Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki

登場作品:Shipwrecked iconShipwrecked

Harp Statue この記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)
Walani talking

Surf's up!

You seem chill.(あんたとは気が合いそう~)




DST版:<Documents>\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together\data\databundles\scripts\languages\japanese.po


Walani PortraitWalani[]

Icon Tools Tools[]

Base Game[]

  • AxeAxe- "I could cut trees with this... But I'd rather not."これで木を切れるけど…切りたくないな~
  • Luxury AxeLuxury Axe- "That's one treasury tool."高級品だ~
  • ShovelShovel- "Ugh, digging..."砂とか土とか掘る道具だね~
  • Regal ShovelRegal Shovel- "I'm digging this fancy shovel."おしゃれなシャベル、「オシャベル」!
  • PickaxePickaxe- "My back hurts just looking at it."見てるだけで、腰痛くなってくる~…
  • Opulent PickaxeOpulent Pickaxe- "I picked a good one."ツルハシだって、おしゃれしたいんだね~
  • RazorRazor- "You're not coming near my legs!"これで足をそるの?やだやだ~!
  • RazorRazor (can't shave)- "Nah."ダメだね~
  • RazorRazor (nothing left)- "My work here is done."てか、もう、毛がないよね~
  • RazorRazor (shaving a waken beefalo)- "Woah, slow down. She's awake."眠ってるときじゃないとムリだね~
  • HammerHammer- "Smashing stuff *sounds* like work, but it's pretty fun."物壊すのって、「仕事」っつうより遊びな感じ~
  • PitchforkPitchfork- "Looks like some kind of trident."海の神様が持ってる武器に似てるかも~
  • Feather PencilFeather Pencil- "Lightweight. I like it."
  • BrushBrush- "Brushing beefalo hair is so relaxing."
  • SaddleSaddle- "That looks comfortable."
  • War SaddleWar Saddle- "A saddle fit for a queen."
  • Glossamer SaddleGlossamer Saddle- "It's like riding a wave only hairier."
  • SaddlehornSaddlehorn- "Oh, that'll help getting the saddle off."
  • Salt LickBurnt Salt LickSalt Lick (normal, burning, and burnt)- "


  • MacheteMachete- "What a hack job."ナタは、どう“なった”?…な~んてね
  • Luxury MacheteLuxury Machete- "I can hack in style."固い物も、おしゃれにたたき切れるよ~

Icon Light Lights[]

Base Game[]

  • CampfireCampfire (upon being built and normal)- "My cozy campfire!"
  • Fire PitFire Pit (upon being built)- "Oh, sweet enemy of darkness."
  • CampfireCampfire (high)- "Uhh... I hope this doesn't spread."
  • Fire PitFire Pit (high)- "So much bright!"
  • Fire PitFire Pit (normal)- "Could be better, could be worse."
  • CampfireCampfire (low)- "I think it needs some energy!"
  • Fire PitFire Pit (low)- "It's barely doing its job."
  • CampfireCampfire (embers)- "I need fuel for my fire!"
  • Fire PitFire Pit (embers)- "This fire is tired."火もくたびれちゃったみたいだね~
  • CampfireCampfire (out)- "Well, that's that."消えちゃったね~
  • Fire PitFire Pit (out)- "It's taking a break."
  • TorchTorch- "Take that, night!"これで夜も怖くないね~!
  • Miner HatMiner Hat- "Another job I hope to never do."穴掘りとか、絶対やりたくないな~
  • TorchMiner HatTorch and Miner Hat (out)- "WHERE DID MY LIGHT GO?!"あれ!?明かりは!?
  • Pumpkin LanternPumpkin Lantern- "Spooky!"不気味だ!
  • LanternLantern- "It really lightens the mood."雰囲気まで明るくなるね~

Reign of Giants[]

  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (upon being built)- "I'm not really sure how this thing works."これって、どういう仕組みなんだろ…
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (high)- "Uhh... I hope this doesn't spread."あ~…他に燃え移らないといいけど…
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (normal)- "The fire is doing it's job."いい感じに燃えてる~
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (low)- "My cozy campfire!"やっぱり、たき火は落ち着くね~!
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (embers)- "I think it needs some energy!"ちょっと火の元気がなくなってきたね~
  • Endothermic FireEndothermic Fire PitEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (out)- "I need fuel for my fire!"燃料足さないと、消えちゃうよ~!
  • MogglesMoggles- "I CAN SEE ALL!"暗いとこでも見える~!


  • ChimineaChiminea (all stages)- "Stay safe from the howling winds, precious light!"これで、風が吹いても火が消えないね~
  • Bottle LanternBottle Lantern- "This will keep the dark away."これで暗闇もへっちゃら~
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (upon being built)- "Oh, sweet enemy of darkness."ヘヘヘ…これで暗闇も怖くないね~
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (high)- "So much bright!"まぶし~!
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (normal)- "This fire keeps on lickin' and tickin'."ちょっとやそっとじゃ消えなそう~
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (low)- "It's barely doing its job."ちょっと暗くなってきたね~
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (embers)- "This fire is tired."くたびれちゃったみたいだね~
  • Obsidian Fire PitObsidian Fire Pit (out)- "It's taking a break."火も休憩中かな~
  • Tar LampTar Lamp- "Will this fit on a surfboard?"サーフボードにつけれるかな~…
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (upon being built)- "I taught the fire how to surf."火にサーフィン教えたげたんだ~
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (high)- "That thing's working waaaay too hard."そんなにがんばんなくていいよ~
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (normal)- "Don't strain yourself, fire."炎くん、がんばりすぎないで~
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (low)- "It's okay, fire. You can take a rest if you want."火も、休みたいときあるよね~
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (embers)- "It looks totally pooped."なんか、くたびれてるっぽい?
  • Buoyant ChimineaBuoyant Chiminea (out)- "I guess it needed a rest."疲れちゃったのかな~

Icon Survival Survival[]

Base Game[]

  • BackpackBackpack- "To haul my stuff around."物を持ち運ぶのに便利なバッグだよ~
  • PiggybackPiggyback- "Was it worth it?"ちょっとフクザツな気分だな~…
  • Bird TrapBird Trap- "I can catch myself a birdy buddy with this."これでトリくん捕まえられるね~
  • Bug NetBug Net- "Maybe I could pass an afternoon catching butterflies."一日中ムシ取りすんのも、悪くないかも~
  • Fishing RodFishing Rod- "Have rod will travel."
  • Straw RollStraw Roll- "For nap time!"仮眠できる~!
  • Fur RollFur Roll- "For a more comfortable nap time!"快適に仮眠できる~!
  • TentTent- "A cool, dry place to catch some Zzz's."涼しいし、ぬれないし、仮眠するのに最適~
  • TrapTrap- "Catch me a beach breakfast!"朝ごはんを捕まえる道具だよ~
  • Honey PoulticeHoney Poultice- "I can patch myself up with this!"ケガしたとこに貼ると、治るよ~!
  • Healing SalveHealing Salve- "It helps me live a little."ちょっと生き返った気分になれるよ
  • UmbrellaUmbrella- "Keep off, elements!"これで、雨が降っても平気だね~
  • CompassCompass-
    • N- "North-ish?"北かな~
    • S- "South-ish?"南かな~
    • E- "East-ish?"東かな~
    • W- "West-ish?"西かな~
    • NE- "Northeast-ish?"北東かな~
    • SE- "Southeast-ish?"南東かな~
    • NW- "Northwest-ish?"北西かな~
    • SW- "Southwest-ish?"南西かな~
  • CompassCompass (generic)- "How do I use this thing again?"これって、どうやって使うんだっけ?
  • Bundling WrapBundling Wrap- "That's a wrap!"
  • Bundling WrapBundling Wrap (no items, unable to bundle)- "There's nothing to wrap!"
  • Bundled Supplies 1 SlotBundled Supplies 2-3 SlotBundled Supplies 4 SlotBundled Supplies- "Huh. Somehow it's less heavy like this."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Insulated PackInsulated Pack- "Keeps my snacks as cool as I am."クールなおやつを、しまっとけるね~
  • Luxury FanLuxury Fan- "An artificial ocean breeze."好きなときに潮風起こせるね~
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to- "I could use a snooze."昼寝したいな~…
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (can't sleep)- "That would be improper napping form."昼寝は昼にするもんでしょ~
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (monsters)- "Sleeping right now seems kinda dangerous."今寝ると、ヤバくない?
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (hungry)- "Foooooooooooooood..."おなかへったああぁぁ~…
  • Siesta Lean-toSiesta Lean-to (in cave)- "It's a bit too cavey around here for a siesta."こんなとこで昼寝すんの、ヤダな~
  • TentTent (overheating)- "
  • Tent BurntTent (burnt)- "Great! Just great..."うっそ、マジ…?
  • Siesta Lean-to BurntSiesta Lean-to (burnt)- "Rest in peace."燃えちゃった~…
  • Thermal Stone Stage 3Thermal Stone- "It's rock temperature."普通の石の温度だね~
  • Thermal Stone Stage 1Thermal Stone (frozen)- "Refreshing."ひんやり気持ちい~
  • Thermal StoneThermal Stone (cold)- "It's icy!"冷たっ!
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4Thermal Stone (warm)- "It's a little toasty."ほっかほかだ~
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5Thermal Stone (hot)- "It's warm and glowing."熱いし、光ってるね~
  • Pretty ParasolPretty Parasol- "This should keep me almost dry."ちょっとの雨なら、防げそうかな~


  • Thatch PackThatch Pack- "For when my pockets are full."荷物がいっぱいのときに、助かりそう~
  • Booty BagBooty Bag- "Booty in the back."宝箱ごと担いで運べるよ~
  • Sea SackSea Sack- "Squishy."グニャグニャする。
  • Tropical FanTropical Fan- "Sweet relief."あおぐと、涼しくて気持ちいいよ~
  • Silly Monkey BallSilly Monkey Ball- "What's that little dude? You want me to throw you?"ん?なんかしゃべってる?「投げて」…?
  • Tropical ParasolTropical Parasol- "My own pint-sized palm tree."個人用ヤシの木、って感じだね~
  • Anti VenomAnti Venom- "This'll make the sickness go away."具合悪くなっても、これ飲めば平気~
  • Palm Leaf HutPalm Leaf Hut BurntPalm Leaf Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "It's like indoors, but outdoors."屋内だけど屋外で、屋外だけど屋内…か

Icon FoodFood[]

Base Game[]

  • Crock PotCrock Pot (empty)- "My kind of cooking... Just dump everything in and wait!"料理のコツは…材料をなべに入れて、煮る!
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "If I watch it it'll never boil."待ち時間って、長く感じるよね~
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "Food incoming!"もうすぐできるよ~!
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (finished)- "I cooked something. Yum!"で~きた!ん~、おいしそう!
  • Crock PotCrock Pot (failed to add item)- "That can't go in there."
  • Bee BoxBee Box- "That box has bees in and around it."中も外も、ハチだらけだね~
  • Bee Box Level 0Bee Box (no honey)- "Would it be hypocritical to tell the bees to get to work?"ハチくんに「仕事しろ!」って、言いづらいよね~
  • Bee Box Level 1Bee Box (some honey)- "Looks like the bees made me some honey!"ハチくんがハチミツ作ってくれたよ~!
  • Bee Box Level 3Bee Box (full of honey)- "It's overflowing with sweet, sweet honey!"あま~いハチミツが、た~っぷり!
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm- "Looks like manual labor to me."肉体労働か~…やだな~…
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "I hope it's organic."これ、有機栽培だよね~?
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm (finished)- "Can I get to the eating part now?"
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm (needs fertilizer)- "That shrub could use some grub."草にも「ごはん」あげないとね~
  • Ice BoxIce Box- "A constant reminder to keep it cool."ず~っとクールでいたいよね~
  • Drying Rack BuildDrying Rack- "This rack could use some meat."肉をつるせば、ジャーキー作れるね~
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (drying)- "See you later water."水分が抜けるまで待つよ~
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (finished)- "That's some good looking jerky."おいしそうに干しあがったよ~

Reign of Giants[]

  • Crock Pot BurntCrock Pot (burnt)- "The food might taste a bit burnt."これで料理したら、焦げ臭くなりそ~
  • Bee Box BurntBee Box (burnt)- "Maybe the bees did some redecorating?"ハチくんたち、リフォームしたのかな~
  • Farmplot BurntBasic and Improved Farm (burnt)- "It's toast!"真っ黒こげ~!
  • Drying RackDrying Rack (drying in rain)- "Water doesn't make things dry."これじゃ、ちっとも乾かないね~
  • Drying Rack BurntDrying Rack (burnt)- "Your days of jerkying are over."これじゃ、もう干せないね~
  • Bucket-o-poopBucket-o-poop- "Ground food."草にあげる「ごはん」だね~


  • Mussel StickMussel Stick- "They glop to it."
  • Mussel BedMussel Bed- "I should plant it before the poor things dry out."
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (empty)- "I guess I gotta find fish eggs now. Oof."魚の卵、探してこないとな~…はぁ~…
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (growing)- "C'mon fish! I'm an "instant gratification" kind of gal."早く~!待たされんの嫌いなんだってば~!
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (one fish)- "Hey lil dude! Welcome to the farm!"ワラニちゃんのお魚牧場へようこそ~!
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (two fish)- "Aw, my fish has buddies!"お魚くん、友だちできたんだ~!
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (three fish)- "It's looking like a real party in there!"お~!楽しそうじゃ~ん!
  • Fish FarmFish Farm (four fish)- "Do I really have to eat them?"食べずに飼っちゃダメかな~…

Icon ScienceScience[]

Base Game[]

  • Science Machine Science Machine- "I wish you were a do-all-the-work-for-me machine."
  • Alchemy Engine Alchemy Engine- "I still feel like I'm doing most of the work here."これがあっても、面倒な仕事減らないね~
  • Thermal MeasurerThermal Measurer- "Why put numbers on what you can feel?"暑いか寒いかを数字にするの?なんで?
  • RainometerRainometer- "Tells me when to paddle in."いい波来そうなとき、教えてくれるよ
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod- "It's powered by electricity."電気をためられるよ~
  • Lightning RodLightning Rod (charged)- "It's fully energized!"充電完了だね~!
  • GunpowderGunpowder- "It goes boom."バクハツする粉~!

Reign of Giants[]

  • Science Machine BurntAlchemy Engine BurntScience Machine and Alchemy Engine (burnt)- "Ugh, do I have to build you all over again now?"えー、また造り直し~?
  • Thermal Measurer BurntThermal Measurer (burnt)- "Not much use to me now."これじゃ、もう使えないね~
  • Rainometer BurntRainometer (burnt)- "Guess you didn't see that coming."火事の予測はムリだったか~
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (off)- "It's out cold."止まってる~
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (on)- "Fling it on!"ポイポイッとね~!
  • Ice FlingomaticIce Flingomatic (low fuel)- "It needs some juice."燃料が足りないみたいだね~
  • Electrical DoodadElectrical Doodad- "Thingy what does the science!"


  • Sea LabSea Lab- "In the middle of the ocean and I still have to do stuff!"海の上でも仕事しろって~?はぁ~…
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (empty and medium)- "Chillin'."涼し~い!
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (high)- "Super chillin'."めっちゃくちゃクール~!
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (low)- "Not so chillin'."あんまクールじゃないな~
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (very low)- "Little bit of illin'."クールじゃなくなりそう~
  • Ice Maker 3000Ice Maker 3000 (out)- "Illin'."ぜんぜんクールじゃな~い
  • Quacken DrillQuacken Drill- "This is not a drill! Wait, it totally is."

Exclusive to PS4[]

  • AccomploshrineAccomploshrine- "Well, that looks like a lot of busywork."これって、なんかの役に立つの~?

