Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki
Harp Statue この記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:PS4版、スマホ版、Nintendo Switch版を所持している方はぜひ情報の提供にご協力お願いします。Wiki内での名称について提案もしくは相談がある方はこちらのスレより意見をお寄せ下さい。)


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  • CE:Console Edition(PS4版)、PE:Pocket Edition(スマホ版)のこと。句読点も忠実に記入して下さい。

Icon ToolsToolsタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Axe Axe
Luxury Axe Luxury Axe 高級な斧 高級な斧
Shovel Shovel ショベル シャベル
Regal Shovel Regal Shovel 王のショベル 王のシャベル
Pickaxe Pickaxe つるはし つるはし
Opulent Pickaxe Opulent Pickaxe 豪華なつるはし 豪勢なつるはし
Razor Razor かみそり かみそり
Hammer Hammer ハンマー ハンマー
Pitchfork Pitchfork ピッチフォーク 熊手
Feather Pencil Feather Pencil 羽根ペン
Brush Brush ブラシ
Saddle Saddle
War Saddle War Saddle 闘争の鞍
Glossamer Saddle Glossamer Saddle 軽い鞍
Saddlehorn Saddlehorn サドルホーン
Salt Lick Salt Lick 塩塊


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Machete Machete マチェット
Luxury Machete Luxury Machete 高級なマチェット


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Shears Shears ハサミ

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Pocket Scale Pocket Scale
Garden Hoe Garden Hoe
Splendid Garden Hoe Splendid Garden Hoe
Watering Can Watering Can
Beefalo Bell Beefalo Bell

Icon LightLightsタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Campfire Campfire 焚き火 キャンプファイアー
Fire Pit Fire Pit 野外炉
Torch Torch 松明 たいまつ
Miner Hat Miner Hat 炭鉱帽 炭鉱帽
Pumpkin Lantern Pumpkin Lantern カボチャのランタン カボチャのランタン
Lantern Lantern ランタン ランタン

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Endothermic Fire Endothermic Fire 吸熱火 吸熱ファイア
Endothermic Fire Pit Endothermic Fire Pit 吸熱炉 吸熱炉
Moggles Moggles モーグル モーグル


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Chiminea Chiminea チムニア
Bottle Lantern Bottle Lantern ボトルランタン
Obsidian Fire Pit Obsidian Fire Pit 黒曜石の野外炉
Tar Lamp Tar Lamp タールランプ
Buoyant Chiminea Buoyant Chiminea 海上用チムニア


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Cork Candle Hat Cork Candle Hat コルクキャンドルハット
Cowl Cowl 頭巾

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Mushlight Mushlight マッシュライト
Glowcap Glowcap グロウキャップ

Icon SurvivalSurvivalタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Backpack Backpack バックパック バックパック
Piggyback Piggyback ピギーバック おんぶ
Bird Trap Bird Trap 鳥用の罠 鳥の罠
Bug Net Bug Net 虫取り網 害虫ネット
Fishing Rod Fishing Rod 釣り竿 釣り竿
Straw Roll Straw Roll 藁の布団 わらロール
Fur Roll Fur Roll 毛皮の布団 毛皮ロール
Tent Tent テント テント
Trap Trap
Honey Poultice Honey Poultice 蜂蜜湿布 はちみつの湿布
Healing Salve Healing Salve 傷薬 ヒーリングの癒やし
Umbrella Umbrella
Compass Compass コンパス コンパス
Bundling Wrap Bundling Wrap 包装紙
Bundled Supplies 4 Slot Bundled Supplies 小包

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Insulated Pack Insulated Pack 保冷バッグ アイスパック
Luxury Fan Luxury Fan 豪華な扇 ぜいたくな扇
Siesta Lean-to Siesta Lean-to 昼寝小屋 シエスタ・ヒュッテ
Thermal Stone Stage 3 Thermal Stone サーマルストーン ヒートロック
Pretty Parasol Pretty Parasol 可愛いパラソル すてきパラソル


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Thatch Pack Thatch Pack ヤシの葉のバックパック
Booty Bag Booty Bag お宝バッグ
Sea Sack Sea Sack 海のバッグ
Tropical Fan Tropical Fan 南国の扇
Silly Monkey Ball Silly Monkey Ball シリーモンキーボール
Tropical Parasol Tropical Parasol 南国のパラソル
Anti Venom Anti Venom 解毒剤
Palm Leaf Hut Palm Leaf Hut ヤシの葉小屋


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Bug B'Gone Bug B'Gone 殺虫剤
Bird Whistle Bird Whistle 鳥笛

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Telltale Heart Telltale Heart 告げ口心臓
Booster Shot Booster Shot 予防注射
Waterballoon Water Balloon 水風船
Whirly Fan Whirly Fan かざぐるま
Flare Flare
Sea Fishing Rod Sea Fishing Rod
Tillweed Salve Tillweed Salve
Seed Pack-It Seed Pack-It

Icon FoodFoodタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Crock Pot Crock Pot 調理鍋 電気鍋
Bee Box Bee Box 養蜂箱 養蜂箱
Basic Farm Basic Farm 農場 基本的な農場
Improved Farm Improved Farm 改良型農場 進化した農場
Ice Box Ice Box 冷蔵庫 アイスボックス
Drying Rack Drying Rack 乾燥棚 乾燥棚

Reign of Giants[]

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Bucket-o-poop Bucket-o-poop バケツ一杯のフン バケツ一杯のフン


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Mussel Stick Mussel Stick ムール貝の養殖杭
Mussel Bed Mussel Bed ムール貝の養殖場
Fish Farm Fish Farm 生け簀


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Sprinkler Sprinkler スプリンクラー

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Mushroom Planter Mushroom Planter キノコ栽培器
Salt Box Salt Box
Cookbook Cookbook
Garden Digamajig Garden Digamajig
Composting Bin Composting Bin
Growth Formula Starter Growth Formula Starter
Fermenting Growth Formula Fermenting Growth Formula
Fermented Growth Formula Fermented Growth Formula
Super Growth Formula Super Growth Formula
Gardeneer Hat Gardeneer Hat
Tree Jam Tree Jam

