Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki
Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki

登場作品:Hamlet iconHamlet

Wigfrid Portrait
It cöntröls Ragnarök!


Aporkalpyse Calendar(アポークカリプスカレンダー)は、5番目の島にある古代のブタの遺跡のあやしい亀裂(Suspicious Crack)の奥に自然生成される建造物です。これは、アポークカリプスを避けたり近づけたりするために使用できます。



  • 内側のリングは30日、つまり240分で一周します。
  • 真ん中のリングは1日、つまり8分で一周します。
  • 外側のリングは60日、つまり480分で一周します。



Prototype ワンポイント[]

  • プレイヤーができるだけ長い間アポークカリプスを避けたい場合は、アポークカリプスカレンダーを3つの印章すべてが揃った直後に設定する必要があります。
  • 多くのブタの商人近衛兵は恐ろしいことが起きること、またはアポークカリプスについて言及し、プレイヤーに警告します。プレイヤーがこれを聞いたならば、このイベントが起きるまでの短い時間を使い準備すべきです。

Mosquito バグ[]

  • The Aporkalypse Calendar can get visually stuck. When this happens, all three sections will visually appear aligned to the right. During this time, stepping on either pressure plate will not have any effect, and if active the Aporkalypse cannot be ended. Saving inside the room and restarting the world can fix the issue. During this bug the Aporkalypse countdown continues to be processed, leading to an unexpected Aporkalypse start.
  • Because the calendar can get stuck, if one wants to reset the calendar, then save and reload until the two inner rings are moving. Move the calendar forward/backward until the two inner rings line up at the bottom. If the Aporkalypse starts, then simply move the calendar forward. If not, repeat the above steps, until the rings line up again, and then move the calendar forward.
  • If one's command console is enabled the command "GetAporkalypse().begin_date = GetClock():GetTotalTime()+28800" will reset the Aporkalypse timer as if the calendar was reset manually and "GetAporkalypse():EndAporkalypse()" will end the Aporkalypse

Blueprint ギャラリー[]

植物 Berry BushCarrotCave Banana TreeCave LichenEvergreenFlower (Evil FlowerFern) • GrassLight FlowerLureplantMandrakeMushroomsMushtreePlantReedsSaplingSpiky BushTotally Normal Tree
(Birchnut TreeCactusTumbleweed Reign of Giants icon) (Ash TreeBamboo PatchCoffee PlantElephant CactusJungle TreeMangrove TreePalm TreeRegular Jungle TreeSeaweed PlantSweet PotatoViney Bush Shipwrecked icon) (AloeAsparagusBrambleBramble BloomClaw Palm TreeCocooned TreeExotic FlowerHedgeIntricate TopiaryLawn DecorationLotus PlantNettle VineRainforest TreeTall GrassTea TreeTuber Tree Hamlet icon) (Bull KelpJuicy Berry BushLune TreeSporecapStone Fruit BushSucculentTwiggy Tree Don't Starve Together icon)
モブやモブの住居 BeehiveHound MoundMermhousePondPig HousePig KingPig TorchRabbit HoleRabbit HutchSlurtle MoundSpider DenSpilagmiteSplumonkey PodTallbird NestWalrus CampWorm Hole
(BurrowHollow Stump Reign of Giants icon) (Ballphin PalaceCrabbit DenDragoon DenDragoon EggFishermerm's HutMerm HutPrime Ape HutSharkitten DenShoalTidal PoolWildbore HouseWobster DenYaarctopus Shipwrecked icon) (Dung PileGnat MoundLily PadMandrake HillMant HillOminous CarvingThundernestTown HouseWatch Tower Hamlet icon) (AntlionBat CaveGigantic BeehiveMagmaShattered Spider Hole Don't Starve Together icon)
資源の入手先 Ancient StatueBonesBoulderFlotsamGraveHarp StatueMarble PillarMarble TreeMaxwell StatueMerm HeadPig HeadRelicSinkholeSkeletonStalagmite
(Mini Glacier Reign of Giants icon) (Brainy SproutCharcoal BoulderCoral ReefCrateDebrisLava PoolLimpet RockMagma PileMussel BedObsidian BoulderPoisonous HoleSandy PileTar SlickWatery GraveWildbore HeadWreck Shipwrecked icon) (Artichoke BoulderA Smashing PotBasalt EruptionCrashed BalloonHot Air BalloonRuined SculpturesStalacmite ThroneStone SlabWeathered ObjectsWicker Basket Hamlet icon) (Cave HoleDriftwoodLakeMarble SculpturesMeteor BoulderMoon GlassPetrified TreeSea Bones Don't Starve Together icon)
オブジェクト Ancient Pseudoscience StationBasaltCompromising StatueGramaphoneHeadstoneMarble PillarMaxwell's DoorMaxwell's LightNightmare LightNightmare LockNightmare ThroneObeliskOrnate ChestPillarsSunken BoatSuspicious Dirt PileTouch StoneThulecite Wall
(Glommer's Statue Reign of Giants icon) (Electric IsoscelesGunpowder BarrelKrissureLimestone WallObsidian WorkbenchSteamer TrunkSeaworthySlot MachineSuspicious BubblesVolcanoVolcano Altar of SnackrificeWoodlegs' CageX Marks the Spot Shipwrecked icon) (Ancient WallCave CleftCrumbling BrazierFountain of YouthRoyal Gallery ExhibitRuinous EntranceSecret Bandit CampSpooky HoleStriking CarvingStriking StatueSuspicious CrackUnimportant PillarWall BrazierWishing Well Hamlet icon) (Ancient ChestAncient GatewayAncient MuralAncient ObeliskAnenemyCelestial FissureFlorid PosternHot SpringInviting FormationLoot StashMoon StoneRock DenSalt FormationSea StackStagehandSuspicious MarbleSuspicious Moonrock Don't Starve Together icon)
アイテム Box ThingCrank ThingEye BoneMetal Potato ThingRing ThingWooden Thing
(FishboneGrassy ThingRawlingRing ThingScrew ThingWooden Platform ThingWooden Potato Thing Shipwrecked icon) (Iron ThingLever ThingRegal ScepterRelic ThingRock ThingStone EggStone Thing Hamlet icon) (Celestial Altar PiecesStar-Sky Don't Starve Together icon)
The Gorge Don't Starve Together icon Mealing StoneSalt PondSpotty ShrubSugarwood TreeThe Altar of Gnaw