Icon FightFight[]

Base Game[]

  • SpearSpear- "For stabbing problems."グサッとひと突き!
  • Ham BatHam Bat- "I can fight food with food."食料で作った武器で、食料手に入れるよ~
  • BoomerangBoomerang- "They say if you love something, you should let it go."「大事なものは、あえて手放せ」ってさ
  • BoomerangBoomerang (hit self)- "Ow! Stop hitting yourself, Walani."イタッ!なんで、ぶつかってくんの~?
  • Blow DartBlow Dart- "Do I have to shoot someone with it?"これで誰かをやっつけろってこと?
  • Sleep DartSleep Dart- "(Sometimes I use it for naps.)"(仮眠とりたいとき、ときどき使うよ…)
  • Fire DartFire Dart- "A real quick way of lighting a firepit when no one's looking."火をおこすの面倒なときにも使えるかも?
  • Football HelmetFootball Helmet- "I feel like I could tackle anything."これで、なんにでもタックルできる~!
  • Grass SuitGrass Suit- "Doesn't seem all that sturdy."すぐ破れそうだよね~
  • Log SuitLog Suit- "I hope the attacker doesn't have an axe."オノで襲われたら、ひとたまりもないよね~
  • Marble SuitMarble Suit- "That's just overkill."大理石の使い道、間違ってない…?
  • Bee MineBee Mine- "It's like a confetti bomb. But bees."紙吹雪じゃなくて、ハチくんが入ってるよ
  • Tooth TrapTooth Trap- "Ooh, that looks nasty!"うわ~、はまったら痛そう~…

Reign of Giants[]

  • ScalemailScalemail- "This armor is so hot right now."いま、激アツなアーマーだよ~
  • Morning StarMorning Star- "That's one gnarly-lookin' whacker."かっこいいよね~!
  • Weather PainWeather Pain- "I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end."竜巻なんか、まともに食らったら死ぬよね~


  • Poison SpearPoison Spear- "Anybody want a sick day?"
  • Poison DartPoison Dart- "Not good for party tricks. I learned the hard way."ふざけて使うと、痛い目みるよ~
  • CoconadeCoconade- "Just holding it makes me feel powerful."持ってるだけで強くなった気分~
  • CoconadeCoconade (lit)- "This will make a big splash!"これで、でっかい波起こせそう~!
  • Spear GunSpear Gun SpearSpear Gun PoisonSpear Gun ObsidianSpear Gun (empty and all spears)- "Seems a little aggressive."ちょっと危なそう~
  • Cutlass SupremeCutlass Supreme- "It's been awhile since I held one of these."これ持つの、ひさしぶりだな~
  • Horned HelmetHorned Helmet- "I hope it doesn't mess up my ponytails."かぶったら、髪型くずれるよね~…
  • Seashell SuitSeashell Suit- "The ocean will protect me!"海の幸が、身を守ってくれるんだ!
  • Limestone SuitLimestone Suit- "Seems maybe too study."
  • Cactus ArmorCactus Armor- "How will I hug trees in this?"「トゲのあるヤツ」って言われそう~

Icon Structures Structures[]

Base Game[]

  • Birdcage BuildBirdcage- "I need to get a birdy buddy."トリくん、捕まえてこないとな~
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied)- "I hope my birdy buddy is happy."トリくん、快適かな~?
  • BirdcageBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "My birdy buddy must've been sleepy."トリくん、めっちゃ眠かったんだね~
  • Pig House BuildPig House- "Where the pigs kick back and relax."ブタくんたちのマイホームだね~
  • Pig House Light OnPig House (occupied, lights on)- "How do they all fit in there?"家、ちっちゃくない…?
  • Pig House BuildPig House (occupied, lights off)- "Turn it back on! PLEASE!"ちょっと~!電気消さないでよ~!
  • Rabbit Hutch BuildRabbit Hutch- "A decent enough place to live."悪くない家だと思うな~
  • Hay WallHay Wall BuildHay Wall (held and placed)- "Better than no wall..."壁がないよりは、マシかな~…
  • Wood WallWood Wall BuildWood Wall (held and placed)- "Knock on wood this keeps stuff out."木の精霊さん、お守りください~
  • Stone WallStone Wall BuildStone Wall (held and placed)- "Seems strong..."見た感じ、硬そうだけど…
  • ChestChest- "Treasure!"お宝だ~!
  • SignSign- "Hang ten!"ハングルース、メ~ン!
  • Potted FernPotted Fern- "It can no longer grow free."とらわれの身だね~…
  • Mini SignMini Sign (held)- "I'm getting tired of carrying this around."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (empty)- "I could doodle on this."
  • Mini SignMini Sign (draw with no subject)- "I need to know what to draw first!"
  • Mini SignMini Sign (drawn on)- "Nice drawing."
  • Wood FenceWood Fence (held)- "You mean I gotta build it myself?"
  • Wood Fence BuildWood Fence- "You can't fence me in, dude."
  • Wood GateWood Gate (held)- "I may need a nap after building this."
  • Wood Gate BuildWood Gate- "The way in and the way out."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Pig House BurntPig House (burnt)- "Hope they had insurance."火災保険、入ってたかな~…
  • Rabbit Hutch BurntRabbit Hutch (burnt)- "Aw. The bunnies lost their home."ウサギくんのおうち、燃えちゃったね…
  • Hay Wall BuildHay Wall (burnt)- "Not surprising... it was made out of hay..."ま~、干し草は、よく燃えるからね~…
  • Wood Wall BuildWood Wall (burnt)- "It was wood after all..."
  • Chest BurntChest (burnt)- "Nooooo! Goodbye shiny, shiny treasure..."うっそ!お宝、燃えちゃった…
  • Scaled ChestScaled Chest- "What did I get?!"何が入ってるかな~!
  • Sign BurntSign (burnt)- "I know the feeling."しおれている…まるで私の心のようだ


  • Sand CastleSand Castle- "I feel like a kid again!"子どもの頃、よく作ったな~!
  • Sand Castle SandSand Castle (sand)- "I like it between my toes and nowhere else."素足で踏むと、気持ちい~!
  • Wildbore House BuildWildbore House BurntWildbore House (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Bores live in houses? Wild!"へぇ~!イノシシって、家に住むんだ~
  • Prime Ape Hut BuildPrime Ape Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Gnarly domicile, man..."なかなか、いい家だね~…
  • Limestone WallLimestoneWallStructureLimestone Wall (inventory and placed)- "Now THIS is a wall!"これなら安心だ~!
  • Dragoon DenDragoon Den- "Work out? Why bother."体鍛えてんの?なんで?
  • Sand BagSandbag (held)- "Remind me not to swim while carrying these!"これ持って泳いだら、確実に溺れるよね~
  • Sand Bag StructureSandbag- "Heavy lifting..."重いよ~…
  • SeaworthySeaworthy (Vanilla or ROG world)- "Aloha, world!"アロ~ハ!
  • SeaworthySeaworthy (SW world)- "I wonder what this does..."これって、なんの機械なのかな~
  • BuoyBuoy- "It's just hanging out."ぷかぷか浮かんで、お気楽だね~
  • Sea ChestSea Chest- "Now I don't need to swim back to shore for my stuff."物を取りに陸まで戻らなくて済むね~
  • Ballphin Palace BuildBallphin Palace- "Man, even their houses are cute."おうちまでカワイイんだね~
  • Sea WallSea Wall (held)- "I still have to like... build it."設置作業、めんどくさいな~…
  • Sea Wall BuildSea Wall- "A coral corral. Heh."サンゴを35個使ってたりして~?

Grass TurfTurfs[]

Base Game[]

  • Wooden FlooringWooden Flooring- "Hardwood. Fancy."ウッドデッキみたいで、おしゃれ~
  • Carpeted FlooringCarpeted Flooring- "Make fists with your toes."はだしで歩くと気持ちいいよ~
  • Checkerboard FlooringCheckerboard Flooring-
  • Grass TurfGrass Turf- "Grassy."草が生えてる地面だね~
  • Rocky TurfRocky Turf- "Rocky."岩だらけでゴツゴツの地面だね~
  • Marsh TurfMarsh Turf- "Goopy..."ぬるぬるしてる~…
  • Mud TurfMud Turf- "Squelchy."ドロドロの地面だ~
  • Guano TurfGuano Turf- "It's ground."地面だね~
  • ファイル:Slimey Turf.pngSlimey Turf- "I have a sinking feeling about this."ヌメヌメの地面だ~
  • Cave Rock TurfCave Rock Turf- "Crunchy."ガリガリの地面だね~
  • CobblestonesForest TurfSavanna TurfFungal Turf BlueFungal Turf RedFungal Turf GreenOther Turfs- "Keeps me grounded."どっかの地面だね~

Reign of Giants[]

  • Deciduous TurfDecidous Turf- "Keeps me grounded."どっかの地面だね~
  • Sandy TurfSandy Turf- "Take the beach to go."


  • Jungle TurfJungle Turf- "Gnarled-ly."ジャングルっぽい地面だね~
  • Meadow TurfMeadow Turf- "Nice underfoot."地面だね~素足で踏むと気持ちいいよ~
  • Tidal Marsh TurfTidal Marsh Turf- "Marshy."沼っぽい地面だね~
  • Ashy TurfAshy Turf- "Ashy..."灰で覆われてる~…
  • Magma TurfSnakeskin RugVolcano TurfOther Turfs- "Keeps me grounded."どっかの地面だね~

Icon RefineRefine[]

Base Game[]

  • RopeRope- "Good for a lot of boring stuff."肉体労働とかで、よく使う道具だね~…
  • BoardsBoards- "Not much surf in these boards."「板」だけど…サーフィンは、できないね~
  • Cut StoneCut Stone- "I don't have to build something now, do I?"これで、なんか造らされたりしないよね…?
  • PapyrusPapyrus- "Bet this burns good."よく燃えそう~
  • Purple GemPurple Gem- "Shiny!"ピカピカ!
  • Nightmare FuelNightmare Fuel- "The stuff of nightmares."悪夢って、こんなのでできてるんだね~
  • BeeswaxBeeswax- "A lotta work for some wax."
  • Wax PaperWax Paper- "Can't write on it but I can wrap stuff with it."


  • ClothCloth- "Where did my sticks go? I've been bamboozled!"棒から布ができるんだ~!びっくり~!
  • LimestoneLimestone- "That's some tough stuff."すっごい固い!
  • Empty BottleEmpty Bottle- "I could whistle a tune with you."ビンの口に息吹きかけると、音が鳴るよ
  • Coral NubbinCoral Nubbin- "Heh. 'Nubbin'."目?芽?

Icon MagicMagic[]

Base Game[]

  • Meat EffigyMeat Effigy- "You better work."ほんとに大丈夫なのかな~…
  • PrestihatitatorPrestihatitator- "That lever's calling to me."このレバー、引かずにはいられないよね…
  • Shadow ManipulatorShadow Manipulator- "Manipulating shadows sounds tough, glad I don't have to."なんか、怪しい機械ができたよ…
  • Pan FlutePan Flute- "Plays hypnotic tunes."この音色聞くと、頭がボーッとする~
  • Night LightNight Light- "Lights the night with 'mares."悪夢で夜を照らすってわけか~
  • Night ArmorNight Armor- "Eyuk! It makes my skin crawl."ひ~…トリハダ~…
  • Dark SwordDark Sword- "Wield the dark."闇の力を利用するってわけか~
  • One-man BandOne-man Band- "Let's get this jam sesh rollin'!"さ~、盛り上がってこ~!
  • Bat BatBat Bat- "Maybe I could bat some bats with this."これでコウモリをモリモリ倒すぞ~
  • Belt of HungerBelt of Hunger- "So efficient!"燃費バツグ~ン!
  • Chilled AmuletChilled Amulet- "I like to put it on when I'm feeling a little too steamed."アツくなりすぎたら、ク~ルダウ~ン
  • Nightmare AmuletNightmare Amulet- "This thing drives me nuts!"持ってると、頭がヘンになりそう~!
  • Life Giving AmuletLife Giving Amulet- "It makes me feel safe when I'm wearing it."
  • Fire StaffFire Staff- "It's a hot commodity."激アツのアイテムだね~
  • Ice StaffIce Staff- "Too cold to hold."持ってると手が凍りそ~
  • Telelocator StaffTelelocator Staff- "It shows me things I never knew I could see."これ使うと、信じられない体験ができるよ
  • TelebaseTelelocator Focus (full)- "Good to go!"準備オッケ~!
  • TelebaseTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "I think it likes purple gems."ここに、紫の宝石をはめればいいのかな…
  • Telelocator FocusTelolocator Socket (full)- "Lookin' good!"いい感じ~!
  • Telelocator FocusTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "I think it wants me to jam rocks in it."ここに宝石をはめればいいのかな~…

Reign of Giants[]

  • Meat Effigy BurntMeat Effigy (burnt)- "Up in smoke..."あ~あ…
  • Prestihatitator BurntPrestihatitator (burnt)- "Guess I don't get to pull the lever anymore."これじゃ、レバーを引けないよ…
  • Shadow Manipulator BurntShadow Manipulator (burnt)- "Couldn't you have manipulated yourself into not getting burnt?"怪しい機械も、燃えたら、ただの炭だね~
  • Old BellOld Bell- "Summons the big stomper."でっかい怪物を呼び出すよ~


  • PiratihatitatorPiratihatitator- "It holds many sea-crets."「海賊の呪い」とか、そういうヤツ?
  • Prestihatitator BurntPiratihatitator (burnt)- "Fire always wins."燃えちゃったら、ただのゴミだよね~
  • Dripple PipesDripple Pipes- "I'm gonna play some sweet jams on this baby."一曲、吹いてみよっかな~

Icon DressDress[]

Base Game[]

  • Sewing KitSewing Kit- "I'm not really the "sewing" kind."縫い物は苦手~
  • Rabbit EarmuffsRabbit Earmuffs- "Keeps my ears fluffy and warm."耳がモフモフして、あったかくなる~
  • Straw HatStraw Hat- "Keeps my face from getting freckly."シミソバカス対策の必需品だね~
  • Beefalo HatBeefalo Hat- "It smells like beefalo."ビーファローのニオイがする~
  • Beekeeper HatBeekeeper Hat- "Stops the bee kisses."かぶれば、ハチくんにキスされずに済むよ
  • Feather HatFeather Hat- "I'm at one with my feathered friends."トリくんたちと仲よくなれる帽子だよ~
  • Winter HatWinter Hat- "It's like a hug for my head."あったかいよ!頭をハグされてるみたい
  • Top HatTop Hat- "Not quite my style..."あたしの趣味じゃないな~…
  • Dapper VestDapper Vest- "I hope none of my surfer buds see me in this."これ着てるとこ、友だちに見られたくない~
  • Breezy VestBreezy Vest- "Lets my skin breath."通気性バツグンだね~
  • Puffy VestPuffy Vest- "I could fall asleep in this."ぬくぬくで、眠くなってくる~
  • Bush HatBush Hat- "This makes me feel at one with nature."かぶると、自然と一体化した気分~
  • GarlandGarland- "That's a happy looking headpiece!"花の冠~!いいね、いいね~!
  • Walking CaneWalking Cane- "I cane, I saw."杖って、強え~!な~んてね…

Reign of Giants[]

  • Cat CapCat Cap- "I can feel the spirits of catcoons that made it."ニャライグマスピリットを感じるね~
  • Fashion MelonFashion Melon- "Next best thing to a watermelon bikini."スイカビキニの次にイケてるかも~
  • Ice CubeIce Cube- "Keeps my head cold. And wet."頭ヒンヤリするけど、ぬれちゃうから注意~
  • Rain CoatRain Coat- "The surf can't touch me now!"これなら、波しぶき浴びても平気だね~
  • Rain HatRain Hat- "High and dry."これで頭がぬれないね~
  • Summer FrestSummer Frest- "Even sun worshipers need a break."日光も、浴びっぱなしは、よくないからね~
  • Floral ShirtFloral Shirt- "This shirt is so me."あたしにぴったりのシャツだ~
  • EyebrellaEyebrella- "My third eye will protect me."第三の目が、危険から守ってくれるよ
  • Hibearnation VestHibearnation Vest- "Made of real bearger chest!"本物のアナグマグマの胸毛でできてるよ~


  • Brain of ThoughtBrain of Thought- "It's, like, blowing my mind!"この発想はなかったな~!
  • Snakeskin HatSnakeskin Hat- "Raindrops keep falling on my hat."雨をはじいてくれるよ~
  • Snakeskin JacketSnakeskin Jacket- "I guess snakes aren't so bad."ヘビも役に立つじゃ~ん
  • Blubber SuitBlubber Suit- "Gross, but effective."キモチわるいけど、効果はバツグン~!
  • WindbreakerWindbreaker- "The wind slips right around me!"風が体をすり抜けてく感じ~!
  • Tar SuitTar Suit- "This may have been my worst idea. Ever."なんでこんなの、作ったんだっけ…
  • Particulate PurifierParticulate Purifier- "Protection from stink."くさいニオイもシャットアウト~!
  • Sleek HatSleek Hat- "Aerodynamic. Choka."空気抵抗、少なそ~!いいじゃん!
  • Shark Tooth CrownShark Tooth Crown- "Feels wrong having these on my head..."歯を頭にかぶるって…どうなんだろ…
  • DumbrellaDumbrella- "This should keep me at least twice as dry."雨よけ効果2倍…?

