Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki

登場作品:Shipwrecked iconShipwrecked

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One jab'll do ya.


Poison SpearShipwreckedで追加された武器です。Spearと同じダメージかつ相手を状態にできます。 毒状態になった相手は動きが遅くなり攻撃の威力も弱まりますが、食べ物のドロップアイテムは腐るまでの期間が半分に減った状態となります。

Placeholder トリビア[]

Poison Spear old

Old icon.

  • Prior to Hang Ten update Poison Spear's icon look just like regular spear with its tip being green.
  • Like in every other case, crafting doesn't consider durability of an item, making a 1% Spear just as good as a 100% one, effectively letting the player use a spear almost twice as long.