Icon ScienceScienceタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Science Machine Science Machine サイエンスマシン 科学機械
Alchemy Engine Alchemy Engine アルケミーエンジン 秘術のエンジン
Thermal Measurer Thermal Measurer 温度計 冬度計(CE)
Rainometer Rainometer 雨度計 雨量計
Lightning Rod Lightning Rod 避雷針 光る棒
Gunpowder Gunpowder 火薬 火薬

Reign of Giants[]

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Ice Flingomatic Ice Flingomatic 自動消火器 アイス・オートピッチャー
Electrical Doodad Electrical Doodad 電子部品 電気トランジスタ


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Sea Lab Sea Lab 海上研究施設
Ice Maker 3000 Ice Maker 3000 アイスメーカー3000
Quacken Drill Quacken Drill クワッケンドリル


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Smelter Smelter 溶鉱炉
Oscillating Fan Oscillating Fan 首振り扇風機

Don't Starve Together[]

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Cartographer's Desk Cartographer's Desk 製図台
Potter's Wheel Potter's Wheel ろくろ
Think Tank Think Tank
Terra Firma Tamper Terra Firma Tamper

Exclusive to PS4[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Accomploshrine Accomploshrine アコンプロシュライン

Icon FightFightタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Spear Spear
Ham Bat Ham Bat ハムバット ハムのバット
Boomerang Boomerang ブーメラン ブーメラン
Blow Dart Blow Dart 吹き矢 ダーツを撃つ
Sleep Dart Sleep Dart 眠りの吹き矢 眠りの矢
Fire Dart Fire Dart 炎の吹き矢 炎のダーツ
Football Helmet Football Helmet フットボールヘルメット フットボールヘルメット
Grass Suit Grass Suit 草の鎧 草のスーツ
Log Suit Log Suit 丸太の鎧 丸太のスーツ
Marble Suit Marble Suit 大理石の鎧 大理石のスーツ
Bee Mine Bee Mine 蜂地雷 蜂地雷
Tooth Trap Tooth Trap 牙の罠 歯の罠

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Scalemail Scalemail 鱗の鎧 スケイルメイル
Morning Star Morning Star モーニングスター 明星
Weather Pain Weather Pain ウェザーペイン 風見イタドリ


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Poison Spear Poison Spear 毒の槍
Poison Dart Poison Dart 毒の吹き矢
Coconade Coconade ココネード
Spear GunSpear Gun SpearSpear Gun Poison
Spear Gun ObsidianSpear Gun Battle
Spear Gun スピアーガン
Cutlass Supreme Cutlass Supreme 最強の剣
Horned Helmet Horned Helmet 角付きヘルメット
Seashell Suit Seashell Suit 貝殻の鎧
Limestone Suit Limestone Suit 石灰岩の鎧
Cactus Armour Cactus Armor サボテンの鎧


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Halberd Halberd ハルバード
Cork Bat Cork Bat コルクバット
Weevole Mantle Weevole Mantle ウィーボウルマント
Mant Mask Mant Mask マントの覆面
Mant Suit Mant Suit マントの鎧
Fancy Helmet Fancy Helmet 派手な兜
Tin Suit Tin Suit ブリキの鎧
Blunderbuss Blunderbuss ラッパ銃

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Electric Dart Electric Dart 電撃の吹き矢
Tail o' Three Cats Tail o' Three Cats 三尾の猫鞭
Napsack Napsack ナップサック
Cookie Cutter Cap Cookie Cutter Cap
Strident Trident Strident Trident

Icon StructuresStructuresタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Birdcage Birdcage 鳥籠 鳥かご
Pig House Pig House ブタの小屋 ブタ屋敷
Rabbit Hutch Rabbit Hutch ウサギの小屋 ウサギ小屋
Hay WallHay Wall Build Hay Wall 草の壁 干し草の塀
Wood WallWood Wall Build Wood Wall 木の壁 木の塀
Stone WallStone Wall Build Stone Wall 石の壁 石の塀
Chest Chest チェスト 収納箱
Sign Sign 看板 サイン
Potted Fern Potted Fern 鉢植えのシダ 鉢植えのシダ
Mini Sign Mini Sign ミニ看板
Wood Fence Wood Fence 木の柵
Wood Gate Wood Gate 木の門

Reign of Giants[]

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Scaled Chest Scaled Chest 鱗のチェスト ウロコ飾り収納箱


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Sand Castle Sand Castle 砂の城
Wildbore House Build Wildbore House イノシシの小屋
Prime Ape Hut Build Prime Ape Hut プライムエイプの小屋
Limestone WallLimestoneWallStructure Limestone Wall 石灰岩の壁
Dragoon Den Dragoon Den ドラグーンの巣
Sand Bag Sandbag 砂袋
Seaworthy Seaworthy
Buoy Buoy ブイ
Sea Chest Sea Chest 海用チェスト
Ballphin Palace Build Ballphin Palace ボールフィンの館
Sea Wall Sea Wall 海の壁


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Cork Barrel Cork Barrel コルク栓をした樽

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Directional Sign Directional Sign 方向指定看板
End Table End Table エンドテーブル
Friendly Scarecrow Friendly Scarecrow 友達のようなかかし
Moon Rock WallMoon Rock Wall Build Moon Rock Wall 月の石の壁
Scaled Furnace Scaled Furnace 鱗のかまど
Wardrobe Wardrobe 衣装だんす
Potted Succulent Potted Succulent 多肉植物の鉢植え
Tackle Receptacle Tackle Receptacle
Fish Scale-O-Matic Fish Scale-O-Matic
Astral Detector Astral Detector
Produce Scale Produce Scale
Grooming Station Grooming Station

Icon RefineRefineタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Rope Rope ロープ ロープ
Boards Boards ボード
Cut Stone Cut Stone 切り石 石を切る
Papyrus Papyrus パピルス パピルス
Purple Gem Purple Gem 紫色の宝石 紫色の宝石
Nightmare Fuel Nightmare Fuel 悪夢の燃料 悪夢の燃料
Beeswax Beeswax 蜜ろう
Wax Paper Wax Paper ワックスペーパー


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Cloth Cloth
Limestone Limestone 石灰岩
Empty Bottle Empty Bottle 空き瓶
Coral Nubbin Coral Nubbin サンゴの苗