Icon Nautical Nautical[]


  • Log RaftLog Raft- "Seriously?"これで海に出んの?本気?
  • RaftRaft- "Worst. Surfboard. Ever."は?これで海に出ろって?
  • Row BoatRow Boat- "Awww, rowing? Ugh."手こぎとか、ありえないよね~…
  • Cargo BoatCargo Boat- "This surfboard sure has a lot of pockets."このボード、ポケットいっぱいある~
  • Armored BoatArmored Boat- "What a clunky looking board."なにこのボード、ダッサ~
  • Encrusted BoatEncrusted Boat- "Whatever floats my boat."水に浮くなら、なんでもいいよ~
  • SurfboardSurfboard- "My love for you is deeper than the ocean."あたしの波への愛は、海より深いんだ!
  • SurfboardSurfboard (launched)- "Surf's up!"
  • The 'Sea Legs'The 'Sea Legs'- "I'd still rather board."あたしはやっぱ、ボードのほうがいいな~
  • Boat Repair KitBoat Repair Kit- "Surfboard maintenance is essential!"ボードのメンテは基本だからね~
  • Thatch SailThatch Sail- "A blow boater's best friend."ヨット乗りのヤツらが喜びそう~
  • Cloth SailCloth Sail- "I'll flow with the wind."風の吹くまま~♪
  • Snakeskin SailSnakeskin Sail- "Why bother when I have my board?"ボードがあるから、いらなくない?
  • Feather Lite SailFeather Lite Sail- "For smooth and swift sailing!"海をスイスイッと走れるよ!
  • Iron WindIron Wind- "Uh... I'll stick to my board, thanks."ん~…サーフボードで十分かな~…
  • Boat TorchBoat LanternBoat Torch and Lantern- "Night-surfing. I love it!"夜のサーフィンは、サイコーだよ~!
  • Boat CannonBoat Cannon- "Shooting it into the water can make some pretty sweet waves."水面に撃つと、いい波起こせるよ~
  • Quackering RamQuackering Ram- "I prefer to be a pacifist on the pacific."海を殴るなんて、ダメだよ~
  • Sea TrapSea Trap (held and placed)- "Wobster goes in. Dinner comes out."晩ごはんは、ウォブスターがいいな~…
  • Sea YardSea Yard (off)- "Ughhh, I should refill it."はぁ~…燃料入れないと~…
  • Sea YardSea Yard (on)- "Does it work on surfboards?"サーフボードも修理できんの~?
  • Sea YardSea Yard (out of fuel)- "It's running on fumes. Same!"ガス欠?あたしも休みた~い
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (off)- "I'm giving Mother Nature a rest."自然も、休みたいときあるでしょ~
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (on)- "It's doing everything for me. Great!"あたしの代わりに仕事してくれてる~!
  • Tar ExtractorTar Extractor (out of fuel)- "It's gonna run out of fuel."燃料、なくなりそうだよ~
  • Trawl NetTrawl Net- "Lootin' and cruisin'."クルージングしながら、お宝ゲット~♪
  • Trawl Net DetachedTrawl Net (detached)- "A sack of sea goodies!"海のお宝、いっぱいかかったよ~!
  • Trawl Net SinkingTrawl Net (sinking)- "I wonder what it grabbed up..."だんだん沈んでる感じ~…
  • Trawl Net SinkingTrawl Net (sinking soon)- "Just a little more trawlin'..."もうすぐ沈んじゃうよ~
  • SpyglassSpyglass- "You can't hide from me, islands!"島は、ひとつ残らず見つけるよ~
  • Super SpyglassSuper Spyglass- "I can super sea!!"すっごい遠くまで、よく見えるよ~!
  • Captain HatCaptain Hat- "If only the boss could see me now."ボスが見たらなんて言うかな~
  • Pirate HatPirate Hat- "High fashion for the high seas."船乗りの定番ファッションだね~
  • Lucky HatLucky Hat- "Nautical."船乗りっぽい~
  • Life JacketLife Jacket- "Just in case the waves get all gnar'."海が荒れると、危ないこともあるしね~

Icon VolcanicVolcanic[]


  • Obsidian MacheteObsidian Machete- "This blade's as hot as it is cool."ホットでクールな道具だね~
  • Obsidian AxeObsidian Axe- "I gotta work to make you work..."これ使っても、作業は楽になんないけどね…
  • Obsidian SpearObsidian Spear- "Ready. Aim. Fire-y."アツアツのヤリだ~
  • Obsidian ArmorObsidian Armor- "It kinda pokes my butt."ちょっと、おしりがチクチクする~…
  • Obsidian CoconadeObsidian Coconade- "Beware of the boom!"爆発注意だよ~!
  • Howling ConchHowling Conch- "Get those waves cranking!"いい波、来~い!
  • Sail StickSail Stick- "Probably more useful than a regular stick."ただの棒…なわけは、ないよね~…
  • Volcano StaffVolcano Staff- "I'm the volcano's boss now!"火の山のボスは、あたしだぞ~!

Icon AncientAncient[]

Base Game[]

  • ThuleciteThulecite- "It's otherworldly."フシギな素材だ~
  • Thulecite WallThulecite Wall BuildThulecite Wall (held and placed)- "Ruins wall. Kinda at odds, no?"
  • Thulecite Wall BuildThulecite Wall (damaged)-
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (min)- "I can breathe easy."特に変わったことはないかな~
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "Woah! Things are really heating up!"うわ~、ビンビン反応してる~!
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "It's gaining strength!"だんだん強くなってきた~!
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (max)- "I think it's keeping consistent."安定したみたいだね…
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "It's leaving…"ちょっと収まってきたかな~…
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "It's almost over…!"もうすぐ終わりそう…!
  • Thulecite MedallionThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "I'm not getting anything."反応ナシだね~
  • The Lazy ForagerThe Lazy Forager- "Finally, jewelry that gets me."このアクセサリーは、あたし好みだな~
  • MagiluminescenceMagiluminescence- "I absolutely glow when I wear it!"これ身につけると、体が光るよ~!
  • Construction AmuletConstruction Amulet- "This necklace is a creative force. I'm feelin' it."創造力がみなぎってくる~…
  • The Lazy ExplorerThe Lazy Explorer- "Ah, this staff was made for me!"あたしにぴったりの杖だ~
  • Star Caller's StaffStar Caller's Staff- "Isn't starlight bad for the skin?"星の光は、シミソバカスの原因にならない?
  • Deconstruction StaffDeconstruction Staff- "This staff only destroys."ひたすら物を壊すための杖だよ
  • PickSlashAxePick/Axe- "I'm picky when it comes to tools."あたし、道具にはちょっとうるさいよ~
  • Thulecite CrownThulecite Crown- "Fit for a queen."
  • Thulecite SuitThulecite Suit- "It's so fancy!"かっこい~!
  • Thulecite ClubThulecite Club- "Know a few scallywags I'd like to introduce this to."これでブン殴りたいヤツ、いるな~
  • Houndius ShootiusHoundius Shootius (held)- "It's got my back."あたしを守ってくれるよ
  • Houndius Shootius BuildHoundius Shootius- "It's looking out for me."敵が来ないか、見張ってくれてる~

EyeplantNature - Plants[]

Base Game[]

  • EvergreenEvergreen- "Reminds me of winter, yuck."冬の象徴だよね…あんま好きじゃないな~…
  • A Lumpy EvergreenLumpy Evergreen- "Looks like the diet version."低カロリー版…?
  • Spiky TreeSpiky Tree- "Me and spikes don't get along."あのトゲ、刺さったら痛そうだな~
  • Evergreen StumpEvergreen (stump)- "Sliced and diced."切られちゃってる…
  • Evergreen StumpLumpy Evergreen (stump)- "Cut down in its prime."切り倒されちゃったんだね…
  • Spiky Tree StumpSpiky Tree (stump)- "Not so spiky now."トゲトゲごと切り倒しちゃった
  • EvergreenA Lumpy EvergreenEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (burning)- "That's not cool."ヒドイよね…
  • Spiky TreeSpiky Tree (burning)- "I've never seen such a spiky fire."炎まで、とがって見える~
  • Burnt EvergreenEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (burnt)- "I know the feeling."しおれている…まるで私の心のようだ
  • Spiky Tree BurntSpiky Tree (burnt)- "Still spiky."燃えても、まだトゲトゲしてる~
  • Evergreen SaplingEvergreen (sapling)- "
  • LogLog- "There's a board in there."これ、いいボードになりそう~
  • LogLog (burning)- "Waste of a good board."ボードにしようと思ってたのにな~
  • CharcoalCharcoal- "The remains of something burnt."何かが燃えたあとだね~
  • Pine ConePine Cone- "It's a tree baby."木の赤ちゃんだ~
  • Marble TreeMarble Tree- "Super weird."なんだろね、これ
  • Totally Normal TreeTotally Normal Tree (normal and stump)- "There's a board in there just begging to get free."あの木、絶対いいボードになると思うな~…
  • Living LogLiving Log- "It looks bummed."悲しそうな顔してる~…
  • SaplingSapling- "Board material?"あれでサーフボード作れるかな~
  • Sapling PickedSapling (picked)- "Looks noodled."ぐったりしてる~
  • SaplingSapling (burning)- "Not much to burn."すぐ燃え尽きちゃいそう~
  • Sapling DugGrass Tuft DugBerry Bush ItemBerry Bush 2Spiky Bush DugSapling, Grass Tuft, Berry Bush, and Spiky Bush (held)- "Planting this sounds like hard work."
  • TwigsTwigs- "Very useful."いろんな使い道があるよ~
  • Grass TuftGrass Tuft- "For all your grassy needs."草が要るときは、いつでも摘めるね~
  • Grass Tuft PickedGrass Tuft (picked)- "It will be back."きっとまた生えてくるよ~
  • Grass Tuft WitheredGrass Tuft (barren)- "It needs help to grow."手入れしてあげないと、育たないね~
  • Grass TuftGrass Tuft (burning)- "That won't last."すぐ燃え尽きそう~
  • Cut GrassCut Grass- "It makes a swishing sound when I walk."歩くとカサカサ音がする~
  • Berry BushBerry Bush2Berry Bush (normal and burning)- "Awesome! That bush has berries!"やった!実がなってる~!
  • Berry Bush PickedBerry Bush (picked)- "It's kinda just a regular bush now."ただの茂みになっちゃったね~
  • Berry Bush WitheredBarren Berry Bush 2Berry Bush (barren)- "It needs a little love."お世話してあげないとね~
  • ReedsReeds- "More grass. Righteous."これも草か~…
  • Reeds PickedReeds (picked)- "Catch you on the flip flop."また今度来てみよう
  • ReedsReeds (burning)- "Whoa. Heavy."うわ~、燃えてる~…
  • Cut ReedsCut Reeds- "It was hard work cutting those. Nap time!"草刈ったら疲れた~…昼寝しない?
  • PlantPlant- "Farming is so hard!"畑仕事って、しんどいな~
  • PlantPlant (growing)- "It's still just a child."まだまだ赤ちゃんだね~
  • PlantPlant (ready to be picked)- "Can I get to the eating part now?"もう食べてもいいよね~?
  • Marsh Plant1Marsh Plant- "Planty."普通の草だよ~
  • Spiky BushSpiky Bush- "I don't need spikes."トゲトゲで危ないな~
  • Spiky Bush PickedSpiky Bush (after picking)- "Yeoch!"トゲが刺さって痛かったな~
  • Spiky BushSpiky Bush (burning)- "The spikes are burning. Good."トゲも燃えてる…でも、これで安全になるね~
  • FlowerFlower- "I'm very picky when it comes to these. Heh heh heh."花のハナシを、聞いたげよう…な~んてね!
  • PetalsPetals- "Flowers totally get me."花って、いいよね~
  • Evil FlowerEvil Flower- "Flowers shouldn't be that scary."この花は…ちょっと怪しいね…
  • Dark PetalsDark Petals- "These smell like bad karma."う~…負のカルマのにおい~…
  • Red MushroomBlue MushroomRed and Blue Mushroom- "Now that's a mushroom!"いかにもキノコ、って感じだね~
  • Mushroom SleepingRed and Green Mushroom (sleeping)- "It's taking a nap."お昼寝中みたいだね
  • Mushroom PickedRed and Blue Mushroom (picked)- "It might grow back on its own."そのうちまた、生えてくるかもね~
  • Mushroom SleepingBlue Mushroom (sleeping)- "It's sleeping."
  • Green MushroomGreen Mushroom- "Funky fungi."キノコ、のこのこ~♪
  • Mushroom PickedGreen Mushroom (picked)- "Maybe it's thirsty."ノドかわいてるのかも~

Reign of Giants[]

  • Birchnut TreeBirchnut Tree- "It comes in so many colors!"木って、いろんな色してるんだよ~!
  • Birchnut Tree StumpBirchnut Tree (stump)- "Thanks for the logs. Sorry about, like, your body."木くん、「体」もらっちゃってゴメンね…
  • Birchnut TreeBirchnut Tree (burning)- "Senseless."木を燃やすとか、ありえないし…
  • Birchnut Tree BurntBirchnut Tree (burnt)- "Saying sorry won't bring it back."謝っても、燃えた木は戻らないよ…
  • Birchnut SaplingBirchnut Tree (sapling)- "
  • Sapling WitheredSapling (withered)- "Looks like I feel."やる気なさそう~…気持ちはわかる~
  • Grass Tuft WitheredGrass Tuft (withered)- "It looks tired."疲れているように見える。
  • Berry Bush WitheredBarren Berry Bush 2Berry Bush (withered)- "That bush isn't looking very good."なんか、元気ないね~
  • Withered PlantPlant (withered)- "Something made it all... gross."ヒョロヒョロになっちゃったな~…
  • BirchnutBirchnut- "Come on out, nature!"お~い、木~!でてこ~い!
  • CactusCactus- "It's fine if you just leave it alone."触らなければ大丈夫~
  • Cactus PickedCactus (after picking)- "Ouch! I got prickled."痛ッ!トゲ刺さった~…
  • Cactus PickedCactus (picked)- "
  • TumbleweedTumbleweed- "It's on a journey called "life"."人生という旅をしてるんだね~


  • Bamboo PatchBamboo Patch (normal and burning)- "I guess I could cut that down."あれなら、切ってもいいかな~
  • Jungle TreeJungle Tree- "It's like nature's canopy."天然の屋根、って感じ~
  • Viney BushViney Bush and Snake Den (normal and burning)- "Looks a little tangled."いろいろ、こんがらがってるね~
  • Bamboo Patch StumpWithered Bamboo PatchBamboo Patch (stump & withered)- "Hurry up and grow already!"早く育て~!
  • Jungle Tree StumpPalm Tree StumpJungle Tree and Palm Tree (stump)- "Sliced and diced."切られちゃってる…
  • Viney Bush StumpViney Bush and Snake Den (stump)- "Those vines are mine."ツルは有効活用するからね~
  • Jungle TreePalm TreeJungle Tree and Palm Tree (burning)- "That's not cool."ヒドイよね…
  • Bamboo Patch BurntBamboo Patch (burnt)- "I think it's dead."死んじゃってるっぽいな~…
  • Jungle Tree BurntPalm Tree BurntJungle Tree and Palm Tree (burnt)- "I know the feeling."しおれている…まるで私の心のようだ
  • Viney Bush BurntViney Bush and Snake Den (burnt)- "Not much use to anyone now."これじゃ、なんの役にも立たないね~
  • Bamboo Patch DugBamboo Root- "Planting this sounds like hard work."
  • Viney Bush RootViney Bush Root- "Do I really have to replant it?"これ、植えないとダメ~?
  • Jungle Tree SaplingJungle Tree (sapling)- "A tree yee shall be."こっから木が生まれるよ~
  • Jungle Tree SeedJungle Tree Seed- "I could plant a tree with thee."
  • BambooBamboo- "This looks pretty float-atious."水に浮きそうだね~
  • VineVine- "Good for lashing stuff down."物をしばっとくのに、便利だね~
  • Water GrassGrass (water)- "This grass is well hydrated!"水分補給はバッチリだね~!
  • Brainy SproutBrainy Sprout PickedBrainy Sprout (normal and picked)- "That is an impressive piece of coral."なかなか立派なサンゴだね~
  • Seaweed PlantedPicked Seaweed PlantSeaweed (planted and picked)- "Gets caught on my board."ボードに絡まるんだよね~…
  • Mangrove TreeMangrove (normal, burning, and stump)- "This tree really likes water."この木、よっぽど水が好きなんだね~
  • Mangrove Tree BurntMangrove (burnt)- "How?"水浸しなのに、燃えたの…?
  • Palm TreePalm Tree- "Cool hair, tree."その髪型、かっこいい~!
  • Palm Tree SaplingPalm Tree (sapling)- "Hey little tree dude."ちっこいヤシの木くんだ~
  • Palm LeafPalm Leaf- "Would make a radical skirt."いい感じなスカート作れそう~
  • Regular Jungle TreeRegular Jungle Tree (normal and stump)- "That tree would make a great board."あの木、いいボードになりそうだな~
  • PlantTidal Plant- "Tropical planty."南国っぽい草だな~

Harp StatueNature - Objects[]

Base Game[]

