Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki

登場作品:Shipwrecked iconShipwrecked

Wilson Portrait
I suppose I could linger for a moment or two.


Slot Machine(スロットマシン)Shipwreckedの世界において自然発生する建造物です。付属のセットピースとしてスロットマシンの下にはWooden Flooring(木の床)が敷かれ、近くに2つのSkeleton(骸骨)といくつかのDubloons(金貨)が設置されています。

プレイヤーは金貨を投入することでスロットを回すことができます。絵柄は3種類あり必ずいずれかの絵柄がそろい、何らかの結果が出ます。良い結果のときはアイテムが、悪い結果の時は妨害モブが出てきます。加えて、金貨を投入する時に5Sanity Meterが消費されます。さらにスロットマシンは近づくだけでSanity(正気度)が下がるオーラをまとっており、密着することで-25/分Sanity Meterとなります。このオーラは20枚の金貨を投入する毎に-5/分Sanity Meterずつ強くなります。



Wilton's SkullWilton's SkullWilton's Skull (確率33.3% )


Poison Mosquito x5 Spider x3
Snake x3 Prime Ape x2
Poison Snake x2 Hound x2
CarrotCarrotCarrot (確率50%)


Dubloonsx1 Logx2,Cut Grassx3
Rocks,Gold Nugget,Obsidian Cut Grassx5
Logx3 Twigsx3
Torch, Charcoalx2, Ashx2 Dead Jellyfishx3
Axe, Hammer, Shovel Manurex5
Berriesx5 Limpetsx5
Berriesx3, Berry Bush 2x1 Bamboox3, Bamboo Patch Dugx1
Trap, Cut Grassx3, Straw Hat Petalsx5, Garland
Evil Flowerx5, Red Capx1, Green Capx1, Blue Capx1 Bug Net, Firefliesx3, Butterflyx3
Flintx5 Bananax1, Dragon Fruitx1, Watermelonx1
Drumstickx3 Ropex3
Jerkyx3 Coconutx5
Hammerx1, Skeletonx3
Gold NuggetGold NuggetGold Nugget (確率16.6%)


Gold Nuggetx5 Dubloonsx10
Beekeeper Hat, Honey Poultice, Honeyx5 Football Helmet, Log Suit, Spear
Marble Suit, Ham Bat, Blow Dart Tooth Trap, Grass Suit, Boomerang
Spear Gun, Poison Spear, Seashell Suit, Coconade Electrical Doodadx3, Thermal Stone, Gunpowderx3
Walking Cane, Gold Nuggetx3 Red Gemx3, Blue Gemx3
Purple Gemx3 Life Giving Amulet, Gold Nuggetx3
Chilled Amulet, Gold Nuggetx3 Ice Staff, Gold Nuggetx3
Fire Staff, Gold Nuggetx3 Ice Cube, Tropical Parasol
Gunpowderx5 Fire Dartx3, Gold Nuggetx3
Sleep Dartx3, Gold Nuggetx3 Blow Dartx3, Gold Nuggetx3
Spear Gun, Spear, Gold Nuggetx3 Coconadex3, Gold Nuggetx3
Obsidianx5 Thulecite Club, Gold Nuggetx3
Thulecite Club, Thulecite Suit, Thulecite Crown Luxury Axe, Gold Nuggetx3
Tropical Parasol,Snakeskin Hat,Snakeskin Jacket Icex3, Floral Shirt, Umbrella
Bird Trap, Feather Hat, Seedsx4 Gears x5
Limpetsx2, Dead Jellyfish, Tropical Fishx2, Dead Dogfish Fishing Rod, Dead Dogfishx3, Tropical Fishx3
Thermal Stone, Straw Roll, Jerky Spider Gland, Silkx5, Monster Meatx3
Sewing Kit, Clothx3, Top Hat (5x as likely) Magiluminescence, Nightmare Fuelx3, Gold Nuggetx3

Prototype ワンポイント[]

  • 骸骨(はずれ)の絵柄がそろい、Spiderが発生してもWebberでプレイしている場合なら攻撃されません。
  • 金貨はParrot Pirateが落とす、Booty Bagが一日一枚落とす、Yaarctopusに魚をあげて交換してもらう、など永久的に量産する方法がたくさんあるため金塊(大当たり)の絵柄を狙い続けることも十分可能です。
  • Monsoon Seasonの間は浸水によってスロットマシンが使用できなくなりますが、事前にSandbagなどで対策を行っていれば通常通り使用できます。
  • スロットマシンのはずれ景品からはを持つモブ(Poison SnakePoison Mosquito)が出てくる場合があるため、できればSeashell SuitHorned Helmetを装備するか、Anti Venomを準備しておくなどの毒対策をしてスロットを回した方が安全です。
  • はずれの景品からPrime Apeが出てきた時、近くにあるアイテムを盗んでしまいます。彼らの動きを止めるにはIce StaffSleep DartPan Fluteなどが有効です。また、Wilburでプレイしている場合ならアイテムを盗まれることはありません。

Placeholder トリビア[]

  • The fact that the Slot Machine drains the player's sanity, and the insanity aura increases with each use, may be a reference to pathological gambling, a psychological condition which consist in the addiction to gamble, and how it gets harder and harder to stop to the point that it becomes an addiction; the more the player bets in the slot machine, the longer the player stays, and the more insane the character gets.

