrifying hat!"
  • DeerclopsDeerclops- "I say! He looks quite irate!"
  • Deerclops EyeballDeerclops Eyeball- "A first-rate trophy!"
  • Ancient GuardianAncient Guardian- "I say! He rather doesn't want me to be here!"
  • Guardian's HornGuardian's Horn- "A horn from that rather savage beast."

Reign of Giants[]

  • BeargerBearger- "I say! You're a big fellow."
  • Thick FurThick Fur- "And what does one do with this?"
  • GooseMoose/Goose- "Huzzah! A rare quarry."
  • Goose EggEmpty Goose NestMoose/Goose Egg and Nest- "That is an egg of elephantine proportions."
  • MoslingMosling- "Quite charming!"
  • Down FeatherDown Feather- "A meager trophy."
  • DragonflyDragonfly- "I say! You're quite beastly!"
  • ScalesScales- "Quite iridescent."
  • Lava Spit (hot)- "Quite a choleric bit of fluid!"
  • Lava Spit (cool)- "Rather phlegmatic."


  • Palm TreeguardPalm Treeguard- "That palm tree has made itself portable!"
  • QuackenQuacken- "I've heard tell of such leviathans!"
  • Quacken TentacleQuacken Tentacle- "To arms!!"
  • Chest of the DepthsChest of the Depths- "Presumably there are treasures within."
  • Quacken BeakQuacken Beak- "The artifact from a leviathan."
  • SealnadoSealSealnado (normal & seal form)- "Quite the weather we're having."
  • SealnadoSealnado (failed attack)- "
  • Turbine BladesTurbine Blades- "Ones mind spins at its applications."
  • Magic SealMagic Seal- "Huzzah! It's an artifact of some sort."