  • BeehiveBeehive- "The bees must sleep in there."ハチくんは、あの中で寝るんだね~
  • Killer Bee HiveKiller Bee Hive- "The worst kind of hive!"ホンキでヤバいハチくんの巣だ~!
  • HoneycombHoneycomb- "It's sweet and full of bee babies."ハチくんの赤ちゃんが詰まってるよ
  • Hound MoundHound Mound- "I think there are some angry pups lurking nearby."近くに猛犬がいるかも~…
  • BonesBones- "It's a bunch of bones. How comforting."骨がたくさん…怖すぎ~…
  • Touch StoneTouch Stone- "Hope I never need you, weird wood dude..."これの世話には、なりたくないな~
  • ObeliskObelisk (sane, up)- "Go off!"じゃまだな~!
  • Lowered ObeliskObelisk (sane, down)- "That's one dark tower."このタワー、怪しいな~…
  • ObeliskObelisk (insane, up)- "Ouch. My thoughts are hurting."うぅ~…頭の頭痛が痛い~…
  • Lowered ObeliskObelisk (insane, down)- "See ya."なくなったね
  • Harp StatueHarp Statue- "No shoes, no... head... no service!"頭はどこいっちゃったんだろ…
  • Marble PillarMarble Pillar- "What was it meant to hold up?"この柱、何を支えてたのかな~?
  • MarbleMarble- "Pretty fancy material."高級素材だ~
  • Rundown HouseRundown House- "I could have sworn this was an outhouse."これって、屋外トイレじゃないの?
  • Merm HeadMerm Head- "As if the pigs didn't smell bad enough."ブタより、くさいなぁ…
  • Pig HeadPig Head- "Tough break, dude."運が悪かったね~
  • Pig TorchPig Torch- "It's kind of cute."なんか、カワイイかも~…
  • Basalt1Basalt- "The strong, silent type."強くて無口なタイプだね~
  • BoulderBoulder- "I like you much better on land."海に入れたら、沈むよね~
  • RocksRocks- "Not flat. Won't skip."この形は…水きりには向いてないな~
  • FlintFlint- "This rock doesn't roll."この石、すっごくとがってる~
  • NitreNitre- "Not just any old dumb rock."これ、ただの石とは違うね~
  • Gold NuggetGold Nugget- "It's shiny and useful!"いろんな使い道があって、便利だよ~
  • GraveGrave- "Seems rude to mess with it."墓荒らしって、悪いことだよね…?
  • Grave DugGrave (dug)- "Thanks for the loot, dude."お宝は、もらったよ~
  • Suspicious Dirt PileSuspicious Dirt Pile- "Well, would you look at that. A pile of dirt."土が盛り上がってる…ま、そんだけだね~
  • Animal TrackAnimal Track- "Friends are near!"近くにフレンズがいるよ~!
  • Animal TrackAnimal Track (lost its trail)- "Ugh, it got away."あ~、逃げられちゃったね~
  • Animal TrackAnimal Track (found)- "I hear rustling nearby."近くで、ケモノの気配がするね~…
  • Wooden ThingWooden Thing Adventure ModeWooden Thing- "Get your weird face out of here, dude!"こん中に、アイツの顔が入ってんでしょ~?
  • Wooden Thing (partially assembled)- "It'd take a lot of effort to put this back together."これ、修理すんの、だいぶめんどくさいな~
  • Wooden Thing (locked)- "It still won't let me through."ん~、まだ動かないな~
  • Wooden Thing (fully assembled)- "Do I really want to go through that?"これ、ホントに大丈夫かな~…
  • Ring ThingRing Thing Adventure ModeRing Thing- "I think I should hold on to it."これは、持っておいたほうがよさげ~
  • Crank ThingCrank Thing Adventure ModeCrank Thing- "You wanna come with me, huh?"捨てないほうがいいのかな~
  • Box ThingBox Thing Adventure ModeBox Thing- "This looks important."大事なものっぽいな~
  • Metal Potato ThingMetal Potato Thing Adventure ModeMetal Potato Thing- "Heh heh."金属のジャガイモ…?ヘンなの~
  • Worm HoleWorm Hole- "Is that it's front end, or back?"これって、口?それとも、おしり…?
  • WormholeWorm Hole (open)- "Well, I see no reason not to jump in."これは、飛び込んでみるしかないね~
  • Worm Hole EatingWorm Hole (exited)- "...where am I?"…ここ、どこ?
  • PondPond- "It's kind of hard to look at myself these days."最近は、自分の顔見るのイヤなんだよな~
  • SkeletonSkeleton- "Surfing in the beyond..."
  • Spider DenSpider Den- "They don't like trespassers."勝手に入ると、すっごい怒られるよ~
  • Spider EggsSpider Eggs- "Start a spider farm."クモのブリーダーにでもなるかな~…
  • Rabbit HoleRabbit Hole- "It's rabbit-shaped."この穴、ウサギの形してる~
  • Walrus Camp WinterWalrus Camp- "Sweet digs."へ~、いい部屋だね~
  • Walrus Camp EmptyWalrus Camp (empty)- "No one home."誰もいないみたいだね~
  • Wolly-2Sunken Boat AbandonedSunken Boat (occupied and empty)- "Surfboards don't sink!"サーフボードなら沈まないよ~!
  • Flotsam BuildFlotsam- "Maybe I can fish it out."釣りざおで引っかけたら、取れるかも~

Reign of Giants[]

  • IceIce- "It knows how to chill."うん、すっごくクールだね~
  • Mini GlacierMini Glacier- "At least someone around here knows how to chill!"あの岩、クールでいいよね~
  • Mini Glacier MeltedMini Glacier (melted)- "I didn't bring my puddle stompin' boots!"長靴、はいてくればよかった~!
  • Animal TrackAnimal Track (spring, lost trail)- "The water washed the tracks away..."
  • BurrowBurrow- "Nice hole, mole."こん中に、モグラくんが隠れてるのか~
  • Rabbit Hole CollapsedRabbit Hole (collapsed)- "I guess they needed Me Time."今は独りになりたいのかもね~
  • Rundown House BurntRundown House (burnt)- "This house has char-acter."カリッとクリスピーに仕上がったね~
  • Pig Head BurntMerm Head (burnt)- "I like it better burnt."焦げてるほうが、まだマシかな~
  • Pig Head BurntPig Head (burnt)- "Wasn't it bad enough already?"さらし首のうえに火あぶり?大変だね~
  • Hollow StumpHollow Stump- "Looks like a nice place to crash."寝心地よさそう~
  • Dead Hollow StumpHollow Stump (empty)- "Anyone there?"誰かいる~?
  • Glommer's StatueGlommer's Statue- "Woah, far out."壊れちゃってる~
  • Glommer's Statue MinedGlommer's Statue (mined)- "All messed up now."これ、ヤバくない?いい意味で
  • SkeletonSkeleton (self)- "Surfing the beyond..."水平線の彼方へ、旅立っちゃったね…
  • Sunken Boat BurntSunken Boat (burnt)- "An admirer of the sea, burned to ash. What injustice!"海の乗り物が焼けちゃうとか、理不尽すぎ!


  • Rabbit HoleRabbit Hole CollapsedCrabbit Den (normal and collapsed)- "A beachfront home. Nice."オーシャンフロントの家か~、いいなぁ
  • Mermhouse FisherFishermerm's Hut- "Where the workers take five."労働者の休憩所か~
  • Merm House ShipwreckedMerm Hut- "I could have sworn this was an outhouse."
  • Merm Hut BurntMerm Hut (burnt)- "This house has char-acter."
  • ShoalShoal- "Looks like a good place to get lunch."お昼ごはんを調達できそう
  • Wobster DenWobster Den- "I can wait as long as it takes."出てくるまで、ずーっと待ってるよ~
  • Coral ReefCoral Reef- "What a pretty coral reef."サンゴ礁だ~…きれ~だなぁ
  • CoralCoral- "I need a fish tank to put this in!"水槽に入れて飼いたいな~!
  • Coral LarvaCoral Larva- "Look at this lil slime dude! How are you, slime dude?"ちっこいスライムくんだ~
  • Limpet RockWithered Limpet RockLimpet Rock (normal and withered)- "Just look at all these Barneys."こういうのを、丘サーファーって言うんだ
  • Limpet Rock PickedLimpet Rock (picked)- "Nothing to eat here."食べられそうなものは…ないね~…
  • Magma PileMagma Pile- "It's warm to the touch."触るとあったかいね~
  • Gold Magma PileMagma Pile (gold)- "Normally I hate gold diggers."
  • KrissureKrissure- "It's got a hot temper."すぐカッとなるタイプか~
  • Steamer TrunkSteamer Trunk- "This trunk is a little steamy."でっかいトランク、み~っけ~!
  • Sandy PileSandy Pile- "If this was bigger I could sand board."ボードで滑り降りたら、楽しそ~
  • SandSand- "I like it between my toes and nowhere else."素足で踏むと、気持ちい~!
  • Sharkitten den activeSharkitten Den- "There are kitties jammin' inside."中に小ネコがい~っぱい
  • Sharkitten den dormantSharkitten Den (inactive)- "Just sand?"ただの砂の山?
  • VolcanoVolcano- "Mount gnarly!"うわ~、ヤバい、かっこい~!
  • Dragoon EggDragoon Egg- "I licked one once. It burned my tongue."なめてみたら、舌ヤケドしたよ~
  • Suspicious Bubbles- "Something's down there..."下に何かいるっぽいな~…
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost its trail)- "It must've dove deeper."クジラ、潜っちゃったみたいだね~
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost its trail, Monsoon Season)- "The waters are way too rough."波が荒すぎて、泡が見えないね~
  • Suspicious Bubbles (found)- "Whale, whale, whale!"近くにクジラがいるね~
  • Tar SlickTar Slick- "Aww, the tar's seeping right into the ocean water."海が真っ黒になっちゃうよ~…
  • TarTar- "Why did I want this again?"これ、なんに使うの?
  • Tar TrapTar Trap- "Sticky and environmentally unfriendly!"自然が汚れる~!
  • Tidal PoolTidal Pool- "Wonder how deep it goes..."深さ、どれぐらいなんだろね~…
  • Lava PoolLava Pool- "It's like a gooey campfire!"ドロッとした、たき火、って感じ~
  • Mussel Farm4-1Mussels- "There's food hanging out down there."海の底に、おいしそうなのがいる~
  • Mussel Farm4-1Mussel StickMussels (with stick)- "That's it mussels, do some pull ups."貝くん、がんばれ~!登ってこ~い!
  • SlotmachineSlot Machine- "Should I push my luck?"運だめし、してみる~?
  • Electric IsoscelesElectric Isosceles- "Take me to a new surf spot!"サーフィンスポットへ連れてって!
  • Octopus Chest BuildOcto Chest- "Booty-ya!"お宝ゲット~!
  • DebrisDebris- "Boat chunks..."沈んだ船の残骸だね…
  • CrateCrate- "Wonder what's inside."何が入ってるのかな~
  • Wildbore HeadPig Head BurntWildbore Head (normal and burnt)- "That's what happens when you lose your head."頭に血ぃ昇らせすぎて、頭取れちゃった?
  • SeashellSeashell- "A gift from the sea."海の恵みだね~
  • Poison HolePoisonous Hole- "Gag!"息止めないと…!
  • Gunpowder BarrelGunpowder Barrel- "Hmm, was I in charge of keeping these stowed?"どっかの船の積み荷かなぁ…
  • X Marks The SpotX Marks the Spot- "Hope this is worth the work."ガラクタじゃないといいな~
  • RawlingRawling- "This dude cracks me up!"アハハハハ!こいつ、おもしろ~い!
  • Watery GraveWatery Grave- "That wound's a little too fresh."う~…なんかブキミ…
  • Wreck MidshipWreck- "Probably won't be sailing on that anytime soon."あの船は、さすがに動かなそうだね~
  • Wooden Thing ShipwreckedWooden Platform Thing (all states)- "I sense its power..."不思議なチカラを感じる~…
  • Grassy ThingGrassy Thing- "I hope this isn't a broom 'cause I hate sweeping."ホウキだったらヤダな~掃除とかムリ~
  • Screw ThingScrew Thing- "That thing attaches to the other thing?"何かの部品かな~
  • Wooden Potato ThingWooden Potato Thing- "Tubular..."ちょっとイモくさいデザインだな~…
  • Ring Thing ShipwreckedRing Thing- "Doesn't look suited for hula-hooping..."フラフープには使えなそう~

CaveEntrance1Nature - Caves[]

Base Game[]

  • SinkholePlugged Sinkhole- "How much effort will it take to get down there?"
  • Unplugged Sinkhole DSSinkhole- "I've always wanted to try spulunking."
  • Rope to Surface- "
  • MushtreeRedRed Mushtree- "Medium mushness."キノコ度、中レベル、って感じかな~
  • MushtreeGreenGreen Mushtree- "Grow tree! Mush! Mush!"大きく育て~!
  • MushtreeBlue Mushtree- "That's a whole lot of mushtree!"うわ~、でっかい!
  • Light FlowerLight Flower- "I want a whole wreath of them!"これでレイを作ろう!
  • Light BulbLight Bulb- "Naturally bright. Just like me!"生まれつき明るいって、あたしみたい~!
  • StalagmiteStalagmiteTallStalagmite (normal and pointy)- "A pretty cool rock."へ~、かっこいい岩じゃん
  • StalagmiteTallStalagmite (pointy, low)- "This rock seems uncool."この岩、あんまりかっこよくな~い
  • SpilagmiteSpilagmite- "It's a hole. Full of SPIDERS."中にクモがウジャウジャいるよ~
  • Slurtle MoundSlurtle Mound- "The snail things come out of there."カタツムリっぽいコのおうちだね~
  • Monkey TotemSplumonkey Pod- "Neat abode, guys."へー、いい家じゃん
  • FernFern- "Nature finds a way, even here."こんなとこでも、植物って育つんだね~
  • FoliageFoliage- "It's all natural."天然素材100%だよ~
  • Cave Banana TreeCave Banana Tree (normal, burning, and burnt)- "That's not a real banana!"本物のバナナじゃないよね…

Thulecite FragmentsNature - Ruins[]

Base Game[]

  • Ruins EntrancePlugged Ruins Sinkhole- "
  • Ruins EntranceRuins Sinkhole- "
  • AncientAncient FaceAncient Statue- "How depressing."見てると、悲しくなってくるね~…
  • Broken AltarAncient Pseudoscience Station (broken)- "Maybe it still works?"まだ使えるかも?
  • Ancient Pseudoscience StationAncient Pseudoscience Station- "This is giving me major jeepers."すっごいブキミ~…
  • AlgaeAlgae- "It makes me miss the open sea."大海原が恋しくなるね~…
  • Broken Clockworks1Broken Clockworks (type 1)- "Lots of potential here!"なんかおもしろいもの作れそう~!
  • Broken clockworksBroken Clockworks (type 2)- "I hope someone makes something out of that."組み立てられるひと、いないかな~
  • Broken clockworksBroken Clockworks (type 3)- "Look at all those parts."部品がい~っぱい!
  • Relic ChairRelic TableRelic VaseRelic PlateRelic BowlRelic ChipbowlRelic- "Where's the ancient bed?"古代のベッドも、あるかなあ?
  • Relic Chair RubbleRelic Table RubbleRelic Vase RubbleRelic (broken)- "I'm not cleaning that up."あたしは、片づけないからね~
  • Thulecite FragmentsThulecite Fragments- "Weird."ヘンなの~
  • Cave LichenCave Lichen- "This moss makes me sad."このコケ…見てると悲しくなる~…
  • Ornate ChestOrnate Chest- "Maybe I'll get something nice?"なんか、いいもの入ってるかな~
  • Ornate ChestOrnate Chest (triggered trap)- "
  • Ornate ChestLarge Ornate Chest- "Whatcha got for me, magic chest?"魔法の宝箱か~…何が入ってるかな~
  • Nightmare LightNightmare Light- "I don't care how weird it is, as long as it keeps darkness away."怪しいけど、闇から守ってくれるならOK~

Obsidian BoulderNature - Volcano[]


  • Obsidian WorkbenchObsidian Workbench- "For playing with fire."ここで火遊びしていいってこと?
  • Coffee PlantCoffee Plant- "Java!"コーヒー、発見!
  • Coffee Plant PickedCoffee Plant (picked)- "Hurry up and grow back!"早く実がならないかな~!
  • Coffee Plant WitheredCoffee Plant (barren)- "Nooo, I need my java!"え~!あたしのコーヒーが~…!
  • Coffee Plant WitheredCoffee Plant (withered)- "If it grew on the volcano..."火山でも育つくせに、肥料が要るのか~
  • Withered Elephant CactusElephant Cactus- "Looking sharp!"トゲトゲだ~!
  • Elephant CactusPrickly Elephant Cactus- "Ouch!"痛ッた!
  • Elephant Cactus Stump 2Elephant Cactus Stump- "It's taking a nap."
  • Coffee Plant DugElephant Cactus DugCoffee Plant and Elephant Cactus (held)- "Planting this sounds like hard work."これ、植えるの大変そうだな~
  • Cactus SpikeCactus Spike- "I don't get the point."サボテンくんのトゲだね~
  • Obsidian BoulderObsidian Boulder- "Too much work to get you open..."これ、割るの大変そうだな~…
  • ObsidianObsidian- "Ouch, you're hot!"あつッ!ヤケドするかと思った~
  • Charcoal BoulderCharcoal Boulder- "Burnt, but good!"この燃えカスは、いろいろ使えるよ!
  • Ash TreeBurnt Ash Tree- "Rubs off on my hands."触ったら手が汚れそう~
  • Dragoon SalivaDragoon Saliva- "My brother used to do the same thing."うちの兄貴も、よくツバ吐いてたな~
  • Woodlegs' CageWoodlegs' Cage- "Whoever invented cages had a cruel heart."オリを発明した人って、酷いよね~
  • Woodlegs' CageWoodlegs (free)- "
  • Volcano AltarVolcano Altar of Snackrifice- "The volcano asks its price..."火山に、ささげ物をしろってさ~…
  • Volcano AltarVolcano Altar of Snackrifice (active)- "Ready to receive..."受け入れ準備オッケーみたい…
  • Volcano (exit)- "