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Claw Palm Sapling Claw Palm Sapling かぎづめ状の木の苗

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Cratered Moonrock Cratered Moonrock 窪みのある月の石
Marble Bean Marble Bean 大理石の種
Feathery Canvas Feathery Canvas
Collected Dust Collected Dust

Icon MagicMagicタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Meat Effigy Meat Effigy 身代わり人形 肉人形
Prestihatitator Prestihatitator プレスティハッティテイター プレスティハッティテータ
Shadow Manipulator Shadow Manipulator シャドウマニピュレーター 影の操縦者
Pan Flute Pan Flute パンフルート パンフルート
Night Light Night Light ナイトライト 常夜灯
Night Armour Night Armour ナイトアーマー 夜のよろい
Dark Sword Dark Sword ダークソード 闇の剣
One-man Band One-man Band ワンマンバンド 1人バンド
Bat Bat Bat Bat バットバット バットバット
Belt of Hunger Belt of Hunger 満腹ベルト 腹ペコベルト
Chilled Amulet Chilled Amulet 冷却のお守り 冷たいお守り
Nightmare Amulet Nightmare Amulet 悪夢のお守り 悪夢のお守り
Life Giving Amulet Life Giving Amulet 命のお守り 命を与えるお守り
Fire Staff Fire Staff 炎の杖 火付け人
Ice Staff Ice Staff 氷の杖 アイススタッフ
Telelocator Staff Telelocator Staff テレポートの杖 テレロケーターの杖
Telebase Telelocator Focus テレポート地点 テレロケーター・フォーカス
Telelocator Focus Telolocator Socket 宝石の差し込み口 宝石スタンド

Reign of Giants[]

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Old Bell Old Bell 古の鐘 古の鐘


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Piratihatitator Piratihatitator パイレーティハッティテイター
Dripple Pipes Dripple Pipes 雨ごいの笛


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Hogus Porkusator Hogus Porkusator
Pugalisk Wand Pugalisk Wand
Skyworthy Skyworthy
Living Artifact Living Artifact
Root Trunk Root Trunk ルートトランク
Vortex Cloak Vortex Cloak 渦巻くマント

Don't Starve Together[]

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Ocuvigil Ocuvigil オキュビギル
Moon Dial Build Moon Dial 月時計
The Lazy Deserter The Lazy Deserter ザ・レイジー・デザーター
Clean Sweeper Clean Sweeper

Icon DressDressタブ[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Sewing Kit Sewing Kit ソーイングキット ソーイングキット
Rabbit Earmuffs Rabbit Earmuffs ウサギの耳当て ウサギの耳当て
Straw Hat Straw Hat 麦わら帽子 麦わら帽子
Beefalo Hat Beefalo Hat ビーファローの帽子 ビーファロハット
Beekeeper Hat Beekeeper Hat 養蜂家の帽子 養蜂家の帽子
Feather Hat Feather Hat 羽根付き帽子 羽毛の帽子
Winter Hat Winter Hat 冬用の帽子 冬用の帽子
Top Hat Top Hat シルクハット シルクハット
Dapper Vest Dapper Vest オシャレなベスト 小粋なベスト
Breezy Vest Breezy Vest 風通しの良いベスト 風通しの良いベスト
Puffy Vest Puffy Vest ふかふかのベスト 膨れたベスト
Bush Hat Bush Hat ブッシュハット ブッシュハット
Garland Garland 花冠 花冠
Walking Cane Walking Cane 歩行杖 歩く杖

Reign of Giants[]

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Cat Cap Cat Cap ネコ帽子 キャットキャップ
Fashion Melon Fashion Melon スイカの帽子 スタイリッシュスイカ
Ice Cube Ice Cube 角氷 角氷
Rain Coat Rain Coat レインコート レインコート
Rain Hat Rain Hat レインハット レインハット
Summer Frest Summer Frest サマーフレスト サマーフレスト
Floral Shirt Floral Shirt 花柄のシャツ ハワイアンシャツ
Eyebrella Eyebrella アイブレラ アイブレラ
Hibearnation Vest Hibearnation Vest 冬眠ベスト 冬眠ベスト


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Brain of Thought Brain of Thought ひらめきの脳
Snakeskin Hat Snakeskin Hat ヘビ皮帽子
Snakeskin Jacket Snakeskin Jacket ヘビ皮ジャケット
Blubber Suit Blubber Suit 鯨油スーツ
Windbreaker Windbreaker ウインドブレーカー
Tar Suit Tar Suit タールスーツ
Particulate Purifier Particulate Purifier ガス清浄機
Sleek Hat Sleek Hat 流線型の帽子
Shark Tooth Crown Shark Tooth Crown サメの牙の王冠
Dumbrella Dumbrella ダンブレラ


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Gas Mask Gas Mask ガスマスク
Pith Hat Pith Hat ピスヘルメット
Thunderhat Thunderhat サンダーハット

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Fashion Goggles Fashion Goggles ファッションゴーグル
Desert Goggles Desert Goggles デザートゴーグル
Blue FuncapGreen FuncapRed Funcap Funcap ファンキャップ
Seawreath Seawreath
Astroggles Astroggles

Icon AncientAncientタブ[]

Icon NauticalNauticalタブ Shipwrecked icon[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Log Raft Log Raft 丸太のいかだ
Raft Raft いかだ
Row Boat Row Boat
Cargo Boat Cargo Boat 貨物船
Armoured Boat Armoured Boat 装甲船
Encrusted Boat Encrusted Boat 甲殻船
Boat Repair Kit Boat Repair Kit 船の修理キット
Thatch Sail Thatch Sail ヤシの葉の帆
Cloth Sail Cloth Sail 布の帆
Snakeskin Sail Snakeskin Sail ヘビ皮の帆
Feather Lite Sail Feather Lite Sail 羽根の帆
Iron Wind Iron Wind プロペラ
Boat Torch Boat Torch 船用松明
Boat Lantern Boat Lantern 船用ランタン
Boat Cannon Boat Cannon 大砲
Sea Trap Sea Trap 海用罠
Sea Yard Sea Yard 船の修理所
Tar Extractor Tar Extractor タール抽出装置
Trawl Net Trawl Net トロール網
Spyglass Spyglass 望遠鏡
Super Spyglass Super Spyglass スーパー望遠鏡
Captain Hat Captain Hat 船長帽
Pirate Hat Pirate Hat 海賊帽
Life Jacket Life Jacket 救命胴衣


