登場作品: Don't Starve Together
Eye of Terror
62.5 (対プレイヤー)
15 (phase 1) 18.75 (phase 2)
“ What's your problem? Quit staring! ”
“ Wolfgang not like big scary eye! ”
“ Beware the evil eye. ”
“ Oculus dexter or oculus sinister, I wonder? I have a suspicion it's the latter. ”
“ Feast your eye on my axe! ”
“ Don't look at me, it's definitely not one of mine. ”
“ Be it the plucked eye öf Ödin, returned för revenge? ”
“ We don't like the look of that... ”
“ That eye has a hungry look to it... ”
“ Yeesh, what an eyesore. ”
“ Whatever he says I did, it's a lie! ”
“ Wow! Do you think it escaped from a giant head? ”
“ I don't think that's supposed to be here... ”
Eye of Terror はDon't Starve Together における「An Eye for An Eye 」アップデートにて追加されたボスモンスターです。
Terrarium を起動している状態で夜になるとTerrariumの位置とは無関係にプレイヤーの近くに出現します。夜が終わると消滅しますが、次の夜が終わるまでにTerrariumを起動させれば、消滅前の体力を引き継いで再び出現させることができます。Eye of Terrorを出現させずに一晩経過すると、Eye of Terrorの体力が250回復します
行動[ ]
プレイヤーに向かって突進攻撃をし、定期的にEgg of Terror を1つ生み出します。一定時間経過するとEgg of TerrorからSuspicious Peeper が出現します。体力が3250を下回るとPhase2に入ります。Phase2では突進攻撃を連続で3〜5回行うようになり、Egg of Terrorを2つ生み出すようになります。更に、プレイヤーが近接している場合はボディプレスをするようになり、その場にSinkholesを生み出しつつ攻撃します。Sinkholesはアントライオン が怒った際に地上に発生させる物と同様にその上を歩くプレイヤーの速度を低下させますが、20秒間しか存在しません。
Twins of Terror [ ]
Twins of Terror は、Terrariumを起動する前に悪夢の燃料 1つ与える事で、Eye of Terrorの代わりに出現するRetinazorとSpazmatismの2体のボスです。2体は同一の攻撃力と体力を持っています。どちらもEgg of Terrorを生み出す、突進攻撃等の似通った行動パターンを持ちます。Eye of Terrorと同様に夜が終わると消滅します。2体の合計体力が13000を下回るとPhase2に入ります。
Twins of Terrorを出現させた夜に倒せなかった場合、再出現させずに一晩経過しても体力は回復しません。しかし、その場合はTerrariumが休眠状態となり、15日間起動できなくなります。
Retinazor [ ]
125 (対プレイヤー)
“ Maybe they're friendly? ...Maybe not. ”
“ Hey no fair, it brought backup! ”
“ Eep! Big scary metal eyes even worse! ”
“ Don't worry... Abby and I will make sure you leave this world together. ”
“ How curious, I wonder who might have constructed such a thing? ”
“ Lucy, I think I'm seeing double! ”
“ Ah. Just what we needed, a fresh pair of eyes... ”
“ Dö thine wörst, föul metal fiend! ”
“ Aww, they brought a friend! ”
“ I promise, I'm not as delicious as I appear! ”
“ You really can't help but admire the craftsmanship. ”
“ Double double, we're in trouble! ”
“ M-mermfolk not scared of any Ironfolk, flort! ”
“ Somewhere, some poor giant robot is walking around completely blind... ”
“ That doesn't look like any clockwork I've ever seen. ”
Retinazor はEgg of Terrorを頻繁に生み出し、移動距離の長い突進攻撃をします。連続で突進攻撃を行う際は、長距離を移動するので間隔の空いた連続突進となります。
Spazmatism [ ]
125 (対プレイヤー)
“ Maybe they're friendly? ...Maybe not. ”
“ Hey no fair, it brought backup! ”
“ Eep! Big scary metal eyes even worse! ”
“ Don't worry... Abby and I will make sure you leave this world together. ”
“ How curious, I wonder who might have constructed such a thing? ”
“ Lucy, I think I'm seeing double! ”
“ Ah. Just what we needed, a fresh pair of eyes... ”
“ Dö thine wörst, föul metal fiend! ”
“ Aww, they brought a friend! ”
“ I promise, I'm not as delicious as I appear! ”
“ C'mon, I only want to take you apart a little! ”
“ Double double, we're in trouble! ”
“ M-mermfolk not scared of any Ironfolk, flort! ”
“ Somewhere, some poor giant robot is walking around completely blind... ”
“ That doesn't look like any clockwork I've ever seen. ”
Spazmatism はEgg of Terrorをあまり生み出さず、距離の短い突進攻撃をします。連続で突進攻撃を行う際は、短距離で引き返してくるので素早い連続突進となります。
Quotes[ ]
Eye of TerrorとTwins of Terrorが出現する際にはアナウンスがそれぞれ流れます。
Eye of Terror [ ]
You feel an evil presence watching you...
The Eye of Terror turns its gaze toward {player's name}
Twins of Terror [ ]
This is going to be a terrible night...
The Twins turn their gaze toward {player's name}
トリビア[ ]
Retinazorの元と思われるボスはTerrariaではRetinaze rと表記されています。
Terrariaでは、「Eye of Terror」は「Eye of Cthulhu」、「Twins of Terror」は「The Twins」、「Suspicious Peepers」は「Servants of Cthulhu」と呼ばれています。
「Eye of Cthulhu」だけが、Terrariaでは「Servants of Cthulhu」を生み出します。
「Eye of Cthulhu」は、第2段階まで体力が消耗したときにのみ口を開き、その後は永久に口を開き続けます。「The Twins」の第2段階では、Retinazerはレーザーキャノンを、Spazmatismは口を露出するなど、機械的なものであることが明らかになっています。
ギャラリー[ ]
Eye of Terror form DST × Terraria crossover poster.
The Eye of Horror and Wilson revealed by the Terraria devs as a spoiler for the upcoming "An Eye for An Eye" update
In An Eye for An Eye Release Poster
In An Eye for An Eye Release Poster
In An Eye for An Eye Merch Poster
In An Eye for An Eye Merch Poster
In An Eye for An Eye RWP Poster
in a promotional animation for the An Eye for An Eye update.
Eye of Terror concept art from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror concept art from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror concept animation from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror concept art from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror attack concept from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror concept art from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Twins of Terror concept art from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror in menu concept art from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Arr of Terror art from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror appear concept from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror menu animation from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror menu animation from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror taunt animation from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Eye of Terror cute animation from Rhymes With Play #An Eye for An Eye
Terraria Eye of Terror avatar
Terraria Eye of Terror avatar
Terraria Eye of Terror frame
Eye of Terror emoji from official Klei Discord server
Engry Eye of Terror emoji from official Klei Discord server