Spider Mobs - Monsters[]

Base Game[]

  • Clockwork KnightClockwork Knight- "He looks like he could use a nap."機嫌悪そ~…寝不足かな?
  • Clockwork BishopClockwork Bishop- "Don't get any bright ideas."なんかひらめいたら、頭が光るのかな~
  • Clockwork RookClockwork Rook- "Check, mate!"チェックメイト!
  • Damaged KnightDamaged Knight- "He should go to sleep... and not wake up."もう寝なよ~…そのまま起きなくていいよ
  • Damaged bishopDamaged Bishop- "This is why I don't play board games!"だからボードゲームは嫌いなんだってば!
  • Damaged ClockworkDamaged Rook- "Is that thing real?!"あれって、本物…?
  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "Who's there?! Leave me alone!"は!?誰!?こっち来んな!
  • Charlie (attacked by)- "ACHK! I SAID GO AWAY!"イッタッ!やめてってばッ!
  • HoundHound- "This dog is a real drag!"しつこいイヌだな~!
  • Red HoundRed Hound- "This one seems angrier somehow."普通のより凶暴そう~
  • Blue HoundBlue Hound- "What a chilly pup."クールなイヌだ~
  • Hound's ToothHound's Tooth- "Highlights the importance of regular dental checkups."歯医者さんには、ちゃんと行こう!
  • SpiderSpider- "Crawly creep."こいつら、キショいよね~…
  • Spider WarriorSpider Warrior- "Back off, you're germy!"来んな!バイキンうつるし!
  • Spider SleepingSpider (sleeping)- "Aww, it's so peaceful and disgusting."寝てても、やっぱりキショいな~
  • Spider Warrior SleepingSpider Warrior (sleeping)- "Hope you're having a nightmare."悪い夢、見てるといいな~…
  • Dead SpiderSpider (dead)- "I wonder if it will rain now?"クモは、害虫食べてくれんだけどな~
  • Dead Spider WarriorSpider Warrior (dead)- "Now I can rest in peace."これでひと安心だね~
  • Spider GlandSpider Gland- "Why does health food taste so bad?"「良薬は口に苦し」?なんで~?
  • SilkSilk- "Spider gunk..."クモのお尻から出てきた糸だね~…
  • KrampusKrampus- "Stealing isn't cool!"ひとの物盗むとか、サイテー!
  • Krampus SackKrampus Sack- "A bag of stolen goods."ヤギ男が盗んだ物が詰まってるよ
  • MermMerm- "Go dunk your head, guy."海で泳いできなよ~
  • FrogFrog- "Keep your tongue to yourself, bucko."舌出すのって、行儀悪いよ~
  • Frog SleepingFrog (sleeping)- "Sweet dreams."おやすみ~
  • Dead FrogFrog (dead)- "It was too good for this world."いいヤツほど早死にすんだよね~
  • TentacleTentacle- "Hands off, bucko!"触らないでよッ!
  • Tentacle SpikeTentacle Spike- "It's pretty flimsy. I can't see it doing much damage."これ、武器なの?ゴミじゃなくて?
  • Tentacle SpotsTentacle Spots- "These might help me out of a tight spot."なんかのときに、役に立つかもね~
  • TentapillarBig Tentacle- "This has no right to exist."こんな怪物、存在していいはずないってば…
  • Baby TentacleBaby Tentacle- "Much too slimy!"ヌメヌメすぎでしょ~!
  • Guardian PigGuardian Pig- "Take it easy, big guy."まあまあ、落ち着いて~
  • WerepigWerepig- "Haha! What even is that?"ハハハ!なに、あれ?
  • Ghost BuildGhost- "You deserve a rest."おつかれ~…
  • MacTuskMacTusk- "Hey grey belly! How's life treatin' ya?"おーい、セイウチく~ん!元気~?
  • WeeTuskWee MacTusk- "How ya doin', tiny?"おチビちゃん、元気?
  • Walrus TuskWalrus Tusk- "That's a pretty impressive tooth."ずいぶん立派なキバだね~
  • Tam o' ShanterTam o' Shanter- "This plaid ain't bad."チェックの柄で、おしゃれじゃ~ん
  • MosquitoMosquito- "Filthy bloodsucker!"気をつけないと、血を吸われるからね~
  • MosquitoMosquito (held)- "Don't think this means we're friends."こいつは好きになれないな~
  • Mosquito SackMosquito Sack- "Makes an okay pillow if you plug your nose."ニオイさえがまんすれば、枕に使えるね~
  • MosquitoNearby Mosquitoes- "
  • Cave SpiderCave Spider- "I see you over there!"それで隠れてるつもり~?
  • SpitterSpitter- "No thank you!"結構です!
  • BatiliskBatilisk- "Go flap somewhere else!"シッシッ!あっちいけ!
  • LureplantMeat Bulb- "It's so attractive."なぜか、近くへ行きたくなる~…
  • Fleshy BulbFleshy Bulb- "Get meat, the easy way."これなら、簡単に肉が手に入るよ?
  • EyeplantEyeplant- "Made you look!"なんでこっち見てんだろ~…
  • SlurperSlurper- "It's a little gross, but who am I to judge?"見た目で判断しちゃ、ダメだよね…
  • Slurper PeltSlurper Pelt- "Maybe it doubles as a blanket."ブランケットにもなりそう…?
  • Dangling Depth DwellerDangling Depth Dweller- "How rude of you to drop in!"いきなり落ちてきたら、びっくりするよ~!
  • Depths WormDepths Worm (emerged)- "That dude can pull off some sweet aerials."すご~!アクロバティック~!
  • Depths Worm LureDepths Worm (lure)- "Nothing to see here."ここに見るものは何もないから。
  • Depths Worm BurrowedDepths Worm (burrowed)- "Something's taking a dirt nap."泥の中で、泥のように寝てる~…
  • EwecusEwecus- "Hey there, little guy!"
  • Steel WoolSteel Wool- "It's too hard to make a sweater out of."

Reign of Giants[]

  • VargVarg- "What's your deal, man?"なんで怒ってるの~?
  • Poison Birchnut TreePoison Birchnut Tree- "I said I was sorry!"だから、ゴメンって!
  • Poison Birchnut Tree (stump)- "
  • BirchnutterBirchnutter- "Chillax, little dude."ま~ま~、落ち着きなよ~


  • CrocodogCrocodog- "It's cute, from a safe distance."遠くから見てれば、カワイイよね~
  • Yellow CrocodogYellow Crocodog- "I respect its right to exist, but... not so nearby!"あんまり近くには来ないでほしいな~…
  • Blue CrocodogBlue Crocodog- "What's the crocodeal, dude?!"ワニって、海に住んでるもの!?
  • Floaty Boaty KnightFloaty Boaty Knight- "What a horrible knight to have a curse."ナイトのくせに呪われてんの?
  • FlupFlup (in ground)Flup (normal and in ground)- "It's rude to stare, dude!"ちょっと~、なに見てんの~?
  • EyeshotEyeshot- "It makes a wet squelch when it hits stuff."命中すると、ペチャッ!て音がするよ
  • Pirate GhostPirate Ghost- "Aw. He could've had an eternal nap, but he came back."永遠に寝てられたのに、なんで起きたの~?
  • Poison MosquitoPoison Mosquito (normal and held)- "Get lost!"あっちいけ~!
  • Yellow Mosquito SackYellow Mosquito Sack- "Ewwww."うわぁ~…キショい…
  • SnakeSnake- "I hope you can't swim."このヘビ、泳いだりしないよね…?
  • Poison SnakePoison Snake- "My buddy has a bodacious bite!"アイツにかまれたら、ヤバいよね~
  • SnakeskinSnakeskin- "I could make a scaly bikini out of this!"これで高級ビキニ作れそう~
  • Spider Warrior (Venomous)Spider Warrior (venomous)- "Back off, you're germy!"
  • Poison Spider SleepingSpider Warrior (venomous, sleeping)- "Hope you're having a nightmare."
  • Dead Spider Warrior (Venomous)Spider Warrior (venomous, dead)- "Now I can rest in peace."
  • Sea HoundSea Hound- "Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"こっち来んな~!シッシッ!
  • Stink RayStink Ray- "I thought shark farts were bad..."サメのおならより臭いかも~…
  • SwordfishSwordfish- "I've resolved to be more of a lover than a fighter."あたし、基本的に暴力反対なんだよね~
  • White WhaleWhite Whale- "Do ye spout black blood and roll fin out?"白いクジラって、有名なヤツじゃん!
  • White Whale CarcassWhite Whale Carcass- "Vengeance is mine."怒ると、ろくなことにならないんだよ~
  • DragoonDragoon- "Woah, tone it down, my guy."待って待って!ちょっと落ち着こうよ!

Pig Mobs - Neutral Animals[]

Base Game[]

  • BeefaloBeefalo- "I love these things!"このコたち、いいよね~!
  • BeefaloBeefalo (follower)- "Aww, he loves me!"なつかれてる~!
  • Beefalo SleepingBeefalo (sleeping)- "Blissfully unaware of the terrors of night."ぐっすり寝てる…夜の怖さ、知らないんだね…
  • Beefalo NakedBeefalo (naked)- "Beautiful beach bod, bud."ビーチに映えそうな肉体美~
  • DefaultDomesticatedBeefaloBeefalo (domesticated)- "
  • PudgyDomesticatedBeefaloBeefalo (domesticated, pudgy)- "
  • RiderDomesticatedBeefaloBeefalo (domesticated, docile)- "
  • OrneryDomesticatedBeefaloBeefalo (domesticated, ornery)- "
  • Beefalo WoolBeefalo Wool- "It looks more like hair to me."毛っていうか、髪の毛っぽいよね~
  • Beefalo HornBeefalo Horn- "It's a big animal horn."でっかい動物くんのツノだ~
  • Baby BeefaloBaby Beefalo (normal and sleeping)- "Growing up is a trap... don't do it!"大人になんか、ならないほうがいいよ~!
  • BeeNearby Bees- "Relax your thorax!"ハチくん、落ち着きなよ~
  • BeeBee- "Well bzz bzz to you too!"ブンブンうるさいな~
  • Killer BeeKiller Bee- "It's badly BEEhaved."何もしてないのに襲ってくる~!
  • BeeBee (held)- "Don't worry. I'll keep you safe."
  • Killer BeeKiller Bee (held)- "This bee needs to relax."なんで怒ってんのかな~
  • StingerStinger- "Glad I don't have to pick this out of my skin."こんなので刺されたら、痛いだろうな~
  • PigPig (normal and sleeping)- "Lookin' fine, swine."ブタくんだ~
  • PigPig (follower)- "Let's hit the waves!"サーフィンしに行こう!
  • Dead PigPig (dead)- "Bad luck, dude."ん~、残念だったね~
  • Pig SkinPig Skin- "Not by the hair of his rumpy rump rump."しっぽがついてる~…
  • Bunnyman2BeardlordBunnyman and Beardlord- "Do you give good hugs?"モフモフだ~
  • Bunny PuffBunny Puff- "Fluffy!"フワフワ!
  • KoalefantKoalefant- "Hang ten, big guy."でっかいゾウくん、おつかれ~
  • Winter KoalefantWinter Koalefant- "Hang ten, big snowy guy."でっかいモフモフゾウくん、おつかれ~
  • PengullPengull- "Hey little dude."オシャレなトリくんだ!
  • Rock LobsterRock Lobster- "No need to fight!"待って待って!戦う気はないってば~
  • SnurtleSlurtleSnurtle and Slurtle- "It tastes with its feet. Gross."足に口があるんだってさ…キモ~…
  • Slurtle SlimeSlurtle Slime- "It's hard to hold on to."これ、捨てちゃだめかな~…
  • Broken ShellBroken Shell- "Holding on to these doesn't even seem worth it."ゴミにしか見えないけどなぁ~
  • ShelmetShelmet- "I'm a little embarrassed to wear it in public."この帽子…恥ずかしくない…?
  • Snurtle Shell ArmorSnurtle Shell Armor- "Protection from nature, by nature."自然の恵みで、自然から身を守るよ~
  • SplumonkeySplumonkey- "You think he can surf?"サルくん、サーフィンできるかな?

Reign of Giants[]

  • BuzzardBuzzard- "Not dead yet, friend!"あたし、まだ死んでないからね~!
  • CatcoonCatcoon- "It's very independent and loves garbage. Me too!"このコの生活スタイル、あたしと似てる~!
  • Cat TailCat Tail- "This would make a stylish hat."おしゃれな帽子が作れそ~
  • Volt GoatVolt Goat- "Do you think it would let me snuggle it?"スリスリさせてくれるかな~
  • Charged Volt GoatVolt Goat (charged)- "Majestic!"かっこい~!
  • Volt Goat HornVolt Goat Horn- "I feel a little bad about the dead goat."死んじゃったヤギは、かわいそうだな~…


  • Blue WhaleBlue Whale- "What's got ya down, fella?"落ち込んでるの~?どうした~?
  • Blue Whale CarcassBlue Whale Carcass (all stages)- "You don't have to be sad anymore..."これでもう、悲しまなくていいね…
  • Bottlenosed BallphinBottlenose Ballphin- "My surfing buddies!"あたしのサーファー仲間だよ~!
  • Dorsal FinDorsal Fin- "I thought I was the only one around here who'd fallen to pieces."残りの部分は、どこいっちゃったのかな~
  • JellyfishJellyfish- "I hate these things."
  • JellyfishJellyfish (held)- "Don't step on one in bare feet!!"裸足で踏むと刺されるよ~!
  • Water BeefaloWater Beefalo (normal, follower, and sleeping)- "You smell like wet hair."ぬれた髪みたいなニオイがする~
  • HornHorn- "I'm glad it's not attached to anything."本体がついてなくてよかった~…
  • Prime ApePrime Ape- "This guy's a major beach leech."コイツ、人の物ばっか欲しがるんだよね~
  • WildboreWildbore- "I'm not wild about it."あいつには近寄らないほうがいいかも~

Rabbit Mobs - Passive Animals[]

Base Game[]

  • ButterflyButterfly- "What a pretty pattern!"きれーな模様だな~!
  • ButterflyButterfly (held)- "You're my pretty pocket pal."きれーな羽根のチョウチョくん!
  • CrowCrow- "Akaw!"カァ~!
  • CrowCrow (held)- "Are we best friends now?"あたしたち、親友だよね~?
  • RedbirdRedbird- "A song given wing."空飛ぶ歌い手くんだ~
  • RedbirdRedbird (held)- "How are you doing, little guy?"トリくん、居心地はどう~?
  • SnowbirdSnowbird- "You have a lovely voice!"きれいな声してるね~!
  • SnowbirdSnowbird (held)- "You're not too squished, are you?"せまくないかな~?大丈夫~?
  • Jet FeatherJet Feather- "A real softy."ホワホワだ~
  • Crimson FeatherCrimson Feather- "I'm tickled by the color of this."見てるだけでムズムズしてくる~…
  • Azure FeatherAzure Feather- "I would love a necklace made of these."これでネックレス作りたいな~
  • GobblerGobbler- "He's a doofy little guy."このトリくん、うっとうしいんだよね~
  • Eye BoneSnow EyeboneShadow EyeboneEye Bone- "I get the feeling I'm being watched."なんか…見られてる気がするな~…
  • Eye BoneSnow EyeboneShadow EyeboneEye Bone (Chester dead)- "
  • AshesEye Bone (ashes)- "
  • ChesterChester- "The best kind of friend... one who works for free."タダ働きしてくれる仲間は、大事だよね~
  • RabbitWinter RabbitBeardlingRabbit and Beardling- "Look at its little ears!"耳がカワイイ~!
  • RabbitWinter RabbitBeardlingRabbit and Beardling (held)- "No need to be scared."怖がらなくても大丈夫だよ~
  • FirefliesFireflies- "My kind of insects."ホタル、いいよね~
  • FirefliesFireflies (held)- "My glowy little pocket pals."仲よくしようね、ホタルくん
  • Planted MandrakeMandrake (planted)- "A mystical plant."ナゾい植物だ~
  • Mandrake MobMandrake (follower)- "You're messing up my chill vibes, dude."ビービー、うっさいな~…
  • MandrakeMandrake (dead)- "I was rooting for it."根性あると思ったのにな~…根っこだけに
  • Cooked MandrakeMandrake (cooked)- "Not as mystical as I thought."案外、普通の野菜かも~
  • Cooked MandrakeMandrake (knocked out by)- "Woah. What happened?"うぅ~…なんだったんだ~…?