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Cork Bowl Canoe Cork Bowl Canoe コルクのカヌー

Icon VolcanicVolcanicタブ Shipwrecked icon[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Obsidian Machete Obsidian Machete 黒曜石のマチェット
Obsidian Axe Obsidian Axe 黒曜石の斧
Obsidian Spear Obsidian Spear 黒曜石の槍
Obsidian Armour Obsidian Armor 黒曜石の鎧
Obsidian Coconade Obsidian Coconade 黒曜石のココネード
Howling Conch Howling Conch 暴風のほら貝
Sail Stick Sail Stick 満帆の杖
Volcano Staff Volcano Staff 火山の杖

Icon Treasure Hunting​Treasure Hunting[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Disarming Tools Disarming Tools 罠解除ツール
Ball Pein Hammer Ball Pein Hammer ボールピンハンマー
Gold Pan Gold Pan パンニング皿
Magnifying Glass Magnifying Glass 虫眼鏡

Icon City Planning​City Planning[]

Icon Renovate​Renovate[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
House Expansion Permit House Expansion Permit 増築許可証
Demolition Permit Demolition Permit 解体許可証
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Wood Flooring Wood Flooring
Marble Flooring Marble Flooring
Checkered Flooring Checkered Flooring
Slate Flooring Slate Flooring
Sheet Metal Flooring Sheet Metal Flooring
Garden Stone Flooring Garden Stone Flooring
Geometric Tiles Flooring Geometric Tiles Flooring
Shag Carpet Shag Carpet
Transitional Flooring Transitional Flooring
Wood Panel Flooring Wood Panel Flooring
Herringbone Flooring Herringbone Flooring
Hexagon Flooring Hexagon Flooring
Curvy Hoof Flooring Curvy Hoof Flooring
Octagon Flooring Octagon Flooring
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Carved Bookshelf Carved Bookshelf
Basic Bookshelf Basic Bookshelf
Cinderblock Bookshelf Cinderblock Bookshelf
Marble Shelf Marble Shelf
Glass Shelf Glass Shelf
Ladder Shelf Ladder Shelf
Hutch Shelf Hutch Shelf
Industrial Shelf Industrial Shelf
Adjustable Shelf Adjustable Shelf
Windowed Cabinet Windowed Cabinet
Wall Mounted Shelf Wall Mounted Shelf
A-Frame Shelf A-Frame Shelf
Crates Shelf Crates Shelf
Fridge Fridge
Floating Shelf Floating Shelf
Pipe Shelf Pipe Shelf
Hat Tree Hat Tree
Pallet Shelf Pallet Shelf
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Basic Plantholder Basic Plantholder
WIP Plantholder WIP Plantholder
Fancy Plantholder Fancy Plantholder
Bonsai Plantholder Bonsai Plantholder
Dishgarden Plantholder Dishgarden Plantholder
Philodendron Plantholder Philodendron Plantholder
Orchid Plantholder Orchid Plantholder
Draceana Plantholder Draceana Plantholder
Xerographica Plantholder Xerographica Plantholder
Birdcage Plantholder Birdcage Plantholder
Palm Plantholder Palm Plantholder
ZZ Plantholder ZZ Plantholder
Fernstand Plantholder Fernstand Plantholder
Fern Plantholder Fern Plantholder
Terrarium Plantholder Terrarium Plantholder
Plantpet Plantholder Plantpet Plantholder
Traps Plantholder Traps Plantholder
Pitcher Plantholder Pitcher Plantholder
Marble Plantholder Marble Plantholder
"Character" Tree "Character" Tree
Festive Tree (Hamlet) Festive Tree (Hamlet)
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Planed Wood Column Planed Wood Column
Millinery Column Millinery Column
Round Column Round Column
Lit Marble Column Lit Marble Column
Wall PapersWall Papers[]
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Wood Paneling Wood Paneling
Checkered Wall Paper Checkered Wall Paper
Floral Wall Paper Floral Wall Paper
Sunflower Wall Paper Sunflower Wall Paper
Harlequin Wall Paper Harlequin Wall Paper
Peagawk Wall Paper Peagawk Wall Paper
Orange Wall Paper Orange Wall Paper
Purple Wall Paper Purple Wall Paper
Rope Wall Panneling Rope Wall Panneling
Circle Wall Tiling Circle Wall Tiling
Marble Wall Tiling Marble Wall Tiling
Fine Wall Tiling Fine Wall Tiling
Full Wall Moulding Full Wall Moulding
Upholstered Wall Upholstered Wall
Ceiling LightsCeiling Lights[]
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Wired Bulb Wired Bulb
Metal Shade Lamp Metal Shade Lamp
Chandelier Chandelier
Rope Light Rope Light
Dual Rope Light Dual Rope Light
Blown Glass Bulb Blown Glass Bulb
Cherry Lamp Shade Cherry Lamp Shade
Hanging Blooming Lamp Hanging Blooming Lamp
Hanging Floral Lamp Hanging Floral Lamp
Tophat Light Tophat Light
Derby Light Derby Light
Wall DecorationsWall Decorations[]
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Full Length Mirror Full Length Mirror
Embroidery Hoop Embroidery Hoop
Mosaic Mosaic
Wreath Wreath
Axe (Wall Decoration) Axe
Hunt Hunt
Periodic Table Periodic Table
Gears Art Gears Art
Cape Cape
No Smoking No Smoking
Black Cat Black Cat
Tasteful Fish Mounting Tasteful Fish Mounting
Beefalo Mounting Beefalo Mounting
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Classic Chair Classic Chair
Corner Chair Corner Chair
Bench Bench
Horned Chair Horned Chair
Footrest Footrest
Lounge Chair Lounge Chair
Massager Chair Massager Chair
Stuffed Chair Stuffed Chair
Rocking Chair Rocking Chair
Ottoman Chair Ottoman Chair
Fancy Chaise Fancy Chaise
House UpgradesHouse Upgrades[]
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Cottage Kit Cottage Kit
Tudor Home Kit Tudor Home Kit
Gothic Home Kit Gothic Home Kit
Brick Home Kit Brick Home Kit
Turreted Home Kit Turreted Home Kit
Villa Kit Villa Kit
Manor Kit Manor Kit
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Hardwood Door Hardwood Door
Stone Archway Stone Archway
Forest Door Forest Door
Wrought Iron Door Wrought Iron Door
Curtained Door Curtained Door
Industrial Door Industrial Door
Round Doorway Round Doorway
Gothic Door Gothic Door
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Peaked Curtain Window Peaked Curtain Window
Round Burlap Window Round Burlap Window
Peaked Window Peaked Window
Square Window Square Window
Tall Window Tall Window
Large Square Curtain Window Large Square Curtain Window
Tall Curtain Window Tall Curtain Window
Greenhouse Wall Greenhouse Wall
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Eye Rug Eye Rug
Square Throw Rug Square Throw Rug
Oval Rug Oval Rug
Large Rug Large Rug
Fur Throw Rug Fur Throw Rug
Hedgehog Rug Hedgehog Rug
Porcupus Rug Porcupus Rug
Hoofprint Rug Hoofprint Rug
Octagon Rug Octagon Rug
Swirl Rug Swirl Rug
Catcoon Rug Catcoon Rug
Rubbermat Rug Rubbermat Rug
Web Rug Web Rug
Metal Rug Metal Rug
Wormhole Rug Wormhole Rug
Braid Rug Braid Rug
Beard Rug Beard Rug
Nailbed Rug Nailbed Rug
Crime Rug Crime Rug
Soccer Rug Soccer Rug
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Fringe Lamp Fringe Lamp
Stainglass Lamp Stainglass Lamp
Downbridge Lamp Downbridge Lamp
Dual Embroidered Lamp Dual Embroidered Lamp
Ceramic Lamp Ceramic Lamp
Glass Lamp Glass Lamp
Dual Fringes Lamp Dual Fringes Lamp
Candelabra Lamp Candelabra Lamp
Elizabethan Lamp Elizabethan Lamp
Gothic Lamp Gothic Lamp
Orb Lamp Orb Lamp
Bellshade Lamp Bellshade Lamp
Crystals Lamp Crystals Lamp
Upturn Lamp Upturn Lamp
Dual Upturn Lamp Dual Upturn Lamp
Spool Lamp Spool Lamp
Edison Lamp Edison Lamp
Adjustable Lamp Adjustable Lamp
Right Angle Lamp Right Angle Lamp
Fancy Lamp Fancy Lamp
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Round Table Round Table
Hard Wood Desk Hard Wood Desk
DIY Table DIY Table
College Table College Table
Crate Table Crate Table
Chess Table Chess Table