Blueprint ギャラリー[]

植物 Berry BushCarrotCave Banana TreeCave LichenEvergreenFlower (Evil FlowerFern) • GrassLight FlowerLureplantMandrakeMushroomsMushtreePlantReedsSaplingSpiky BushTotally Normal Tree
(Birchnut TreeCactusTumbleweed Reign of Giants icon) (Ash TreeBamboo PatchCoffee PlantElephant CactusJungle TreeMangrove TreePalm TreeRegular Jungle TreeSeaweed PlantSweet PotatoViney Bush Shipwrecked icon) (AloeAsparagusBrambleBramble BloomClaw Palm TreeCocooned TreeExotic FlowerHedgeIntricate TopiaryLawn DecorationLotus PlantNettle VineRainforest TreeTall GrassTea TreeTuber Tree Hamlet icon) (Bull KelpJuicy Berry BushLune TreeSporecapStone Fruit BushSucculentTwiggy Tree Don't Starve Together icon)
モブやモブの住居 BeehiveHound MoundMermhousePondPig HousePig KingPig TorchRabbit HoleRabbit HutchSlurtle MoundSpider DenSpilagmiteSplumonkey PodTallbird NestWalrus CampWorm Hole
(BurrowHollow Stump Reign of Giants icon) (Ballphin PalaceCrabbit DenDragoon DenDragoon EggFishermerm's HutMerm HutPrime Ape HutSharkitten DenShoalTidal PoolWildbore HouseWobster DenYaarctopus Shipwrecked icon) (Dung PileGnat MoundLily PadMandrake HillMant HillOminous CarvingThundernestTown HouseWatch Tower Hamlet icon) (AntlionBat CaveGigantic BeehiveMagmaShattered Spider Hole Don't Starve Together icon)
資源の入手先 Ancient StatueBonesBoulderFlotsamGraveHarp StatueMarble PillarMarble TreeMaxwell StatueMerm HeadPig HeadRelicSinkholeSkeletonStalagmite
(Mini Glacier Reign of Giants icon) (Brainy SproutCharcoal BoulderCoral ReefCrateDebrisLava PoolLimpet RockMagma PileMussel BedObsidian BoulderPoisonous HoleSandy PileTar SlickWatery GraveWildbore HeadWreck Shipwrecked icon) (Artichoke BoulderA Smashing PotBasalt EruptionCrashed BalloonHot Air BalloonRuined SculpturesStalacmite ThroneStone SlabWeathered ObjectsWicker Basket Hamlet icon) (Cave HoleDriftwoodLakeMarble SculpturesMeteor BoulderMoon GlassPetrified TreeSea Bones Don't Starve Together icon)
オブジェクト Ancient Pseudoscience StationBasaltCompromising StatueGramaphoneHeadstoneMarble PillarMaxwell's DoorMaxwell's LightNightmare LightNightmare LockNightmare ThroneObeliskOrnate ChestPillarsSunken BoatSuspicious Dirt PileTouch StoneThulecite Wall
(Glommer's Statue Reign of Giants icon) (Electric IsoscelesGunpowder BarrelKrissureLimestone WallObsidian WorkbenchSteamer TrunkSeaworthySlot MachineSuspicious BubblesVolcanoVolcano Altar of SnackrificeWoodlegs' CageX Marks the Spot Shipwrecked icon) (Ancient WallCave CleftCrumbling BrazierFountain of YouthRoyal Gallery ExhibitRuinous EntranceSecret Bandit CampSpooky HoleStriking CarvingStriking StatueSuspicious CrackUnimportant PillarWall BrazierWishing Well Hamlet icon) (Ancient ChestAncient GatewayAncient MuralAncient ObeliskAnenemyCelestial FissureFlorid PosternHot SpringInviting FormationLoot StashMoon StoneRock DenSalt FormationSea StackStagehandSuspicious MarbleSuspicious Moonrock Don't Starve Together icon)
アイテム Box ThingCrank ThingEye BoneMetal Potato ThingRing ThingWooden Thing
(FishboneGrassy ThingRawlingRing ThingScrew ThingWooden Platform ThingWooden Potato Thing Shipwrecked icon) (Iron ThingLever ThingRegal ScepterRelic ThingRock ThingStone EggStone Thing Hamlet icon) (Celestial Altar PiecesStar-Sky Don't Starve Together icon)
The Gorge Don't Starve Together icon Mealing StoneSalt PondSpotty ShrubSugarwood TreeThe Altar of Gnaw