Reign of Giants[]

  • GlommerGlommer (normal and sleeping)- "Looks like a friend."敵…じゃなさそうだよね?
  • Glommer's FlowerGlommer's Flower- "Wouldn't it look great in my hair?"髪飾りに、よさげだね~
  • Dead Glommer's FlowerGlommer's Flower (Glommer dead)- "Poor lil thing."あー…枯れちゃったね~…
  • AshesGlommer's Flower (ashes)- "Huh. I guess it didn't like traveling?"
  • Glommer's WingsGlommer's Wings- "Sigh. Fly no more, friend."翼がないと、もう飛べないね~…
  • Glommer's GoopGlommer's Goop- "I'll make sure it goes to good use."なんかに使えそう~
  • Depths Worm BurrowedRaised Dirt (underground Moleworm)- "Who's down there?"ん?土ん中に誰かいる…?
  • MolewormsMoleworm (aboveground)- "Welcome to the surface!"地上へようこそ~!
  • MolewormMoleworm (held)- "Are you comfy in there, buddy?"居心地、どう?


  • BioluminescenceBioluminescence- "Pretty glowy goop!"光るドロドロの液体だ~…きれいだね~
  • CrabbitCrab (insanity)Crabbit and Beardling (normal and held)- "If I was on my surfboard I could catch you."ボードに乗ってたら追いつけるのに~…
  • Shifting SandsShifting Sands- "He's taking a break from running."走るの疲れたのかな~
  • DogfishDogfish- "Bring me my slippers."棒きれ投げたら、取ってくるかな~
  • SharkittenSharkitten- "You're pretty cute for my worst nightmare."怪物にしては、かわいいじゃん~
  • FishboneFishbone deadFishbone (normal and Packim dead)- "I'll hold onto this."大事に持っておこうっと
  • AshesFishbone (ashes)- "I must've missed the party."バーベキュー、もう終わっちゃった?
  • Packim BaggimsPackim Baggims- "You got a big mouth, fella."口、でかいね~
  • Rainbow JellyfishRainbow Jellyfish- "Lookin' good, lil dude!"クラゲくん、いい感じ~!
  • Rainbow JellyfishRainbow Jellyfish (held)- "Hey there, little buddy."きれいなクラゲくんだ~
  • ParrotParrot (normal and held)- "Will you ever stop squawking?"キーキーうるさいな~
  • Parrot PirateParrot Pirate (normal and held)- "He's a squawkbuckler."口ばっかりって感じ…うさんくさいな~
  • SeagullSeagull (normal and held)- "Poop hawk!"あのトリくん、フンをまき散らすからな~…
  • SeagullSeagull (normal and held, in water)- "Eww, it's nethers are touching my waves..."う~、おしりが海にくっついてる~…
  • ToucanToucan (normal and held)- "You could catch waves with a nose like that!"クチバシがサーフボードみた~い!
  • CormorantCormorant (normal and held)- "Hang ten, stinky sea dude!"クサい海鳥くん、おつかれ~!
  • DoydoyDoydoy (normal and held)- "Well hey there little guy."お、トリくんがいる
  • Doydoy NestDoydoy Nest- "Looks like a great place to nap. For a doydoy."ドイドイにとっては、快適なんだろうね~
  • Doydoy FeatherDoydoy Feather- "It's soft to the touch."手触りフワフワ~
  • Doydoy EggDoydoy Egg- "Could be a doydoy. Or could be dinner."ドイドイを育てるか…晩ごはんにするか…
  • Doydoy EggHatching Doydoy Egg- "I didn't touch it, I swear."アタシ、触ってないよ!ホントだって~!
  • Fried Doydoy EggFried Doydoy Egg- "You can taste the endangerment."ゼツメツキグ的な味だね~
  • Baby DoydoyBaby Doydoy (normal and held)- "Aw! You look like you want a cuddle!"かわいいな~…スリスリした~い!
  • Teen DoydoyTeen Doydoy- "
  • Teen DoydoyTeen Doydoy (held)- "
  • WobsterWobster- "Yummy sea bug."見た目は虫っぽいけど、味はおいしいよ~
  • FishermermFishermerm- "You don't mind working for a living."生きるために働いてるってわけか~

SmallbirdMobs - Tallbird family[]

Base Game[]

  • TallbirdTallbird- "I'm glad it can't fly."このコ、飛べなくてよかったよ~…
  • Tallbird Nest FullTallbird Nest (with egg)- "Bunch of future pecky jerks."あそこで、デカいトリくんが生まれるんだね
  • Tallbird NestTallbird Nest (empty)- "The eggs have flown the coop."卵、家出しちゃったみたいだね~
  • Tallbird EggTallbird Egg- "There's a little dude relaxin' inside."中で、ちっこいトリくんがくつろいでるよ
  • Fried Tallbird EggFried Tallbird Egg- "Now if I could only get giant toast."でっかいトーストがあればな~
  • Hatching Tallbird EggHatching Tallbird Egg- "Raw..."生卵だ~…
  • Hatching Tallbird EggHatching Tallbird Egg (dead, eating the egg)- "Sorry, lil guy."トリくん、ごめんね~
  • Tallbird Egg Too HotHatching Tallbird Egg (too hot)- "Hope it doesn't hard boil."固ゆでになってないといいけどなぁ…
  • Tallbird Egg Too ColdHatching Tallbird Egg (too cold)- "Gelatinous..."中身は、ゼリーみたいだね…
  • Hatching Tallbird EggHatching Tallbird Egg (long time left)- "It's growing..."中で育ってるね…
  • Hatching Tallbird EggHatching Tallbird Egg (short time left)- "C'mon squirt."もうちょっとだよ~、がんばれ~
  • SmallbirdSmallbird (normal and sleeping)- "Eye see you."目玉、デカいね~
  • SmallbirdSmallbird (hungry)- "Hope your stomach is as big as your eye."胃袋も、目玉ぐらいデカいのかな~
  • SmallbirdSmallbird (starving)- "Blink twice if you're hungry."おなかへってるなら、2回まばたきして~
  • TeenbirdSmallish Tallbird (normal and sleeping)- "It's got a ton of acne under those feathers. Haha, gross."きっと、羽根の下はニキビだらけだよ~
  • TeenbirdSmallish Tallbird (hungry)- "They're always hungry!"よく食べるな~!
  • TeenbirdSmallish Tallbird (starving, attacking)- "You've eaten me out of base and camp!"食料全部、食べ尽くす気かな~…
  • TeenbirdPecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "Hey! Stop that!"ちょっと!やめなさいって!

Spider QueenMobs - Bosses[]

Base Game[]

  • TreeguardLumpy TreeguardTreeguard (normal and lumpy)- "Step off, grey belly!"木のおばけ!?あっちいけ~!
  • Spider QueenSpider Queen- "I don't bow to royalty."女王様?へー、だから何~?
  • SpiderhatSpiderhat- "Ha! I'm your boss now, spiders!"今日からあたしが、クモのボス~!
  • DeerclopsDeerclops- "Yikes! We're in the impact zone now!"ここ、あいつのインパクトゾーンだよ!
  • Deerclops EyeballDeerclops Eyeball- "Aw. Kind of reminds me of the boss."前の上司にちょっと似てるかも…
  • Ancient GuardianAncient Guardian- "Holy horns."すごいツノだよね~
  • Guardian's HornGuardian's Horn- "It was an ordeal to get this."これゲットするの、大変だったよね~

Reign of Giants[]

  • BeargerBearger- "Maybe I should keep my distance."
  • Thick FurThick Fur- "Now I can hibernate in comfort."これで快適に冬眠できるね~
  • GooseMoose/Goose- "You're a big one, huh!?"でっかいな~…!
  • Goose EggEmpty Goose NestMoose/Goose Egg and Nest- "It will one day hatch into a moo... a goo... a thing."ムース?グース?…の卵だね
  • MoslingMosling- "Don't you just want to pick it up and squeeze it?"かっわいいな~!スリスリした~い!
  • Down FeatherDown Feather- "It's soft but... a bit grimy."ホワホワ…でも、ちょっと汚いね~
  • DragonflyDragonfly- "I'd never have to put up with this on the open ocean!"海には、こんな怪物いないよ!
  • ScalesScales- "I need a suit of these, immediately."これでウェットスーツ作りたいな~
  • Lava Spit (hot)- "Looks a little spicy."からそうな色~
  • Lava Spit (cool)- "All dried up."すっかり乾いた。


  • Palm TreeguardPalm Treeguard- "Wanna be a board?"サーフボードにしてやる~!
  • QuackenQuacken- "Surf's up!"ん~、いい波~!
  • Quacken TentacleQuacken Tentacle- "It's much too floppy!"ニョロニョロして、落ち着きないな~!
  • Chest of the DepthsChest of the Depths- "Treasure awaits me!"お宝ゲット~!
  • Quacken BeakQuacken Beak- "He was probably a bit peckish when he died."鳥?イカ?どっちだったのかな~…
  • SealnadoSealnado- "This thing needs to relax!"落ち着いて!ドウドウ!
  • SealnadoSealnado (failed attack)- "
  • SealSealnado (seal form)- "I just wanna squish its face into my face."ん~!ほっぺをスリスリした~い!
  • Turbine BladesTurbine Blades- "Twirly!"クルクル回るよ~
  • Magic SealMagic Seal- "Why would anyone need this much power?"これって、何する道具?
  • Tiger SharkTiger Shark- "I'll never complain about regular sharks again!"フツーのサメはいないの~!?
  • Eye of the Tiger SharkEye of the Tiger Shark- "Nasty."キモいな~…
  • Shark GillsShark Gills- "It won't be needing these."死んじゃったら、もう必要ないよね?

Abigail buildMobs - Other[]

Base Game[]

  • Maxwell ingameMaxwell- "He seems like kind of a jerk."あいつ、なんか気に食わないな~
  • Pig KingPig King- "Am I supposed to curtsy or something?"おじぎとか、したほうがいいのかな~
  • WesWes (trapped)- "You probably want me to like, free you or something, huh."たぶん、あたしに助けてほしいんだよね…?
  • Abigail buildAbigail- "Hang ten, ectobuddy."ハングル~ス、ユーレイちゃん

Reign of Giants[]

  • BigfootprintBigfoot- "Just look at that goofy footed weirdo!"なに、あの足?デカッ!


  • WilburSoggy Monkey (Wilbur)- "Welcome aboard, bud!"よろしくね~
  • YaarctopusYaarctopus- "You seem chill."あんたとは気が合いそう~

Meat Food - Meats[]

Base Game[]

  • EggEgg- "There is a tiny birdy buddy in here!"中に、ちっこいトリくんが入ってるよ~
  • Cooked EggEgg (cooked)- "... I'm sorry, birdy buddy."ちっこいトリくん、ごめんね~…
  • MeatMeat- "Five second rule!"5秒ルール!
  • Cooked MeatCooked Meat- "Surfing fuel!"しっかり食べて、サーフィンしよう!
  • JerkyJerky- "Boy, this meat is jerky."かめばかむほど味がでるよ~
  • MorselMorsel- "Mmmmmeat!"お肉だ~!
  • Cooked MorselCooked Morsel- "A tasty morsel."小さいけど、味はおいしいよ~
  • Small JerkySmall Jerky- "A treat that travels well."旅の食料にも、ぴったり~
  • Monster MeatMonster Meat- "Am I really hungry enough?"ま~、いざとなったら食べるけどね~
  • Cooked Monster MeatCooked Monster Meat- "This still looks awful."焼いても、やっぱり気色悪いな~
  • Monster JerkyMonster Jerky- "Tough to chew AND crazy-making!"食べると正気失うから注意だよ~
  • Leafy MeatLeafy Meat- "It's got all two food groups."肉類と野菜類、両方摂れるってことか~
  • Cooked Leafy MeatCooked Leafy Meat- "Hey, you're not a REAL steak!"これ…本物のステーキじゃないよね~
  • DrumstickDrumstick- "Does someone want to cook it for me?"誰か、料理してくれないかな~
  • Fried DrumstickFried Drumstick- "I feel like a warrior."骨つき肉って、ワイルドでいいよね~
  • FishFish- "Blub blub, little chum."サカナ語、しゃべれたらなぁ
  • Cooked FishCooked Fish- "From my own personal recipe."あたしのとっておきのレシピだよ~
  • EelEel- "If you squint it's actually kind of cute."目を細めると、かわいく見えてくるかも~
  • Cooked EelCooked Eel- "I hope it doesn't make me feel... eel!"
  • Koalefant TrunkKoalefant Trunk- "It's a meaty-looking trunk."鼻だと思わなければ、おいしそうかも~
  • Winter Koalefant TrunkWinter Koalefant Trunk- "It's a cold, meaty-looking trunk."冬毛が生えてるけど…食べられそう
  • Koalefant Trunk SteakKoalefant Trunk Steak- "Seems edible, as far as noses go."食べられるっぽい…たぶんね
  • Frog LegsFrog Legs- "I don't really like touching them."あんまり触りたくないな~
  • Cooked Frog LegsCooked Frog Legs- "Tastes like doydoy."ドイドイみたいな味~
  • Batilisk WingBatilisk Wing- "A couple more of these and I'll be flying!"これ、何枚か集めたら飛べるかも~!
  • Cooked Batilisk WingCooked Batilisk Wing- "Looks a bit leathery."ちょっと筋っぽくて固いな~


  • Dead DogfishDead Dogfish- "Sorry, lil dude."ごめん~
  • Dead SwordfishDead Swordfish- "Woah, that fish is HUGE!"うわー、でっかい魚!
  • Tropical FishTropical Fish- "Such tasty colors!"おいしそうな色~!
  • Dead JellyfishDead Jellyfish- "It might still sting me."死んでても刺してきそうだな~…
  • Cooked JellyfishCooked Jellyfish- "I hope it doesn't sting on the way down."おなかの中、刺されないかな~…
  • Dead Rainbow JellyfishDead Rainbow Jellyfish- "Aw."あー…
  • Cooked Rainbow JellyfishCooked Rainbow Jellyfish- "Aw jeez. It's even cute when it's cooked."輪切りになっても、カワイイな~
  • Dried JellyfishDried Jellyfish- "Looks extra chewy."かみ切れなそう~…
  • Raw FishRaw Fish- "Needs more fire."焼いたほうがおいしいよ~
  • Tuna Can"Ballphin Free" Tuna- "Whoa! Righteous non-spoilage!"これなら、腐らなくて安心だ~!
  • Fish SteakCooked Fish MorselFish Steak and Cooked Fish Morsel- "Is it snacktime?"おやつの時間かな~?
  • Fish MorselFish Morsel- "Small fish from a big pond."でっかい海で獲れた、ちっこい魚だよ
  • LimpetsLimpets- "They're free from the hustle and bustle of daily life."貝はいいよね~、毎日ボーッとしてられて
  • Cooked LimpetsCooked Limpets- "Still a bit slimy."まだちょっとヌメヌメしてる~
  • MusselMussel- "I could eat a hundred of these."これなら、いっくらでも食べられる~
  • Cooked MusselCooked Mussel- "Needs shallots."つけ合わせはエシャロットに限るよね~
  • RoeRoe- "Roe, roe, roe my board... I'm going nuts out here."魚卵、ラン、ラン♪…な~んてね…
  • Cooked RoeCooked Roe- "At least they didn't have faces."ま、顔がないから、まだ気が楽だね~…
  • Neon QuattroNeon Quattro- "What a cute lil dude!"このお魚くん、かわいい~!
  • Cooked Neon QuattroCooked Neon Quattro- "Sorry. I still gotta eat."かわいいけど、食べちゃうね~
  • Pierrot FishPierrot Fish- "I can't kill that! Look how cute it is!"かわいすぎて殺せないよ~!
  • Cooked Pierrot FishCooked Pierrot Fish- "Delicious, delicious guilt."おいしいけど、心が痛い~…
  • Purple GrouperPurple Grouper- "His doofiness is kinda endearing."もさ~っとしてるけど、そこがカワイイかも~
  • Cooked Purple GrouperCooked Purple Grouper- "Sorry, man. It was you or me."ごめん~食べないと死んじゃうからさ~
  • Shark FinShark Fin- "The only kind of fin I wanna see."あれは…足につけるヒレじゃないよね?
  • Dead WobsterDead Wobster- "Soon to be good eats."焼いたらおいしいだろうな~
  • Cooked WobsterDelicious Wobster- "Now that's good eats!"おいしそうに焼けたね~
  • Bile-Covered SlopBile-Covered Slop- "Total mushburger."ドロドロだ~…
  • Dragoon HeartDragoon Heart- "It must have been in love. It's still crazy hot."まだ熱い…きっと恋でもしてたんだね~…

Dragon Fruit Food - Fruits[]

Base Game[]

  • BerriesBerries- "These are the edible kind, right?"これって、食べれるヤツだよね~?
  • Roasted BerriesRoasted Berries- "They're all sticky now. Heh heh, gross."ははは、ネッチョネチョ~、グロ~い
  • Cave BananaCave Banana- "Potassium!"カリウムた~っぷり!
  • Cooked Cave BananaCooked Cave Banana- "Cooked potassium!"カリウムたっぷり、焼きバナナ!
  • Dragon FruitDragon Fruit- "Decadent, and decorative!"ん~、ぜいたく~!
  • Prepared Dragon FruitPrepared Dragon Fruit- "It tastes pretty."「美しい味」って感じ~!
  • DurianDurian- "Looks pretty difficult to eat."これって、どうやって食べるんだろ~
  • Extra Smelly DurianExtra Smelly Durian- "Woah! That smells awful!"くっさ!すっごいニオイだな~…
  • PomegranatePomegranate- "Seedy."なんかの種だな
  • Sliced PomegranateSliced Pomegranate- "Hot n' juicy."アッツアツで、ジューシ~!