Icon Cartography​Cartographyタブ[]

Don't Starve Together[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Map ScrollMap Scroll (Cave) Map Scroll 地図

Icon Critters​Crittersタブ[]

Don't Starve Together[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Kittykit Kittykit キティキット
Vargling Vargling ヴァーグリン
Ewelet Ewelet ユーレット
Broodling Broodling ブルードリン
Glomglom Glomglom グロムグロム
Giblet Giblet ジブレット
Mothling Mothling
Friendly Peeper Friendly Peeper

Icon Fishing​Fishingタブ[]

Icon SculptSculptタブ[]

Don't Starve Together[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Statue Hornucopia MarbleStatue Hornucopia StoneStatue Hornucopia Moonglass Carved Hornucopia コルヌコピアの彫像
Statue Pipe MarbleStatue Pipe StoneStatue Pipe Moonglass Bubble Pipe Carving バブルパイプの彫像
Statue Pawn MarbleStatue Pawn StoneStatue Pawn Moonglass Pawn Figure ポーンの彫像
Statue Rook MarbleStatue Rook StoneStatue Rook Moonglass Rook Figure ルークの彫像
Statue Knight MarbleStatue Knight StoneStatue Knight Moonglass Knight Figure ナイトの彫像
Statue Bishop MarbleStatue Bishop StoneStatue Bishop Moonglass Bishop Figure ビショップの彫像
Statue Muse MarbleStatue Muse StoneStatue Muse Moonglass Queenly Figure クイーンの彫像
Statue Formal MarbleStatue Formal StoneStatue Formal Moonglass Kingly Figure キングの彫像
Statue Deerclops MarbleStatue Deerclops StoneStatue Deerclops Moonglass Deerclops Figure ディアクロプスの彫像
Statue Bearger MarbleStatue Bearger StoneStatue Bearger Moonglass Bearger Figure ベアジャーの彫像
Statue MooseGoose MarbleStatue MooseGoose StoneStatue MooseGoose Moonglass Moose/Goose Figure ムース/グースの彫像
Statue Dragonfly MarbleStatue Dragonfly StoneStatue Dragonfly Moonglass Dragonfly Figure ドラゴンフライの彫像
Statue Butterfly MarbleStatue Butterfly StoneStatue Butterfly Moonglass Moon Moth Figure
Statue Anchor MarbleStatue Anchor StoneStatue Anchor Moonglass Anchor Figure
Statue Moon MarbleStatue Moon StoneStatue Moon Moonglass "Moon" Figure
Statue Malbatross MarbleStatue Malbatross StoneStatue Malbatross Moonglass Malbatross Figure
Statue Crab King MarbleStatue Crab King StoneStatue Crab King Moonglass Crab King Figure
Statue Toadstool MarbleStatue Toadstool StoneStatue Toadstool Moonglass Toadstool Figure
Statue Ancient Fuelweaver MarbleStatue Ancient Fuelweaver StoneStatue Ancient Fuelweaver Moonglass Ancient Fuelweaver Figure
Statue Klaus MarbleStatue Klaus StoneStatue Klaus Moonglass Klaus Figure
Statue Bee Queen MarbleStatue Bee Queen StoneStatue Bee Queen Moonglass Bee Queen Figure
Statue Antlion MarbleStatue Antlion StoneStatue Antlion Moonglass Antlion Figure
Statue Ancient Guardian MarbleStatue Ancient Guardian StoneStatue Ancient Guardian Moonglass Ancient Guardian Figure
Statue Celestial Champion MarbleStatue Celestial Champion StoneStatue Celestial Champion Moonglass Celestial Champion Figure
Statue Eye of Terror MarbleStatue Eye of Terror StoneStatue Eye of Terror Moonglass Eye of Terror Figure
Statue Twins of Terror MarbleStatue Twins of Terror StoneStatue Twins of Terror Moonglass Twins of Terror Figure

