Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki

登場作品:Hamlet iconHamlet

Weather Pain


It's like flying through the clouds!


Fog is a mechanic found in the Shipwrecked and Hamlet DLCs. Fog works quite differently in both DLCs, while Ocean Fog serves as world border, Heavy Fog is a prominent mechanic during the Humid Season. See also:

活動 CookingCraftingFarmingFightingFishingSleepingBeefalo Riding
(Boating Shipwrecked icon)
自然環境 Day-Night CycleMoon CycleNightmare CycleEarthquakeLightningRain
(Strong WindsFogWavesFloodingVolcanic Eruption Shipwrecked icon) (Fog Hamlet icon) (MoonstormSandstorm Don't Starve Together icon)
季節 SummerWinter • (AutumnSpring Reign of Giants icon)
(Mild SeasonHurricane SeasonMonsoon SeasonDry Season Shipwrecked icon) (Temperate SeasonHumid SeasonLush Season Hamlet icon)
システム関連 BeardBiomeCharactersCharlieControlsDeathDurabilityExperienceFireFood SpoilageFreezingHealthHungerInventoryLightMapNaughtinessNon-renewable resourcesSanitySavingStructures
(Wetness Reign of Giants iconShipwrecked iconHamlet icon) (Overheating Reign of Giants iconShipwrecked icon) (Poison Shipwrecked iconHamlet icon) (Hay FeverPeculiar ObjectsAporkalypsePig Fiesta Hamlet icon) (EnlightenmentEventsDiseaseGhostsWorld RegrowthSkins Don't Starve Together icon)
ゲームモード Survival ModeAdventure ModeCavesRuinsVolcanoWorld Customization
その他 Pig VillageRoad (Trail) • GraveyardOceanAbyssBridgeSet PieceThingsMorgue