Reign of Giants[]

  • WatermelonWatermelon- "Nothing better on a hot day!"暑い日は、これにかぎるよね~
  • Grilled WatermelonGrilled Watermelon- "Hot watermelon..."あったかいスイカって…どうなの~?


  • BananaBanana- "Potassium!"
  • Cooked BananaCooked Banana- "Cooked potassium!"
  • CoconutCoconut- "Imagine getting conked on the head by one of these!"頭の上に落っこちてきたら、痛そ~!
  • Halved CoconutHalved Coconut- "You get two for the price of one. Pfft."1粒で2個分!お買い得?ど~かな~…
  • Cooked CoconutRoasted Coconut- "Hmmm. Yep. It's cooked now."ん~、こんがり焼けたね~

Carrot Food - Vegetables[]

Base Game[]

  • CornCorn- "I can't think of anything corny to say."“コーンなに”おいしそう!な~んちゃって
  • Carrot PlantedCarrot (planted)- "Ooo, that's a good find!"いいものみ~っけ!
  • CarrotCarrot- "They must've named these after oranges."オレンジみたいな色だ~
  • PumpkinPumpkin- "You look nice today, pumpkin."オレンジ色で、かわい~な~
  • EggplantEggplant- "I've never seen an egg that shade of purple."毒みたいな色だけど…食べても平気かなぁ…
  • PopcornPopcorn- "I'll need a toothpick soon."歯にはさまるんだよね~…
  • Roasted CarrotRoasted Carrot- "Smells good!"ん~、い~におい!
  • Hot PumpkinHot Pumpkin- "Smells autumn-y."うーん、秋の香り~
  • Braised EggplantBraised Eggplant- "Is this, like, an omelette?"毒みたいな色だけど…料理してみたよ
  • Red CapRed Cap- "It might be a bad idea to just eat stuff I find on the ground."地面に落ちてたもの、食べて平気かなぁ…
  • Cooked Red CapCooked Red Cap- "I'm not THAT hungry."ま~、いざとなったら食べるけどね~…
  • Green CapGreen Cap- "Looks sort of tasty."おいしそう…に見えないこともないか~
  • Cooked Green CapCooked Green Cap- "Fried fungus."焼きキノコだよ~
  • Blue CapBlue Cap- "I didn't know mushrooms came in blue."青いキノコって、初めて見た~
  • Cooked Blue CapCooked Blue Cap- "Did I make it better or worse?"これ、焼いてよかったのかな~…
  • Glow BerryGlow Berry- "I find myself strangely attracted to it."なんでかな~…そばに寄りたくなる~…
  • LichenLichen- "Can I get something to eat now?"ちゃんとした食べ物、食べたいなぁ…

Reign of Giants[]

  • Cactus FleshCactus Flesh- "Cactus flesh... d'you think that's vegetarian?"サボテンステーキって、ベジタリアンもOK?
  • Cooked Cactus FleshCooked Cactus Flesh- "Looks pretty tasty now."か~なりおいしそうになった~
  • Cactus FlowerCactus Flower- "You ever seen anything as pretty?"こんなにきれーな花、初めて見た~


  • SeaweedSeaweed- "Name says it all."海の野菜だね~
  • Roasted SeaweedRoasted Seaweed- "A little better I guess..."ちょっと旨みが増したかな…
  • Dried SeaweedDried Seaweed- "It's better with some crunch."パリパリしてて、おいしいよ~
  • Sweet Potato PlantedSweet Potato (planted)- "Dessert grows in the ground!"地面に生えるスイーツ?
  • Sweet PotatoSweet Potato- "Dessert!"スイーツポテト!
  • Cooked Sweet PotatoCooked Sweet Potato- "Hmm, it's not that sweet actually..."「スイーツ」、ではないよね~
  • Coffee BeansCoffee Beans- "Come to mama!"早く飲みた~い!
  • Cooked Coffee BeansRoasted Coffee Beans- "Peppy!"ん~、この芳醇な香り!

RatatouilleFood - Crock Pot[]

Base Game[]

  • Bacon and EggsBacon and Eggs- "Turn that frown upside down!"泣いてる顔に見える~
  • Butter MuffinButter Muffin- "What a pretty muffin!"このマフィン、すっごい、きれ~!
  • DragonpieDragonpie- "Delicious pie!"おいしそうなパイだ~!
  • FishsticksFishsticks- "Looks like these fish are gonna be stickin' around."ずいぶん細長いお魚くんだね~
  • Fish TacosFish Tacos- "Anytime is taco time."タコスなら、毎日でもいいな~
  • Fist Full of JamFist Full of Jam- "Preserve those jams."保存料ゼロだよ~
  • Froggle BunwichFroggle Bunwich- "Not a bad afternoon snack."おやつにいいかも~
  • Fruit MedleyFruit Medley- "A sweet treat!"甘くておいしいよ~!
  • Honey HamHoney Ham- "Is it a special occasion?"今日って、何かのパーティ?
  • Honey NuggetsHoney Nuggets- "I'll just be lying here, shoving these into my mouth."ゴロ寝しながら、片手で食べられるね~
  • KabobsKabobs- "It's like a meatsicle!"アイスキャンディみたいだ~!
  • Mandrake SoupMandrake Soup- "Mystical soup."ナゾいスープができたよ~
  • MeatballsMeatballs- "Saucy."ソースたっぷりでおいしそう~
  • Meaty StewMeaty Stew- "It looks like a pretty hearty meal."か~なりボリュ~ミ~
  • Monster LasagnaMonster Lasagna- "Still smells monstery..."まだちょっと、マモノくさいな~…
  • PierogiPierogi- "Comfort food!"これ食べると、なんかホッとする~
  • PowdercakePowdercake- "I'll eat whatever."食べ物なら、なんでも食べるよ~
  • Pumpkin CookiesPumpkin Cookies- "Score!"んー、最高ッ!
  • RatatouilleRatatouille- "I'd rather get curvy than scurvy."壊血病も、たちまちカイケツ!
  • Stuffed EggplantStuffed Eggplant- "Health grub."ヘルシーフードだ~
  • TaffyTaffy- "Maybe I could wax my board with this stuff."ボードに塗るワックスに似てる~
  • Turkey DinnerTurkey Dinner- "I am thankful for this."感謝して食べないとね~
  • UnagiUnagi- "Ten more, please!"あと10匹は食べられるな~!
  • WafflesWaffles- "Brunch!"ブランチにぴったり~
  • Wet GoopWet Goop- "Is there dry goop?"「生」じゃないゴミって、あるのかな~

Reign of Giants[]

  • Flower SaladFlower Salad- "Now that's what I call health food."ヘルシーフードだね~
  • GuacamoleGuacamole- "A total snack attack."これは食べずにいられないよね~
  • Ice CreamIce Cream- "Perfect treat to pair with a hammock in the sun."ハンモックに揺られて、食べたいな~
  • MelonsicleMelonsicle- "Eat it before it melts!"溶けないうちに食べちゃおう!
  • Spicy ChiliSpicy Chili- "Yow! Burns my tongue SO GOOD."から~い!舌が焼けそう~!
  • Trail MixTrail Mix- "Protein!"タンパク質た~っぷり!


  • Banana PopBanana Pop- "The best way to keep cool. And very little preparation!"作るの簡単だし、食べると涼しくなるよ~
  • BisqueBisque- "That actually might've been worth the effort!"がんばって作ったかいがあったかも~!
  • California RollCalifornia Roll- "I could eat a boat load of that stuff."これなら、いっくらでも食べれるよ~
  • CevicheCeviche- "All I need is sunshine and some good food."ごはんがおいしいと、幸せ~
  • CoffeeCoffee- "Smells amazing!"ん~、いい香り~!
  • Jelly-O PopJelly-O Pop- "Is this junk food or health food? I can't tell."これって健康にいいの?悪いの?
  • Lobster BisqueLobster Bisque- "Looks fancy. And delicious."おしゃれ系ディナーって感じ~
  • Lobster DinnerLobster Dinner- "Hey wobster, what's eatin' you? Oh, me!"お~!ごちそうだ~!
  • Seafood GumboSeafood Gumbo- "My favorite!"大好物~!
  • Shark Fin SoupShark Fin Soup- "I could shove my face right in this."ん~!浴びるほど飲みた~い!
  • Surf 'n' TurfSurf 'n' Turf- "Can I eat it on my surfboard?"サーフィンすると、おなかすくよね~
  • Fresh Fruit CrepesFresh Fruit Crepes- "Score!"んー、最高ッ!
  • Monster TartareMonster Tartare- "I'm not too keen on putting that in my mouth."これ食べるのは勇気がいるな~…
  • Mussel BouillabaiseMussel Bouillabaise- "Seafood, my favorite."シーフード、最高だよね~
  • Sweet Potato SouffleSweet Potato Souffle- "Good enough to eat!"けっこうおいしいと思う~!
  • CaviarCaviar- "I made them fancy, but they're still fish eggs."高級っつっても、魚の卵でしょ~?
  • Tropical BouillabaisseTropical Bouillabaisse- "Eating a lot cures the desert island blues."おなかいっぱい食べると、気持ちもアガる~

Rot Food - Other[]

Base Game[]

  • SeedsCarrot SeedsCorn SeedsDragon Fruit SeedsDurian SeedsEggplant SeedsPomegranate SeedsPumpkin SeedsSeeds (normal and specific)- "Ugh, do I have to like, plant these?"植えるの…?めんどくさいな~…
  • Toasted SeedsToasted Seeds- "They get stuck in my teeth."歯にはさまるんだよね~
  • HoneyHoney- "Sticky, sweet and good to eat!"ねっとりしてて、甘~いよ!
  • Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings- "I feel pretty bad about that."ん~、か~なり罪悪感~…
  • ButterButter- "Haha. Slippery!"ハハ…ヌルヌルしてる~!
  • RotRot- "What a waste."なんて無駄。
  • Rotten EggRotten Egg- "Smells like a ship cabin."船の客室みたいなニオイだ~…
  • PhlegmPhlegm- "Blech."

Reign of Giants[]

  • Roasted BirchnutRoasted Birchnut- "This should give me some energy."
  • Electric MilkElectric Milk- "It feels tingly going down."飲むと、ノドがちょっとビリビリする~
  • Watermelon SeedsWatermelon Seeds- "I love watermelon... but I hate farm work..."スイカ大好きだけど、育てるのはな~…


  • BlubberBlubber- "If I had enough of this I could surf in any weather!"これ集めれば、寒くてもサーフィンできる~!
  • Brainy MatterBrainy Matter- "I get an uneasy feeling of despair near this."持ってると、なんか気がめいってくるな~…
  • Sweet Potato SeedsSweet Potato Seeds- "Ugh, I guess I should plant these?"これ、植えないとダメ~?

Trinkets Misc Items[]

Base Game[]

  • BlueprintBlueprint- "It's making my brain hurt just looking at it."うぅ~…見てるだけで頭痛くなる~…
  • GearsGears- "Looks like robot guts."ロボットの内臓…?
  • GearsGears (refusing to eat)- "
  • AshesAshes- "I must've missed the party."
  • Red GemRed Gem- "Booty-ful!"情熱の赤だね~!
  • Blue GemBlue Gem- "The color of the ocean!"海の色だ~!
  • Yellow GemYellow Gem- "It's got a nice energy."いい感じのバイブス出てる~
  • Green GemGreen Gem- "The color of nature!"ナチュラルカラー!
  • Orange GemOrange Gem- "The world looks fractured when I peer through it!"透かして見ると、世界が壊れて見える~!
  • Beard HairBeard Hair- "Someone is probably missing these."ヒゲがなくなって困ってる人、いない~?
  • ManureManure- "Surf sewage!"海を汚さないでほしいな~…
  • GuanoGuano- "It's batilisk poop."バットリスクのフンだね~
  • Melty MarblesMelty Marbles- "Gross."触んないで!
  • Fake KazooFake Kazoo- "Aww but I like real kazooing..."ニセモノなの?カズー好きなのに~…
  • Gord's KnotGord's Knot- "Gord only knows what this is good for."ロープ?なんで結んであんだろ…
  • GnomeGnome- "Gnome thanks, that thing's creepy."ノームって、なんかブキミだよね~
  • Tiny RocketshipTiny Rocketship- "Zzzzzzzoooooom!"3、2、1、発射~!
  • Frazzled WiresFrazzled Wires- "Don't wanna touch this with wet hands..."ぬれた手で触んないほうがいいかも~
  • Ball and CupBall and Cup- "Ooh I'm good at this!"あたし、これ得意だよ~
  • Hardened Rubber BungHardened Rubber Bung- "Hardened what?"カチコチだ~
  • Mismatched ButtonsMismatched Buttons- "I don't care if things are matchy."別に、ふぞろいでもいいと思うな~
  • Second-hand DenturesSecond-hand Dentures- "I might need these if I ever take a gnarly wipeout."おばあちゃんになったら、必要かもね~…
  • Lying RobotLying Robot- "Hey there lil dude. Wanna come with me?"おーっす、あたしと一緒に来る~?
  • Dessicated TentacleDessicated Tentacle- "Desse-what?"これってタコ?イカ?
  • Old BootOld Boot- "I've already got a pair of boots."んー、ブーツは、いらないかな~
  • SextantSextant- "I have no idea how to use that."これって、どうやって使うの~?
  • Toy BoatToy Boat- "Where's the toy surf board?"おもちゃのサーフボードは、ないの~?
  • Wine Bottle CandleSoaked Candle- "A wet candle in a bottle. Mega-genius!"ぬれたロウソクが、ビンに入ってる~
  • Sea WortherSea Worther- "So how much is the sea worth?"「海度」って、なんだろ~
  • Dwarf StarDwarf Star- "Isn't starlight bad for the skin?"

Reign of Giants[]

  • WebberskullWebber's Skull- "Not your run of the mill skull."このドクロ、ちょっと普通じゃないね…
  • Bone ShardsBone Shards- "I don't think a cast will help now."ギプスじゃ治んなそうだね~
  • Old BellBlueprint (rare)Old Bell Blueprint- "A recipe for disaster."「災いのつくり方」が書いてあるよ~


  • Venom GlandVenom Gland- "What a terrible gland."毒があるのか~…怖いね~
  • DubloonsDubloons- "It's my lucky day!"今日はツイてるな~!
  • HailHail- "From the freezer in the sky."空にも冷凍庫があるのかな~
  • Message in a BottleMessage in a Bottle- "There must be a better way to send a message..."もうちょっといい方法、あるでしょ~…
  • Spoiled FishSpoiled Fish- "Gag material!"オェ~…
  • Snake OilSnake Oil- "I wasn't born yesterday."どう考えても怪しいよね~
  • HarpoonHarpoon- "I don't wanna hurt any poor animals."
  • TridentTrident- "I feel like the god of...something!"これ持つと、神様気分味わえるね~!
  • Peg LegPeg Leg- "Is it weird to just have one?"一本だけしかないのか~
  • Orange SodaOrange Soda- "Slammable soda!"オレンジ味、サイコー!
  • Voodoo DollVoodoo Doll- "If I only had a pin..."あとは、針さえあればな~…
  • UkuleleUkulele- "Choka! A Ukulele!"ウクレレ!イイネ!
  • License PlateLicense Plate- "An odd shaped plate..."ずいぶん古そうだな~…
  • Ancient VaseAncient Vase- "Old timey craftsmanship."大昔の職人が作ったのかな~
  • Brain Cloud PillBrain Cloud Pill- "I only take herbals..."あたし、漢方薬しか飲まないんだよね~…
  • Wine Bottle CandleWine Bottle Candle- "A candle in a bottle. Genius."ビンに入ったロウソクか~…ふーん…
  • Broken AAC DeviceBroken AAC Device- "Too much work to figure out what this does..."何の装置か、考えるのがめんどくさ~い
  • One True EarringOne True Earring- "I hope someone didn't lose this..."誰かの落とし物じゃないよね…?
  • Iron KeyIron Key- "An iron key. What's it open?"鉄でできてる…どこのカギかな~?
  • Bone KeyBone Key- "It's a boney key."骨っぽいカギだ~
  • Golden KeyGolden Key- "Fancy."お洒落。
  • Tarnished CrownTarnished Crown- "I dig the style."なかなかオシャレ~

Maxwell HeadAdventure Mode[]

Base Game[]