Icon Seafaring​Seafaringタブ[]

Don't Starve Together[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Boat Kit Boat Kit
Plank Plank
Boat Leak Small Leak
Boat Patch Boat Patch
Oar Oar
Driftwood Oar Driftwood Oar
Anchor Kit Anchor Kit
Anchor Build Anchor Build
Mast Mast Kit
Mast Build Mast
Winged Sail Winged Sail Kit
Winged Sail Build Winged Sail
Steering Wheel Kit Steering Wheel Kit
Steering Wheel Build Steering Wheel
Tin Fishin' Bin Tin Fishin' Bin
Pinchin' Winch Pinchin' Winch
Deck Illuminator Deck Illuminator
Lightning Conductor Lightning Conductor
Fire Pump Fire Pump

Wilson Filterキャラクター専用アイテム[]


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Willow's Lighter Willow's Lighter ウィローのライター
Abigail's Flower Abigail's Flower アビゲイルの花 Abigailのお花
Birds of the World Birds of the World 世界の鳥 世界の鳥たち
Applied Horticulture Applied Horticulture 応用園芸学 応用園芸
Sleepytime Stories Sleepytime Stories おやすみ前のお話 寝る前の物語
The End is Nigh The End is Nigh! 終末は近い 終わりに近づいている!
On Tentacles On Tentacles 触手の上に 触手の上に
Lucy the Axe Lucy the Axe 斧のルーシー 斧のLucy
Pile o' Balloons Pile o' Balloons 山盛りの風船 風船の山
Balloon Balloon
Codex Umbra Codex Umbra コーデックスアンブラ 古写本の影
Spectoggles Spectoggles
Infroggles Infroggles
Visor Visor
Fryfocals Fryfocals
Telebrella Telebrella
Telipad Telipad
Thumper Thumper

Reign of Giants[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Battle Helm Battle Helm 戦士の兜 戦いの指令
Battle Spear Battle Spear 戦士の槍 戦闘槍


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Chef Pouch Chef Pouch
Portable Crock Pot Portable Crock Pot 携帯調理鍋
Surfboard Surfboard サーフボード
The 'Sea Legs' The 'Sea Legs' シーレグズ号
Lucky Hat Lucky Hat 幸運の帽子
Joy of Volcanology Joy of Volcanology 火山学の喜び


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Silver Necklace Silver Necklace
Poison Balm Poison Balm
Bramble Husk Bramble Husk
Bramble Trap Bramble Trap
Compost Wrap Compost Wrap
Pew-matic Horn Pew-matic Horn
Navigadget Navigadget

Don't Starve Together[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Bernie Bernie バーニー
Mighty Gym Mighty Gym
Dumbbell Dumbbell
Golden Dumbbell Golden Dumbbell
Marbell Marbell
Gembell Gembell
Potato Sack Potato Sack
Sisturn Sisturn
Revenant Restorative Revenant Restorative
Spectral Cure-All Spectral Cure-All
Unyielding Draught Unyielding Draught
Distilled Vengeance Distilled Vengeance
Nightshade Nostrum Nightshade Nostrum
Vigor Mortis Vigor Mortis
Bio Scanalyzer Bio Scanalyzer
Circuit Extractor Circuit Extractor
Bio Data Bio Data
Hardy Circuit Hardy Circuit
Super-Hardy Circuit Super-Hardy Circuit
Processing Circuit Processing Circuit
Super-Processing Circuit Super-Processing Circuit
Beanbooster Circuit Beanbooster Circuit
Chorusbox Circuit Chorusbox Circuit
Gastrogain Circuit Gastrogain Circuit
Super-Gastrogain Circuit Super-Gastrogain Circuit
Acceleration Circuit Acceleration Circuit
Super-Acceleration Circuit Super-Acceleration Circuit
Thermal Circuit Thermal Circuit
Refrigerant Circuit Refrigerant Circuit
Electrification Circuit Electrification Circuit
Optoelectronic Circuit Optoelectronic Circuit
Illumination Circuit Illumination Circuit
Horticulture, Abridged Horticulture, Abridged
Applied Silviculture Applied Silviculture
Kitschy Beaver Idol Kitschy Beaver Idol
Kitschy Goose Idol Kitschy Goose Idol
Kitschy Moose Idol Kitschy Moose Idol
Speedy Balloon 1 Speedy Balloon
Party Balloon Party Balloon
Inflatable Vest Inflatable Vest
Balloon Hat Balloon Hat
Weaponized Warble Weaponized Warble
Heartrending Ballad Heartrending Ballad
Clear Minded Cadenza Clear Minded Cadenza
Bel Canto of Courage Bel Canto of Courage
Fireproof Falsetto Fireproof Falsetto
Rude Interlude Rude Interlude
Startling Soliloquy Startling Soliloquy
Den Decorating Set Den Decorating Set
Webby Whistle Webby Whistle
Shoo Box Shoo Box
Healing Glop Healing Glop
Warrior Switcherdoodle Warrior Switcherdoodle
Cave Switcherdoodle Cave Switcherdoodle
Shatter Switcherdoodle Shatter Switcherdoodle
Strider Switcherdoodle Strider Switcherdoodle
Dangler Switcherdoodle Dangler Switcherdoodle
Spitter Switcherdoodle Spitter Switcherdoodle
Nurse Switcherdoodle Nurse Switcherdoodle
Portable Crock Pot Portable Crock Pot
Portable Grinding Mill Portable Grinding Mill
Portable Seasoning Station Portable Seasoning Station
Garlic Powder Garlic Powder
Honey Crystals Honey Crystals
Chili Flakes Chili Flakes
Seasoning Salt Seasoning Salt
Trusty Tape Trusty Tape 信頼のテープ
Winona's Catapult Winona's Catapult
Winona's Spotlight Winona's Spotlight
Winona's Generator Winona's Generator
Winona's G.E.M.erator Winona's G.E.M.erator
Craftsmerm House Craftsmerm House
DIY Royalty Kit DIY Royalty Kit
Royal Tapestry Royal Tapestry
Merm Flort-ifications Merm Flort-ifications
Clever Disguise Clever Disguise
Pinetree Pioneer Hat Pinetree Pioneer Hat
Trusty Slingshot Trusty Slingshot
Tent Roll Tent Roll
Camper's Tent Camper's Tent
Pebbles Pebbles
Gold Rounds Gold Rounds
Marbles Marbles
Freeze Rounds Freeze Rounds
Slow-Down Rounds Slow-Down Rounds
Cursed Rounds Cursed Rounds
Poop Pellets Poop Pellets
Clockmaker's Tools Clockmaker's Tools
Time Pieces Time Pieces
Ageless Watch Ageless Watch
Second Chance Watch Second Chance Watch
Backstep Watch Backstep Watch
Backtrek Watch Backtrek Watch
Rift Watch Rift Watch
Rift Watch Portal Entrance Portal Entrance
Rift Watch Portal Exit Portal Exit
Alarming Clock Alarming Clock

