Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki

登場作品:Don't Starve Together iconDon't Starve Together

Wilson Portrait
A picture of a sculpture. We'll need somewhere to make it.


Sketch(スケッチ)Don't Starve TogetherにおけるA New Reignで導入されたアイテムです。Potter's Wheel(ろくろ)に与えることで作成できるChess Piece(チェスの駒)の種類が増えます。一度与えたスケッチは消滅し、以後サーバー上にいる全てのプレイヤーがろくろの近くで追加された彫刻を作成することができます。ろくろを破壊することで与えた分のスケッチをドロップします。燃料としては15秒分の効果となります。


DeerclopsBeargerMoose/GooseDragonflyMalbatrossCrab KingAncient FuelweaverToadstoolKlausBee QueenAntlionAncient GuardianCelestial ChampionEye of TerrorTwins of Terrorのいずれかのボスを倒すことでそれぞれのデザインの像のスケッチをドロップします。


Marble Available Figures[]


スケッチ 入手元
Pawn Figure (Marble) Marble Pawn を採掘。または Tumbleweed
Queenly Figure (Marble) Marble ComedyMarble Tragedy を採掘。または Tumbleweed
Kingly Figure (Marble) Maxwell Statue を採掘。または Tumbleweed
Knight Figure (Marble) 修理済み Sculpture Knightbody Repairedを満月か新月の夜に採掘、Pig KingWhite KnightBlack Knightと交換
Bishop Figure (Marble) 修理済みSculpture Bishopbody Repairedを満月か新月の夜に採掘、Pig KingWhite BishopBlack Bishopと交換
Rook Figure (Marble) 修理済みSculpture Rookbody Repairedを満月か新月の夜に採掘、Pig KingWhite RookBlack Rookと交換
Deerclops Figure (Marble) Deerclops がドロップ
Bearger Figure (Marble) Bearger がドロップ
Moose Figure (Marble) Moose がドロップ
Dragonfly Figure (Marble) Dragonfly がドロップ
Hound Figure (Marble) Varg Shrine の側でIcon OfferingsLucky Gold Nugget8個でクラフト
Varg Figure (Marble) Varg Shrine の側でIcon OfferingsLucky Gold Nugget16個でクラフト
Statue Moon Marble Celestial Altar 側の Icon Celestial でクラフト
Statue Butterfly Marble Celestial Altar 側の Icon Celestial でクラフト
Statue Anchor Marble Icon Seafaring でクラフト
Carrat Figure (Marble) Carrat Shrineの側でIcon OfferingsLucky Gold Nugget8個でクラフト
Beefalo Figure (Marble) Beefalo Shrineの側でIcon OfferingsLucky Gold Nugget8個でクラフト
Malbatross Figure (Marble) Malbatross がドロップ
Crab King Figure (Marble) Crab King がドロップ
Toadstool Figure (Marble) Toadstool がドロップ
Ancient Fuelweaver Figure (Marble) Ancient Fuelweaver がドロップ
Klaus Figure (Marble) Klaus がドロップ
Bee Queen Figure (Marble) Bee Queen がドロップ
Antlion Figure (Marble) Antlion がドロップ
Ancient Guardian Figure (Marble) Ancient Guardian がドロップ
Celestial Champion Figure (Marble) Celestial Champion Phase 3 がドロップ
Eye of Terror Figure (Marble) Eye of Terror Phase 1 がドロップ
Twins of Terror Figure (Marble) Retinazor Phase 1Spazmatism Phase 1 がドロップ

Placeholder トリビア[]

  • スケッチのアイコンに書かれているのはビショップの彫刻デザインです。これはどのデザインのスケッチのアイコンも共通です。
  • スケッチは「Arts and Crafts」アップデートで追加されました。
食料アイテム Batilisk WingButterButterfly WingsDeerclops EyeballDrumstickFishFrog LegsGuardian's HornGlow BerryHoneyLeafy MeatLight BulbMandrakeMeatMonster MeatMorselPhlegm
(Electric MilkGlommer's Goop Reign of Giants icon) (BananaBlubberDead DogfishDead JellyfishDead Rainbow JellyfishDead SwordfishDead WobsterDragoon HeartEye of the Tiger SharkFish MorselRaw FishTropical FishShark Fin Shipwrecked icon) (Coconut Shipwrecked iconHamlet icon) (Flytrap StalkNectarPoison Dartfrog Legs Hamlet icon) (Carrot SeedsDragon FruitIceMoon Moth WingsRoyal Jelly Don't Starve Together icon)
AshesAzure FeatherBeard HairBeefalo HornBeefalo WoolBlue GemBunny PuffCharcoalCrimson FeatherFlintGearsHound's ToothJet FeatherLiving LogMosquito SackNightmare FuelPig SkinPurple GemRed GemRocksSilkSlurtle SlimeSlurper PeltSpider GlandSteel WoolStingerTentacle SpotsThulecite FragmentsWalrus Tusk
(Cat TailDown FeatherGlommer's WingsScalesThick FurVolt Goat Horn Reign of Giants icon) (Dorsal FinDoydoy FeatherDubloonsEmpty BottleHornMagic SealObsidianQuacken BeakShark GillsTurbine Blades Shipwrecked icon) (SnakeskinVenom Gland Shipwrecked iconHamlet icon) (ChitinDark TattersHippopotamoose AntlerInfused IronIron OrePeagawk PlumePlatapine QuillPig Skin?Pugalisk SkullThunder FeatherRopeVineWeevole Carapace Hamlet icon) (Cookie Cutter ShellCut GrassDesert StoneFur TuftHoneycombMalbatross FeatherSaffron FeatherShroom Skin Don't Starve Together icon)
Blow DartBlueprintFleshy BulbKrampus SackOrnate ChestSpider EggsShelmetSnurtle Shell ArmorSpiderhatTam o' ShanterTentacle Spike
(Webber's Skull Reign of Giants icon) (Booty BagChest of the DepthsEyeshotHarpoonIron KeyTarnished CrownYellow Mosquito Sack Shipwrecked icon) (Snake Oil Shipwrecked iconHamlet icon) (Bandit Stash MapHalberdPetrifying BonesRoyal CrownSnake BoneSpoiled FishSwashy HatTorch Hamlet icon) (Bee Queen CrownBone HelmBone ArmorChilled LavaeDeer AntlerFossil FragmentsLavae EggMalbatross BillRoseShadow AtriumShadow ThuribleSketchStag Antler Don't Starve Together icon)
BeeBeefalo WoolButterflyCrowFirefliesGuanoManureRedbirdSeedsSnowbirdRabbitMosquito
(Glommer's Goop Reign of Giants icon) (Moleworm Reign of Giants iconHamlet icon) (Bile-Covered SlopBioluminescenceCormorantCrabbitJellyfishParrot PirateRainbow JellyfishRoeSeagullToucanWobster Shipwrecked icon) (ParrotToucan Shipwrecked iconHamlet icon) (Gold NuggetGlowflyKingfisherOrange PikoParrot (Blue)PigeonPiko Hamlet icon) (CanaryCut GrassPuffin Don't Starve Together icon)