  • SkeletonFailed- "All that work for nothing."な~んか、ムダ足だったね~
  • AshesAshes of Divining Rod- "
  • AshesAshes of Thing- "Huh. I guess it didn't like traveling?"あ~…移動したのがマズかったかな~
  • Divining RodDivining Rod (before picked up from its starting base)- "I can't wait to find a cool Thing!"「何か」を探しにいこう!
  • Divining RodDivining Rod- "What a silly looking device."何これ、ヘンなの~
  • Divining RodDivining Rod (cold)- "This rod isn't doing all that much."棒、いまんとこ変化なしだね~
  • Divining RodDivining Rod (warm)- "I think the rod is trying to tell me something!"この棒、何か伝えようとしてる…?
  • Divining RodDivining Rod (warmer)- "Woah, the rod is really going now."反応が強くなってきた…!
  • Divining RodDivining Rod (hot)- "This rod is going crazy!"すっごい反応してる!
  • Divining Rod HolderDivining Rod Holder- "What is that?"あれ、なんだろ?
  • Divining Rod HolderDivining Rod Holder (ready to unlock)- "Maybe it wants a key?"カギがいるのかな~
  • Divining Rod HolderDivining Rod Holder (unlocked)- "Let's get going!"よーし、これで動くかな?
  • Maxwell's DoorMaxwell's Door- "Why would I want to go in there?"え~…入りたくないな~
  • GramophoneMaxwell's Phonograph- "Jaunty, but grating."耳障りだな~…
  • Maxwell's LightMaxwell's Light- "Weird."ヘンなの~
  • Maxwell StatueMaxwell Statue- "Guy's got an ego problem."ホント、目立ちたがりだな~
  • Maxwell's Tooth TrapMaxwell's Tooth Trap- "Must avoid..."踏まないように気をつけないとな~…
  • Maxwell's Tooth TrapMaxwell's Tooth Trap (went off)- "
  • Sick Worm HoleSick Worm Hole- "I don't think it's feeling well."なんか…具合悪そうだね~…
  • Nightmare LockNightmare Lock- "Gives me the heeby jeebies."なんか、気味が悪いな~
  • Nightmare ThroneNightmare Throne- "Woah. That's rough, dude."うわ~…これはキツいね~
  • Nightmare ThroneMale character on Nightmare Throne- "Sorry dude."かわいそー…
  • Nightmare ThroneFemale character on Nightmare Throne- "Bummer."誰か捕まってる…
  • Nightmare ThroneOther character on Nightmare Throne- "Sorry about your existence."かわいそー…

Gramophone Announcements[]

Base Game[]

  • Generic- "
  • Freedom- "Hooray, I'm free! Time for a nap?"やった~、自由だ~!昼寝していい?
  • Freezing- "Way too cold!"う~…寒すぎ~…!
  • Turning Winter- "
  • Battlecry- "I'M A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH!"ぬああぁ!成敗してやるうぅ!!
  • Battlecry (prey)- "YOU WILL NOT WIN!"ぬあああぁ!仕留めてやるうぅ!!
  • Battlecry (Pig)- "DESTRUCTION!"ぬああああ!覚悟しろおぉ!
  • Battlecry (Spider)- "YOU WILL REGRET THIS DAY!"ぬあああ!死んでもらうぞおぉ!!
  • Battlecry (Spider Warrior)- "I WILL END YOU!"ウガアァ!死ね!死ねェ~!!
  • Leaving combat- "Oh man, you shoulda seen the look on your face."ハハ、ビビってんの!おもしろ~
  • Leaving combat (prey)- "Nah, I was just messin' with you."な~んてね…本気にした?
  • Leaving combat (Pig)- "Haha, gotcha."ハハ…うっそ~
  • Leaving combat (Spider)- "Pssh, nah, we're good."ウソウソ、じょうだんだってば~
  • Leaving combat (Spider Warrior)- "Haha, nah. We're cool."ウソウソ、じょうだん~
  • Activated a Bee Mine- "Relax your thorax!"
  • Dusk- "Darkness will be here soon!"もうすぐ暗くなるよ~!
  • Entering light- "Sweet crispy light! I missed you!"明るくなったぁ~!よかった~!
  • Entering darkness- "H-holy geez, it's dark! HELP! Help me!"わわわ…真っ暗!助けて~!
  • Doing things in the dark- "HELP! I'm freakin' out here!"うわ~真っ暗!怖い怖い~!
  • Failed to do something- "Well that didn't work."ん~、ダメっぽいな~
  • Failed to craft something- "Haha. I really messed that up."ハハ、やらかしたかも~
  • Failed to give something- "
  • Trying to sleep during the day and in a cave- "I'm not really sleepy."
  • Trying to sleep when too hungry- "I'm too hungry to sleep!"
  • Trying to sleep near monsters- "Sleeping right now seems pretty dangerous."
  • Trying to give item to a busy mob- "It's doing something else right now."今は忙しいってさ~
  • Trying to give item to a dead mob- "Poor guy's dead."ん~死んじゃってるっぽい
  • Trying to give item to a sleeping mob- "Aw. Let it sleep."寝かしといてあげようよ~
  • Not enough fertilizer- "I think it wants something. Hey! What do you want?"なんか欲しがってる…?何が欲しいの~!?
  • Hounds are coming- "Junkyard dogs incomin'."猛犬注意だよ~
  • Deerclops is coming- "Something big is headed this way!"なんか…でっかい怪獣が近づいてる…!?
  • Inventory full- "What am I, a pack animal?"これ以上、持てないよ~
  • Can't rummage (generic)- "Haha, nah."ハハハ…ダメだね~
  • Can't store (generic/full)- "It's holding all it can."もう入らないよ~
  • Can't store (invalid item)- "I could jam it in there I guess. Might get smushed."ムリヤリ入れたら、パンクするかもね~
  • Can't cook (generic)- "Ughh, no."あ~…ダメっぽいね~
  • Can't cook (too far)- "I just need to walk over there to use it... Ughhh, I'm going to starve!"もっと近づかないと届かないよ~
  • Eating- "Not too bad. Heh heh."けっこういけるじゃん~
  • Eating (stale food)- "I mean, I guess that was food."一応、食べられたけどさ~…
  • Eating (spoiled food)- "Gnarly! I think I'm gonna hurl..."オエ~…吐きそう~…
  • Eating (painful food)- "Ish my tongue shupposed t'shwell up like that?"舌が腫れしゃったお~…
  • Hungry- "I'm crashing like a sick wave! Gimme food!"こんなハラペコじゃ、波乗りできな~い
  • Triggered trap- "My bad."あっ…やっちゃった…
  • Object broken, fixable- "I should probably repair that. Maybe later."修理する…?あとでいいよね~
  • Earthquake- "The ground is shaking."地面が揺れてる~

Reign of Giants[]

  • Lightning miss- "Not today, nature!"ヘヘッ…はっずれ~!
  • Overheating- "This heat is unbearable."さすがに、ちょっと暑すぎ~
  • Tree Shelter- "Ah. I'm in my element when I'm out of the elements."ま、ぬれないに越したことはないよね~
  • Wetness (low)- "A little water never hurt no one."ちょっとぐらいぬれても、平気平気~
  • Wetness (medium)- "I'll need to towel off soon."そろそろ、タオルで体ふかないとな~…
  • Wetness (high)- "My clothes seem to be quite wet."
  • Wetness (highest)- "I am thoroughly soaked!"ずぶぬれ~
  • Dropping tool while wet- "You're not making this any more fun!"がぁぁ!もう!
  • Smoldering item- "It's getting too hot to handle!"
  • Burnt- "OUCH! That was way too hot!"アツっ!ヤケドした~!
  • Giant arrival- "Something big is coming this way!"
  • Trying to sleep on fire- "Uhh. That's on fire right now."あ~…燃えちゃってるね~…


  • Volcano eruption warning- "The ground is shaking."
  • Volcano eruption- "The volcano speaks!"火山が目を覚ましたよ~!
  • Sea Hounds are coming- "Something smells sharky."ん~、サメの予感~
  • Crocodogs are coming- "Junkyard dogs incomin'."
  • Sealnado is coming- "Something big is coming this way!"
  • Map border approaching- "Looks pretty foggy over there."霧が濃くなってきたね~
  • Entering map border- "Uhhhm. Where am I?"あ~…ここ、どこ…?
  • Exiting map border- "The fog is clearing!"霧が晴れてきた!
  • Boat losing durability- "My floater is getting pretty beat up."
  • WaveRiding a wave- "Surf's up!"ん~、いい波~!
  • Boat leak- "My floater's been dinged!"あ~、ちょっと穴開いたかも~…
  • Boat sinking- "This thing is letting on water."沈みかけてるかも~…
  • Trawl NetTrawl Net full- "My work has paid off!"さ~て、何が獲れたかな~♪
  • Crabbit escape- "I thought it was right here..."あれ?どこいった…?
  • Message in a BottleWrong world- "I don't think this is anywhere around here."この世界の地図じゃないっぽいね~

Exclusive to PS4[]

  • AccomploshrineAccomplishment- "This seems like busywork."ただのヒマつぶしだね~
  • AccomploshrineAccomplishment completed- "Well, that's finished."は~い、終わったよ~


  • Maxwell HeadMaxwell's Head- "Woah, did I eat some bad berries?"…幻覚かな?なんかヘンなもん食べたっけ?
  • Meaty StewDeadly Feast- "My gut can't handle that!"これ食べたら、死ぬよね…?
  • Skull ChestSkull Chest- "This won't Kramp my style."ゴス系は趣味じゃないんだよな~
  • Golden Pitchfork- "It makes work feel shiny!"
  • Boat- "The second best way to travel."サーフボードの次におすすめ~
  • Home- "Is it time for a nap?"昼寝の時間?
  • BoatSunk Boat- "Surfboards don't sink!"サーフボードなら沈まないよ~!
  • Lava PitLava Pit (generic and normal)- "Gnarly!"かっこい~!
  • Lava PitLava Pit (low)- "The lava is cooling."溶岩が冷めてきている。
  • Lava PitLava Pit (out)- "This fire is cooked."火、消えちゃってるね~
  • Maxwell's Mosquito TrapMaxwell's Mosquito Trap- "Sometimes I dance to the buzzing beat."中でブンブン音がしてる~…
  • Maxwell's Mosquito TrapMaxwell's Mosquito Trap (went off)- "
  • Tree Clump- "I didn't want to get through anyway."ま、どーせ通るつもりなかったけど~
  • Pig Tent- "Doesn't smell too great."ちょ~っとクサいな~
  • Frog PoisonPoison Frog- "Best to just leave it alone."アイツには、触らないほうがいいね~
  • Peacock- "A tropical turkey!"シチメンチョウの南国バージョンか~
  • Shadow SkittishMr. Skittish- "Hey!"ちょっと!
  • Swimming HorrorSwimming Horror- "AH! I'm losin' it!"う~、幻覚見えるようになってきた~…
  • Beach Turf- "Take the beach to go."これで、どこにでもビーチを造れるね~
  • WardrobeWardrobe (unable to change, generic)- "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"え~、この服でいいよ~
  • WardrobeWardrobe (unable to change, on fire)- "Yeah, I think I'll pass."ん~、やめたほうがよさげだね~
  • COFFEEBOT- "I could go for a cup of joe."コーヒー飲みたいな~
  • WOODLEGSSAIL- "An acceptable alternative to surfing... I guess."ボードがないときは、これでもいいかな~
  • BIGFISHINGROD- "I'm ready to find a nice spot to relax with this."どっかで、のんびり釣りしたいよね~
  • SNAKE_FIRE- "Too hot to handle!"激アツなヘビだ~!
  • PIKE_SKULL- "Well that's not very nice."ひどいことするヤツがいるね~
  • Baby Water Beefalo (normal and sleeping)- "Stay young forever!"
  • Baby Water Beefalo (normal and sleeping)- "Awww, you smell like garbage!"うぅ~…ゴミみたいなニオイする~
  • Salt LickBurnt Salt LickSalt Lick (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Salt makes everything taste better. Even salt."


Base Game[]

  • Alchemy EngineAlchemy Engine- "I wish you were a do-all-the-work-for-me machine."お手伝いロボット…じゃないのか~…残念
  • Cut GrassCut Grass- "This stuff seems pretty sturdy."
  • Touch StoneTouch Stone- "Hope I never need you..."
  • Beefalo NakedBeefalo (naked)- "He's ready for a tropical vacation."
  • Azure FeatherAzure Feather- "A portable reminder of the beauty of nature."
  • Deerclops EyeballDeerclops Eyeball- "Didn't your mother tell you it was rude to stare?"
  • Lying RobotLying Robot- "Lying = true."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "It's still just a child."
  • Basic FarmImproved FarmBasic Farm and Improved Farm (needs fertilizer)- "That shrub needs some grub."
  • PlantPlant (ready to be picked)- "Looks full grown to me."
  • Ancient Pseudoscience StationAncient Pseudoscience Station- "This is giving me the major jeepers."
  • Depths WormDepths Worm (emerged)- "Sweet aerial!"
  • Baby BeefaloBaby Beefalo- "Never grow up!"
  • TeenbirdSmallish Tallbird- "So angsty."
  • Freedom- "Hooray, I'm free!"
  • Battlecry (generic)- "You forced my hand!"
  • Battlecry (prey)- "I just want to cuddle!"
  • Battlecry (Pig)- "This MY space!"
  • Battlecry (Spider)- "Stay away!"
  • Battlecry (Spider Warrior)- "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"
  • Leaving combat- "I'll let you off this time!"
  • Leaving combat (prey)- "Fine. Be that way."
  • Leaving combat (Pig)- "That's right. Run!"
  • Leaving combat (Spider)- "Yeah, you crawl away!"
  • Leaving combat (Spider Warrior)- "I showed you!"
  • Activated a Bee Mine- "Chill out!"
  • Entering darkness- "Eeek! It's so dark!"
  • Entering light- "Light! I missed you!"
  • Hounds are coming- "I've got a bad feeling about this."
  • Hungry- "Someone feed me!"

Reign of Giants[]

  • BigfootprintBigfoot- "That is one biiig foot."
  • Wetness (low)- "A little water never hurt anyone."
  • Wetness (medium)- "I might need a towel soon."


  • ClothCloth- "Fabric from sticks!"
  • SurfboardSurfboard- "My pride and joy!"あたしの誇り!生きる意味!
  • Obsidian MacheteObsidian Machete- "Takes a lot of work to get you hot."
  • Poison SpeargunPoison Speargun- "Highly contagious."触ったら即、ビョーキになるよ…
  • Cutlass SupremeCutlass Supreme- "A proud weapon. Look out world!"
  • Prime Ape Hut BuildPrime Ape Hut- "Like a barrel of monkeys..."
  • Viney BushViney Bush- "Looks pretty tangled."
  • Viney Bush StumpViney Bush (stump)- "Not so viney anymore."
  • Wobster DenWobster Den- "I can wait."
  • Limpet RockLimpet Rock- "Easy pickings."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost trail)- "It must've dived."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (found)- "Whale, whale, whale."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost trail, Monsoon Season)- "The waters are too rough."
  • SeashellSeashell- "No two are alike. Well, except those two. And, uh... that one."2枚とも同じ大きさって、すごい偶然~!
  • SwordfishSwordfish- "Woah, that fish is HUGE!"
  • JellyfishJellyfish (held)- "I hate these things."クラゲ、きら~い
  • LimpetsLimpets- "Limpets Bizkets."
  • SpeargunSpeargun- "Point. Shoot."しっかり狙って~…発射!
  • Poison SpeargunPoison Speargun- "Highly contagious."
  • Obsidian SpeargunObsidian Speargun- "Oh, I like you."これは使えるね~
  • Obsidian ArmorObsidian Armor- "This brittle material is surprisingly protective."
  • FlupFlup- "Stop staring!"

Placeholder トリビア[]

  • Walani's quote when examining a raft ("Worst. Surfboard. Ever.") is a reference to the Comic Book Guy character from the animated sitcom The Simpsons.
  • The former examine quote for raw Limpets ("Limpets Bizkets.") is a reference to the nu metal band Limp Bizkit.
  • The quote for Floaty Boaty Knights ("What a horrible knight to have a curse.") may be a reference to the 1987 video game Castlevania II: Simon's Quest.
  • The quote for the Fishing Rod ("Have rod will travel") is a reference to the 1957 television series Have Gun – Will Travel.
  • Her quote for the Hibearnation Vest is a reference to the song sung in The Simpsons episode "Two Dozen and One Greyhounds".
Don't Starve Wilson (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Willow (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wolfgang (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wendy (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • WX-78 (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wickerbottom (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Woodie (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wes (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Maxwell (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wagstaff (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
Reign of Giants Wigfrid (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Webber (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
Shipwrecked Walani (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Warly (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wilbur (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Woodlegs (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
Hamlet Wilba (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wormwood (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wheeler (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
Don't Starve Together Winona (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) •  Wortox (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) •  Wurt (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) •  Walter (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) •  Wanda (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
削除キャラ Warbucks (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
未実装キャラ Wilton • Winnie • Wallace • Waverly • Pyro • Watricia