GiftLargeA​イベント (Don't Starve Together iconのみ)[]

Hallowed Nights[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Candy Bag Candy Bag キャンディバッグ
Candy Apple Candy Apple リンゴ飴
Candy Corn Candy Corn キャンディコーン
Catcoon Candy Catcoon Candy キャットクーンキャンディ
Choco Pigs Choco Pigs チョコピッグス
Ghost Pop Ghost Pop おばけのキャンディ
Gummy Spider Gummy Spider クモのグミ
Jelly Worm Jelly Worm ゼリーワーム
Not-So-Candy Corn Not-So-Candy Corn キャンディじゃないコーン
Raisins Raisins レーズン
"Raisins" "Raisins" 「レーズン」
Candy Lice Candy Lice ライスキャンディ
Otherworldly Jawbreaker Otherworldly Jawbreaker
Lava Pepper Lava Pepper
Broken Stake Broken Stake
Cubic Zirkonia Ball Cubic Zirkonia Ball
Empty Elixir Empty Elixir
Faux Fangs Faux Fangs
Monkey Paw Monkey Paw
Spider Ring Spider Ring
Binoculars Binoculars
Lone Glove Lone Glove
Snail Scale Snail Scale
Goop Canister Goop Canister
Toy Cobra Toy Cobra
Crocodile Toy Crocodile Toy
Broken Terrarium Broken Terrarium
Odd Radio Odd Radio
Broken Hairdryer Broken Hairdryer
Mad Scientist Lab Mad Scientist Lab
Brew of Phobic Abrogation Brew of Phobic Abrogation
Brew of Phobic Abatement Brew of Phobic Abatement
Canteen of Sanguine Mixture Canteen of Sanguine Mixture
Tumblerful of Psychic Fortitude Tumblerful of Psychic Fortitude
Flask of Sanguine Mixture Flask of Sanguine Mixture
Dram of Psychic Fortitude Dram of Psychic Fortitude
Sulfuric Crystals of Saltpeter Sulfuric Crystals of Saltpeter
Sulfuric Crystals of Lime Sulfuric Crystals of Lime
Lunar Experiment Lunar Experiment
Totally Normal Root Totally Normal Root
Totally Normal Sapling Totally Normal Sapling
Bat Decoration Bat Decoration
Crow Decoration Crow Decoration
Dangling Depth Dweller Decoration Dangling Depth Dweller Decoration
Ghost Decoration Ghost Decoration
Spider Decoration Spider Decoration
Tentacle Decoration Tentacle Decoration

Winter's Feast[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Gift Wrap Gift Wrap プレゼントの包み紙
Gift プレゼント
Festive Tree Planter Festive Tree Planter
Festive Tree Festive Tree
Gingerbread Cookie Gingerbread Cookie
Eternal Fruitcake Eternal Fruitcake
Sugar Cookie Sugar Cookie
Candy Cane Candy Cane
Chocolate Log Cake Chocolate Log Cake
Plum Pudding Plum Pudding
Apple Cider Apple Cider アップルサイダー
Hot Cocoa Hot Cocoa ホットココア
Heavenly Eggnog Heavenly Eggnog
Festive BaubleFestive Bauble 2Festive Bauble 3
Festive Bauble 4Festive Bauble 5Festive Bauble 6
Festive Bauble 7Festive Bauble 8Festive Bauble 9
Festive Bauble 10Festive Bauble 11Festive Bauble 12
Festive Bauble FancyFestive Bauble Fancy 2Festive Bauble Fancy 3
Festive Bauble Fancy 4Festive Bauble Fancy 5Festive Bauble Fancy 6
Festive Bauble Fancy 7Festive Bauble Fancy 8
Festive Bauble
Festive LightFestive Light 2Festive Light 3
Festive Light 4Festive Light 5Festive Light 6
Festive Light 7Festive Light 8
Festive Light
Magnificent Adornment BeargerMagnificent Adornment DeerclopsMagnificent Adornment Gmoose
Magnificent Adornment DragonflyMagnificent Adornment BeeQueenMagnificent Adornment Toadstool
Magnificent Adornment AntlionMagnificent Adornment FuelweaverMagnificent Adornment Klaus
Magnificent Adornment KrampusMagnificent Adornment Gem Deer BlueMagnificent Adornment Gem Deer Red
Magnificent Adornment
Champion Adornment Grand Forge BoarriorChampion Adornment RhinocebrosChampion Adornment Infernal Swineclops Champion Adornment
Appeasing Adornment MumsyAppeasing Adornment Billy Appeasing Adornment
Masonry Oven Masonry Oven
Winter's Feast Table Winter's Feast Table
Merry Berrysauce Merry Berrysauce
Bibingka Bibingka
Cabbage Rolls Cabbage Rolls
Festive Fish Dish Festive Fish Dish
Good Gravy Good Gravy
Latkes Latkes
Lutefisk Lutefisk
Mulled Punch Mulled Punch
Panettone Panettone
Pavlova Pavlova
Pickled Herring Pickled Herring
Polish Cookies Polish Cookies
Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin Pie
Roasted Turkey Roasted Turkey
Stuffing Stuffing
Sweet Potato Casserole Sweet Potato Casserole
Tamales Tamales
Tourtiere Tourtiere
Gingerbread Pig Gingerbread Pig
Gingerbread Pig House 1Gingerbread Pig House 2Gingerbread Pig House 3Gingerbread Pig House 4 Gingerbread Pig House
Gingerbread Varg Gingerbread Varg
Cookie Crumbles Cookie Crumbles
Holiday Cheer Holiday Cheer


アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Red Pouch Red Pouch 赤い袋
Lucky Gold Nugget Lucky Gold Nugget 幸運の金塊
Red Firecrackers Red Firecrackers 赤い爆竹
Red Lantern Red Lantern 赤い提灯
Lucky Fan Lucky Fan 幸運の扇
Lucky Beast Head Lucky Beast Head 幸運の獣の頭部
Lucky Beast Body Lucky Beast Body 幸運の獣の胴部
Lucky Beast Tail Lucky Beast Tail 幸運の獣の尾部
Floating Lantern Floating Lantern
Dappled Koi Dappled Koi
Golden Koi Golden Koi
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Gobbler Shrine Gobbler Shrine ゴブラーの社
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Varg Shrine Varg Shrine ヴァーグの社
Lucky Whistle Lucky Whistle 幸運の笛
Clay Hound Clay Hound クレイハウンド
Clay Varg Clay Varg クレイヴァーグ
Hound Sketch Clay Hound Figure Sketch クレイハウンドの彫像スケッチ
Varg Sketch Clay Varg Figure Sketch クレイヴァーグの彫像スケッチ
Hound Figure Marble BuildHound Figure Stone BuildHound Figure Moonglass Build Hound Figure ハウンドの彫像
Varg Figure Marble BuildVarg Figure Stone BuildVarg Figure Moonglass Build Varg Figure ヴァーグの彫像
Pig King[]
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Pig Shrine Pig Shrine
Tribute Roast Tribute Roast
Eight Treasure Mud Pie Eight Treasure Mud Pie
Fish Heads on a Stick Fish Heads on a Stick
Golden Belt Golden Belt
Elite Pig Dmitri Elite Pig (Dmitri)
Elite Pig Ignatius Elite Pig (Ignatius)
Elite Pig Sawyer Elite Pig (Sawyer)
Elite Pig Wade Elite Pig (Wade)
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Carrat Shrine Carrat Shrine
Starting Point Kit Starting Point Kit
Starting Point Starting Point
Finish Line Kit Finish Line Kit
Finish Line Finish Line
Checkpoint Kit Checkpoint Kit
Checkpoint Checkpoint
Navigation Gym Kit Navigation Gym Kit
Navigation Gym Navigation Gym
Reflex Gym Kit Reflex Gym Kit
Reflex Gym Reflex Gym
Speed Gym Kit Speed Gym Kit
Speed Gym Speed Gym
Endurance Gym Kit Endurance Gym Kit
Endurance Gym Endurance Gym
Carrat Scale Kit Carrat Scale Kit
Carrat Scale Carrat Scale
Packet of Seeds Packet of Seeds
Premium Seed Packet Premium Seed Packet
Carrat Figure Marble BuildCarrat Figure Stone BuildCarrat Figure Moonglass Build Carrat Figure
Charlie's Carrat Charlie's Carrat
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Beefalo Shrine Beefalo Shrine
Sewing Machine Sewing Machine
Judge's Booth Build Judge's Booth
Beefalo Stage Build Beefalo Stage
Fearsome Pattern Scrap Fearsome Pattern Scrap
Formal Pattern Scrap Formal Pattern Scrap
Festive Pattern Scrap Festive Pattern Scrap
Warrior Beefalo DollDolled-Up Beefalo DollFestive Beefalo DollFlowery Beefalo DollIronclad Beefalo DollFrostbitten Beefalo DollFormal Beefalo DollVictorian Beefalo DollLucky Beast Beefalo Doll Beefalo Dolls
Costume Pattern(Warrior Beefalo Doll) Warrior Costume Pattern
Costume Pattern(Dolled-Up Beefalo Doll) Dolled-Up Costume Pattern
Costume Pattern(Festive Beefalo Doll) Festive Costume Pattern
Costume Pattern(Flowery Beefalo Doll) Flowery Costume Pattern
Costume Pattern(Ironclad Beefalo Doll) Ironclad Costume Pattern
Costume Pattern(Frostbitten Beefalo Doll) Frostbitten Costume Pattern
Costume Pattern(Formal Beefalo Doll) Formal Costume Pattern
Costume Pattern(Victorian Beefalo Doll) Victorian Costume Pattern
Costume Pattern(Lucky Beast Beefalo Doll) Lucky Beast Costume Pattern
Beefalo Figure Marble BuildBeefalo Figure Stone BuildBeefalo Figure Moonglass Build Beefalo Figure
アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Catcoon Shrine Catcoon Shrine
Kitcoon Nursery Kit Kitcoon Nursery Kit
Kitcoon Nursery Kitcoon Nursery
Wind-up Mouse Toy Wind-up Mouse Toy
Kit Collar Kit Collar
Gobbler Wobbler Kit Gobbler Wobbler Kit
Gobbler Wobbler Gobbler Wobbler
Kit Teaser Kit Kit Teaser Kit
Kit Teaser Kit Teaser
Kitcoon Figure Marble BuildKitcoon Figure Stone BuildKitcoon Figure Moonglass Build Kitcoon Figure
Catcoon Figure Marble BuildCatcoon Figure Stone BuildCatcoon Figure Moonglass Build Catcoon Figure
Kitcoon ForestKitcoon SavannaKitcoon DeciduousKitcoon GrassyKitcoon MarshKitcoon RockyKitcoon DesertKitcoon LunarKitcoon YOTC Kitcoon
Ticoon Ticoon

The Forge[]

アイコン 原文 Wiki内 CE / PE / Switch
Battlemaster Pugna Battlemaster Pugna バトルマスター・プグナ
Pit Pig Pit Pig
Crocovile Crocommander クロコマンダー
Tortank Snortoise
Venomeer Scorpeon
Boarilla Boarilla